No images? Click here ![]() BIWEEKLY DIGEST Virtual Panel: Bill S-216 and why funding groups without charitable status matters March 23, 2022 - 1 PM ET Bill S-216 aims to enable charities to establish more equal partnerships with non-charities (or non-qualified donees) while still ensuring accountability and transparency. Join Philanthropic Foundations Canada and Imagine Canada on March 23 for a webinar to learn more about the bill, the issues it seeks to address, and what it might mean for our work in the nonprofit sector. Speakers include:
Philanthropy can step up in Ukraine Jean-Marc Mangin, President and CEO of Philanthropic Foundations Canada The tragic and unnecessary war of aggression in Ukraine is unlikely to end anytime soon. Humanitarian needs are surging in Ukraine, and in its neighbouring countries accepting those fleeing. PFC will continue to monitor the situation closely. Read the full article on the PFC blog. PGSAG Monthly Rendez-Vous March 18, 2022 - 1 PM EST Attention PFC member program and grantmaking staff! Join us this month for a conversation on evaluation and trust-based philanthropy. Have you ever wondered why your organization asks the evaluation questions it does? When’s the last time you reflected on the evaluation goals of your organization? Together, we’ll discuss how trust does (and does not) show up in how we think and do evaluation and what that means for how we understand impact and how we interact with grantees. To help get you started, we suggest reading this short blog post on trust-based evaluation. You can also save April 29 as the date for our April rendez-vous. We are planning a session on 'best exit strategies: ending funding, continuing partnership.' You can register here.
![]() PFC CEO RETREAT Save the Date - May 9 & 10th, 2022 The 2022 PFC CEO Peer Retreat will take place May 9 & 10 (late afternoon & evening on May 9; May 10th full day). The retreat will be in-person at the Wakefield Mill, in Wakefield, QC (30 min from Ottawa). There will be a hybrid in person/virtual lunch discussion on the 10th. All PFC Member CEOs are invited to the retreat (because space is limited, it is first come-first-served). PFC member CEO’s will receive a pre-event survey in the coming days to help us identify key issues to be discussed during the retreat. Invitations with registration details will be sent via email soon. Questions? Contact Kubilay -
![]() Open call for feedback PFC loves to get feedback from members! PFC loves to get feedback from members! Please let us know if you have suggestions for resources, updates, or other items that we might include in future newsletters and share with members of our network. Email Neeki at Trust-Based Philanthropy in 4-D - Webinar March 3, March 31, and May 5, 2022 - 1 PM ET The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, in partnership with the Environmental Grantmakers Association, Blue Sky Funders Forum, and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders, is pleased to offer a four-part webinar series on using trust-based values to guide your philanthropy’s grantmaking practices, culture, structures, and leadership. Each session will include dedicated time for intimate breakout group discussions based on different funder groupings, and there will now be designated breakout groups for Canadian funders. |