No images? Click here We have some exiting updates and new opportunities we'd like to share. Thank you for your continued support! Pool UpdatesDue to the Governor's recent announcement lifting some restrictions, we are able to open up the pool for more swimmers. Registration is still required, and social distancing requirements remain in effect. Effective Monday, March 22:
Additionally, the hot tub is still open for one person at a time, and the sauna remains closed due to the Governor's orders. We also ask you continue to put your used pool equipment in the used equipment bin for cleaning after use. Coming soon! Swimming lessonsPlease contact Neil Erickson if interested in private or group swimming lessons. ![]() New Studio!We have opened a new workout studio (photo above), with a variety of weights and cardio equipment. Please sign up in the lobby of the studio space to use. Specialty ClassesThe following specialty classes are now available: Mat Pilates with Fran. This is an 8 session series, with a maximum capacity of 6 participants:
Pilates Reformer with Elisabeth. This is an 7 session series, with a maximum capacity of 3 participants:
Pilates Reformer with Cathy. This is an 8 session series, with a maximum capacity of 3 participants:
To register for and purchase these classes, log onto the YWCA St. Paul Member Portal and select Purchase Specialty Classes from the left column. Please note that all classes must be purchased prior to the class start date. On-Site Group Fitness ClassesReminder that we are offering two in-person group fitness classes ! These classes are included with your membership and require registration.
To register for these classes, log onto the YWCA St. Paul Member Portal and select Group Fitness Classes and Pool Registration from the left column. If you register but are unable to attend, please be sure to unregister now/drop class to allow another member to sign up. On-Demand Fitness and Wellness Videos AvailableWe encourage you to try out some of the hundreds of fitness and wellness videos in the YWCA St. Paul Member Portal! The top three watched videos in February were: