Port of Newcastle Mayfield Concept Plan


The Mayfield Development Site is a 90-hectare parcel of port-side land, located within the Port of Newcastle. The site was once part of the former BHP Steelworks and has since been extensively remediated. It represents an important economic opportunity for the Port and the Hunter region.

The Mayfield Concept Plan Approval establishes the parameters and environmental criteria for the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to assess future projects on the site. It provides a level of certainty for regulators, the local community and port tenants that the site can be developed in a consistent and environmentally responsible manner. Individual projects not yet approved are still required to seek planning approval.

Click here to read more about the Mayfield Concept Plan Approval.

Quarterly Update - July 2016

Compliance reporting

As the proponent of the Mayfield Concept Plan Approval, Port of Newcastle publishes monitoring data regarding environmental performance in accordance with the Concept Plan Approval.

Click here to view the latest monitoring data. 

Where is the development of the Mayfield Site up to?

Stolthaven Facilities
The Mayfield Site currently contains two shipping berths (the Mayfield 4 Berth and the BHP 6 Berth) and a fuel storage terminal. Stolthaven Australia Pty Ltd has been operating a bulk liquids fuel storage terminal since December 2013. It currently comprises seven diesel storage tanks and two biodiesel storage tanks with approval to handle up to 1,300 mega litres of fuel annually. Stolthaven is currently seeking planning approval to expand its operations with an additional 17 fuel storage tanks for a variety of fuel types and its throughput capacity to 3,500 mega litres of fuel annually. 

A dedicated bulk liquids common user berth (Mayfield 7) adjacent to its bulk liquids storage facility is being constructed by Stolthaven, and is expected to be complete and operational by the end of 2017. Stolthaven will operate the berth and provide services to Mayfield bulk liquid storage facilities and users.

Stage 2 - 1,300ML Bulk Liquids Storage Facility
Operations commenced in June 2016.

Stage 3 - 3,517ML Bulk Liquids
Stolthaven is responding to submissions following the lodgement of an Environmental Impact Statement to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

Construction of a Bulk Liquids Berth (Mayfield 7)
Construction commenced in April 2016 with vibro-compacting, piling and preliminary landside works. Capital dredging of the berth pocket is due to commence shortly.

Terminals Pty Ltd
Terminals Pty Ltd, an operator of bulk liquid terminals in a number of locations around Australia, recently signed an Agreement for Lease with Port of Newcastle. The Agreement for Lease provides for Terminals to investigate the development of a further bulk liquids terminal on a 5-hectare site adjacent to the Stolthaven site at the western end of the Mayfield Site.

Port of Newcastle Mayfield Services Project
Installation of permanent utility services for water, electricity and telecommunications
Construction commenced in January 2016 and is anticipated to be completed by September 2016.

Who can I speak to for more information?

If you would like to submit an enquiry or provide feedback on the Mayfield Concept Plan please contact Port of Newcastle’s communication team.

Email: community@portofnewcastle.com.au
Phone: (02) 4908 8200
Website: www.portofnewcastle.com.au