No images? Click here Knox County Solar UpdateRatts 2 ProjectOctober 2020 (Revised) Thank you for your interest in the Ratts 2 Solar Project in Knox County, Indiana. We are pleased to provide you this project update.First, we want to thank the Knox County Council for working with Capital Dynamics and Tenaska to bring the Ratts 2 Solar Project one step closer to reality. Their recent review and acceptance of an Economic Development Agreement is an important milestone that benefits both the project and the county. We still have a few development items to complete, including an application under the County's new solar zoning ordinance, which we know the County Commissioners and the Area Plan Board spent a great deal of time thoughtfully developing. We look forward to being one of the first projects to go through the process. We also are very appreciative of the many people who have expressed support for the project directly and at public meetings, especially project landowners. Landowners voluntarily lease their land for the solar project and are an important part of the solar field's success. We thank them for trusting us to be a good steward of their property. We will keep you updated on the progress of this 150-megawatt project located in Knox County. We anticipate that construction will begin in 2021 and last for 12 to 18 months, during which time the project is estimated to create 188 local full-time jobs and contribute over $20 million to the Knox County GDP. We encourage you to visit for additional information and news. |