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Equestrian VIC Newsletter
Pictured Above- A moment for celebration for David Cameron on taking back to back ASJC Senior titles
The Australian Showjumping Championships were again a tremendous success. Anyone who hasn’t had the chance should go to the website and check out the footage of the innovative wrap up each day to gain an understanding of the scope and spectacle that the hard working committee achieved. This will be a long acknowledgement of this committee but their efforts cannot be understated- they work throughout the year, at a cost of their time and their own businesses to voluntarily put on this showcase that has gained the reputation of the biggest and the best! They have done this for four years with another two to go!! As Event Director I want to ensure that their contribution is widely known and that they receive the respect they deserve. I also thank their families, as this input impacts on the other family members
as well.
The order of this list is basically just moving from the entrance of Ring 1 around the arena and is not ranked according to importance. That is this committees strength- everyone is appreciative of each others input and ego does not play a part.
Gavin Chester is such a resource for the sport of jumping- his extensive knowledge across the sport be it as a rider, a show organiser, a course builder and management is one we need so much in our sport. His ability to discuss issues giving the other respect in airing their opinion is a lost art! Sharyn Chester organised the presentations with riders and sponsors which is a logistical nightmare. Her artistic flair was demonstrated with the flower decorations that made each arena look amazing.
The Event office is always under the pump. Wendy van Sonsbeek handled this with her usual style- anyone who has seen Wendy work on the computer is always in awe of the speed she can achieve working through every aspect of this role. The entrys, the huge email traffic in the lead up and then the long long hours in the office at the show were handled in a manner that is a credit to Wendy.
Caroline Price took on the unenviable task of managing the volunteers. We love our volunteers who give themselves to making the whole thing work. She said to me that as a rider she always appreciated the organisers and volunteers at the shows she competes in but had no idea just how big a job it is until she took on this role. She was always on call to arrange to fill a gap- even doing the role herself until someone was found!
Karen Ellis was our Media person keeping everyone up to date on Facebook, dealing with the various media about the show- but was also a troubleshooter- always there to lend a hand in whatever needed doing throughout the event with a very calm manner- looking for a solution not a problem which is a rare gift!
Jess Barton is another exceptional showjumper. She was a major sponsor of the event, her minute taking throughout the year was invaluable, she rode successfully and also was a strength in the event office into the night each night. Her embracing of the National Riders rep position is also a credit to her, and the future of the NJC committee looks bright with Jess organising a very productive riders meeting that will ensure the NJC is active and responsive to the riders needs.
The VIP marquee was again a highlight of the show with only good things reported back about Leanne Taranto and her team. Leanne is the consummate hostess and together with her team made this area of the show flow beautifully.
Sarah Liarakos fed the huge team of volunteers and officials throughout the event which means she was on the go well before the 7am brekkie each day right through to the evening. It is a massive undertaking and we thank Sarah for this all important role.
Anne Garner as President of the Grand Jury is another resource that Victoria is lucky to have. Her knowledge of the technical aspects of the sport are second to none and I know the officials value her advice and support throughout the event.
Kevin Taranto was the Officials co-ordinator and organised the roster of officials both Victorian and Interstate. The judges box in the Werribee Jeep arena is one of high stress and a need for clear thinking. Kev oversaw the judging to a very efficient level with his usual sense of good humour keeping a positive atmosphere and setting the feel for the officials in all rings.
Mark Brennan as the assistant to the Course builder is “world class” to quote Leopoldo which is high praise indeed coming from one of the worlds busiest and best course designers. His preparation before the event makes the visiting CD’s role much easier and his tireless work throughout the show is a vital cog in the wheel of staging the event.
Paul Williams is another resource for the sport of Jumping in Victoria. He combines his role on the Equestrian Victorian Board, Chair of Jumping Victoria, his coursebuilding and coaching with being on this committee. His ability to step into problem areas across the event when required keeps the show moving and is invaluable.
Ang and Brook Dobbin are another inspiring couple that work so hard in the sport that they excel in. Brook is a NJC committee member as well as on the ASJC committee. He combines this workload each month with maintaining his business and riding at an elite level. His input on the committee on all aspects is very valuable and then … he manages the stabling. Again four words that do not do justice to the scope of this task but anyone who has managed camping and stabling at a show would understand. Then expand that to 450 stables, 350 yards and camping and you will understand the time that Brook and Ang have put into this!
