Adult Sabbath Schools On Mission!What is the potential impact of Sabbath Schools on Kingdom Growth? On Discipleship? Discipleship is following and living like Jesus: We connect, grow, serve and go in His Name. Jesus taught in the context of groups. Our vision is to see that our ministry groups will be intentional in Christ beyond simply providing a social or a service outlets. The teachers and superintendents have set a goal of 16 baptisms by 2016. They have committed to start praying together for people the Lord would place on their heart to reach out to as a group. Classes have planned social time together in which they have invited College Students or someone from their local community. We aim to bring to life our mission by living the values of Prayer, Bible Study, Service, Social Time and, of course, Evangelism for the purpose of inspiring more leaders who will call others to follow after Christ. All of these values are already embedded into the life of the Sabbath School. We are challenging ourselves as a Sabbath School department to go back
to our roots of being a “soul winning agency.” What steps will be taken for the Adult Sabbath School to become a “soul winning agency”? The Superintendents and Teachers’ team will be planning a yearly discipleship equipping session for our Sabbath School Teachers. The goal is for teachers to spend time together in prayer, support one another, grow in their teaching ministry and disciple new teachers. This equipping seminar coming up this Sabbath is one of the initiatives that came out of our Spring leadership meeting. This past Spring, Pastor Nelson and I joined our Superintendent Judy Aitkens and her team as they called together the teachers to begin to strategize what their kingdom growth goals might be. The meeting was very dynamic and prayerful, and those dedicated teachers came up with some God-sized goals. What will this Sabbath’s June 6 Equipping Seminar be about and can anyone join? This Sabbath June 6, there will be a potluck in the PMC Commons after the Second Worship service. People are welcome to bring their family and a dish to share. Following our meal, Pastor Justin Kim, the Sabbath School Director for the Michigan Conference, will present powerful principles for kingdom growth and tell of his own experiences with Sabbath School as a powerful tool for evangelism. Anyone interested in learning more is welcome to join us between 2PM and 5PM on this Sabbath, June 6. by Sabine Vatel, GROW Group/Discipleship Pastor