The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church No Images? Click here VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7
Join a Grow GroupGrow Group registration is now open. Please visit to join a group today.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So tell us something about yourself and show us who is close to your heart through a picture. The picture can be recent, something from a long time ago, or your immediate family, or a friend that is closer than a brother or sister. Please include a high-resolution picture or scanned picture with a line or two indicating the location, the year, and who is in the picture. This picture captures a part of your story, and your story is a part of this church family. Let's Heart Our Family. We will share your picture story during our slideshow at church and PMC Social Media feeds.
Red Cross Blood DriveGive Blood and help save lives. HOPE begins with you! To schedule an appointment, log onto (sponsor code: Andrews University) or call 800.RedCross (800.733.2767). February 20-21, 1:00-7:00 PM |