Ang also is our Trade Village co-ordinator with the huge logistics of that role. The flair of the infrastructure demonstrates her vision and her ability to put this vision into reality. Ang deals with any situation calmly, coming up with a practical solution in a very short time- again in an engaging way that diverts conflict. This couple deserve a very successful season when you consider the time this event has taken up of their season so far, and I sincerely hope they achieve this.
Chris Smith was kept busy ferrying each vehicle to their camp site. This is a service that ensures the success of the show as if we have happy campers then we have happy competitors. He was kept busy from dawn to dusk and beyond!
Tina and Adrian Wells are another showjumping family that put so much time into the event before and during! Adrian builds a jump to be auctioned each year, his support with the hardware requirements of the show and also the donations to the Silent Auction are all very much appreciated. Tina as the Facebook co-ordinator works all year and then she makes our beautiful garlands which are a feature each year. Another committee person that makes herself available in many ways at the event.
Paul Day is a huge asset to the show. His energy and calm management of any problems are a resource that every committee member is grateful for. From rolling arenas on demand, fixing water pumps, supervising pack up to give only a few examples- a myriad of jobs that make the show flow without disruption only happen because Paul has taken care of it!
Tom and Amanda Lupton came on the committee for 2015 and I don’t know how we managed before that! Tom was a powerhouse (pun) He arranged the power and the production side of the event but so much more. He was the “phone a friend” in all kinds of situations. The livestreaming and production on the big screen was also commented on by Leopoldo as being world class and professional -which is no mean feat for Tom to have achieved considering he had far from professional budgetary constraints.
If I could acknowledge personally all the Victorian showjumpers that also contributed by sponsoring, shifting trailers, donating equipment, working flat out at the event, commentating, collecting supplies, catering, packing up etc etc- I would but I would surely miss someone. All I can say is that you know who you are and the committee thank you for your assistance as does the jumping fraternity!!!
So heres to the 2015 ASJC and with a meeting already scheduled in October- lets get set for 2016!!
Congratulations go to our Jasmine Dennison for becoming the Australian Junior Champion for the second year running!!. We saw Nina Griffin and Jacob Wells finish in =6th and Binni Greig 9th so four of our Juniors finished in the top ten which is an outstanding result.
Melissa Backman was our highest placed Young Rider coming in 12th place nationally and in the Seniors- Steven Hill and the beautiful Yalambi’s Bellini Star came runner up. Stevie followed this event up with a win in the Prince of Wales Cup and then his first World Cup win at Royal Melbourne Show so they are on fire!!
The Victorian Teams looked resplendent in their jackets donated by Brent Dennison and the ISJ. The Junior Team was Jasmine Dennison Bubble & Squeak, Breann Moody Cavalier Cudos, Jacob Wells PB Poets Corner & Joel Pearce on Luxenburg. The Young Rider team was Sam Robertson Tyrannosaurus Rex, Teagan Chester on Snowy River Colita, Matilda Alexander on Dreamtime Invader & Melissa Backman on Blackall Park Coloe. The senior Team was Brook Dobbin Silvo, Steven Hill Yalambi's Bellini Star, Ally Lamb Penrose & Adam Johnstone Woodleigh Wolverine. Thanks to Chris Smith for acting as the Chef for our teams and to these riders – it is a great honour to represent your state and you all did a fine job.
Good Luck to all the Interschool riders settled in at Sydney for the National Interschool Championships.
Pictured Below- 3 ASJC Champions Nicole, David and Jasmine pose with Event Director Annie White & Jeep Werribees Peter Crawford


Chairman Chat
Spring has sprung , the clover is bouncing thru and adding an extra spark to the equine toes and events around the state are in full swing.
The Australian Showjumping Championships has record entries and attendances . It looked magnificent and is a testament to the talent and efforts of the organising committee. It is high praise indeed to receive amazing accolades from Olympians , officials and very experienced high level competitors. Congratulations go to Event director Annie White and her dedicated and hard working team .
