Indicative funding for continuous programmes
Last week the Waka Kotahi Board approved the indicative funding allocations for continuous programmes in the 2021-24 NLTP.
Early this week, we sent you letters advising the indicative funding allocations. This was for local road maintenance, state highway maintenance, public transport and road safety promotions.
Current revenue forecasts continue to present a constrained funding environment with all allocations at the lower limit of the activity classes. While we looked at a range of additional funding and/or financial options, the existing constraints remain.
Within these constraints, the Board has prioritised maintaining current services within continuous programmes although we have insufficient funds to fully meet this objective.
In most cases we haven't been able to fund programmes of work at the full amounts requested. However, most of you will receive an increase in your allocation compared with the 2018-21 NLTP.
There was a combined bid of $2.6 billion for local road maintenance, from a lower activity class limit of $2.0 billion.
In public transport services, the amount was $1.4 billion, the activity class having a lower limit of $1.2 billion.
We prioritised our discretionary spend on maintenance for local roads, state highways and public transport services. These have received an increase to help maintain levels of service.
The Board will confirm the final funding allocations when it adopts the 2021-24 NLTP in late August.
Read the information sheet, Q&As and table of indicative allocations