Our Junior riders will have completed trot up in Sydney for the National Interschool Championships by the time of reading. 87 team members and their families have headed north to defend the National Title won by Victoria last year under the very capable leadership of an experienced team of managers lead by Lisa Hocking. Thankyou to these volunteers who include Olympians for giving their time , expertise and guidance to our up and coming young riders.
Last week the EV Board members of David Shavin, Derek Oleary and myself attended a WPNEC board meeting. There is a lot to be done there and the priorities begin with the same number one priority as EV which is financial viability with the addition of the lease. We are very grateful to Justin Hocking for his time and expertise in helping with this. Under Justin's steady hand the FY 2013/14 will be ready to go to Parks this week for the next stage in the lease renewal.
We have the opportunity to obtain a small grant and the use of 3 people for gardening once a week for six months. This is a great opportunity for the entrance and drive to be landscaped and we are seeking people who could help us with either a basic garden/ landscape design or could help with supervising the work crew.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ring me or email.
Ingrid Green
0488 398 053

Show Horse
The show horse committee have been tirelessly working on upcoming events for 2015/16, expanding competition opportunities for members whilst consistently trying to increase the quality of our events.
The Committee are pleased with how well our winter show horse clinics were supported, we look forward to providing members with further opportunities to expand and develop their tuition/experience.
The committee have had some midterm membership changes, we welcome some new members to the committee and thank those that have supported us through the first year. Changes will be announced shortly.
Show Horse Nationals 2015
Our National Show is fast approaching, the organising committee are busy coordinating all aspects of the event working to ensure the show be a success for both competitors and spectators. Invitations have now been sent to qualified riders and entries are open!
Nationals offer spectators and supporters with great opportunities to enjoy the event in style, the highly sort social scene tickets for the most prestigious Show Horse event of the year will be on sale soon! Please check our website for updates.
Nationals 2015 will see horse welfare strongly enforced, please refer to Equestrian Australia National Show Horse Rules section 1.3 ‘Code of conduct for the welfare of the horse’, these rules will be used when policing welfare at Nationals 2015.
Nationals 2015 will also see the implementation of gear checks for horses/riders ensuring all competitors are competing in line with the current National Show Horse Rules.
Sponsorship opportunities for individuals, businesses and companies at Nationals 2016 are exceptional! Click Here to find a package that best suits you.
Barastoc 2016
Planning for Barastoc 2016 is full steam ahead, judges have been selected and the schedule has been released. Entries will open Monday 30th September and will close Monday 30th November, please Click Here for the schedule.
Sponsorship opportunities for individuals, businesses and companies for Barastoc 2016 are exceptional! Click Here to find a package that best suits you.
National Show Horse Rider’s Representative
The committee have considered many potential candidates for the National rider’s representative position on the National Show Horse committee. Only one candidate could be put forward from each state and Victoria have nominated Lisa McMaster, if successful we believe Lisa will be an exceptional National rider’s representative.
EV Show Horse Membership Benefits
EV Show Horse Committee
i) A Knowledgeable, experienced, motivated, proactive and dedicated committee that is devoted to providing all EV Show Horse members with value for their membership.
ii) A committee that welcomes constructive feedback from members, in the hope of improving, developing and promoting our sport.
iii) A transparent, open, honest committee that acknowledges conflicts of interest. A committee that takes the responsibility of providing a level playing field for all competitors seriously.
- 24 Hour Horse related accident insurance (Reflective to level of membership obtained)
- A membership structure that caters for all; riders, owners, supporters and clubs.
- Horse registration data base for all competition horses.
- A National Show Horse rule book that is applicable and enforceable to all competitors in all states.
- Access to multiple Show Horse clinics, providing members the opportunity to train with experienced/qualified coaches.
- Amateur Show; A show for non-professional and junior show horse riders (Riders that do not show horses as a source of income).
- Barastoc HOTY Show; This namely event is our National qualifying show which caters for all members and most breeds.
- National Show; The most prestigious Australasian show horse event on the calendar, this event sees not only the ‘highest’ performed show horses in the land but consistently hosts the ‘best’ quality show horses. Truly a world class event for competitors and spectators.
EA trained and accredited measurer’s.
i) Multiple measuring days at official and non-official events.
EA Judges panel
i) EV provide members with the ability to train and become nationally recognised judges, we do this through our judges scheme and judging seminars.
ii) EV also make available our probationary, state and national judging lists to the public (Via the EA/EV website).
- Regular EV Show Horse Updates via email & Facebook. These include Newsletter, general updates, committee meeting debriefs and reminders.
- Current and informative website.
- EV office equipped with staff who cover all administration areas.
The Show horse committee would like to once again thank all members for your ongoing support, we wish you all the best for the new show season and look forward to catching up with you at the shows. If any members have feedback or ideas please either come up and see one of us at a show or forward your feedback to this email;

Regional Dressage is Growing
Over the last few months I have been looking closely at the health of Dressage in regional Victoria. I have travelled and talked with many of the people who hold things together in the areas away from Melbourne. Some of their issues can only be addressed at the EA national level but Dressage Victoria have done their best to support several regional groups, with some positive outcomes.
A trip to Elmore Equestrian Park to see the opening of their new, 108 stable block, precipitated many discussions about what DV could do to help this amazing venue contribute to the growth of Dressage in regional Victoria. These discussions have grown into the formation of a new club. The Elmore Equestrian Club formed two weeks ago and DV have been able to find them 3 clear dates on the Dressage calendar. The dates of these competitions are in April, May & September when the weather in Elmore is perfect. For those riders living on the north of Melbourne the trip want be much more than the trip to Werribee. The facilities are sparkling, so your first visit won’t be your last.
A visit to Tatura allowed me to see one of our stronger regional clubs run a well organised event in an ever expanding venue. A massive roof has recently been built over the entire warm up area next to their huge indoor arena. Sue Terry ran her usual rider friendly event with a new addition to the schedule. In a break on both days Sue organised a judge demonstration. Sue has always maintained a great relationship with a strong group of judges who return each year to this event. To further encourage judges Sue offered to add a new event to the calendar at Tatura. We found a date in May for Sue to run a Fundraiser for Judge training. The DJEP (Dressage Judges Education Panel) are excited to accept Tatura’s kind offer to support their efforts to grow the number and standard of Victorian judges.
In last year’s Dressage calendar only 12% of events were in regional Victoria and that number has been slowly shrinking. I recently surveyed data on where all Victoria’s Dressage riders live and while most do live in outer Melbourne, a large group, 26% live in regional Victoria. The addition of the new Elmore club and 4 new regional events is helping to redress this imbalance.
We are very fortunate in Victoria to have so many great venues, not least of which was on display this weekend at Boneo Park. Fiona Selby certainly had the perfect weather to present her Spring CDI at its best. A strong band of NSW riders came to tackle the locals and despite very strong competition through the classes, Mary Hanna and Umbro triumphed again. With Boneo Park making such a significant contribution to Victoria’s CDI calendar, we are the envy of the other States.

Great to see a bit of MI3DE centre stage at the amazing Australian Showjumping Championships! (Pictured Right)
We have had a busy start to the season with Friends of Werribee HT, Eventing Victoria HT and Avenel HT all receiving great entries. Unfortunately Tooradin has had to cancel their event on the 24/25th of October due to a strangles case on the property. Whilst a lot of work had gone into the event the risk was too high to take and we look forward to Tooradin being back in 2016. Luckily I have a great committee and we have been able to secure Werribee on that weekend to run the Spring Horse Trials.
Last week we had a mid-week Squad and as well as our regular members we welcomed some of our Interschool Eventers for a final tune up before they headed north to Sydney for the Nationals. Good luck to all the Victorian Interschool Team at SIEC this week. Hope you have a successful week and make lots of new friends.
Melbourne International 3 Day Event
Plans are already underway for next year’s event. The sponsorship proposal is finalised so we are sending that out to interested parties. If you know of any businesses that might be interested please let me know.
Also we would like to put together an experienced team for jump judging at next year’s event. We would aim to have two judges at each jump so we are looking at enlisting approximately 50+ people. If you have done some jump judging before or know of anyone else who would be interested in helping with a jump at Melbourne please contact me on
Pictured Below- Jump Judging



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PO Box 616, WERRIBEE VIC 3030
Tel: +61 3 9013 0707
Fax: +61 3 9974 0577
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