INI newsletter - March 2019 No Images? Click here (above) Professor Kathleen J Stebe (Pennsylvania), speaker in the INI NEWS BULLETIN Dear friends, associates and supporters of INI, Welcome to the March 2019 edition of our monthly news bulletin. Below you will find six updates which we hope prove of interest. If you have any queries or would like to get in touch with us for any reason then please email: Kind regards, - INI communications team Would you like to direct colleagues or associates to our newsletter sign-up page? Simply forward them this link: News bulletin contents: 1. INTERVIEW: Dr Ewan Kirk on the Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellowships scheme (above) Dr Ewan Kirk. Launched in January 2019, the Isaac Newton Institute now proudly hosts the “Kirk Fellowship” scheme. Designed to support and promote underrepresented groups in mathematics, the recipients so far are all female mathematicians of the highest seniority. In the first of a series of interviews, we spoke to the philanthropist whose generous six-figure donation has made the project possible: Dr Ewan Kirk.2. INI PODCAST LAUNCHED: new interview series is now live We are pleased to announce that, as of March 2019, the Institute is producing a regular podcast series. This new initiative aims to highlight the diverse people and explore the many interconnected topics linked to the Institute's activities. Interviewees will range from visiting academics and lecturers to mathematicians, other scientists, and prominent figures within the University of Cambridge and beyond. Although the conversations will typically concern mathematical themes, the content is deliberately aimed at a general audience, and we hope it will prove of broad appeal. New episodes will be highlighted in this monthly bulletin, as well as on and INI's social media feeds. Please click the link below to see the four episodes already recorded. You are recommended starting with episode #1: a "mid-term" chat with Director David Abrahams, now just over halfway through his five-year tenure at the helm. Topics touched upon range from the Kepler Conjecture to "carefully managing" the "sparks" of a research programme to a love of professional cycling, "the most exhilarating sport there is". 3. LECTURE: the "Mathematikum" research centre, with Professor Martin Buhmann On Monday 1 April ASC programme participant Professor Martin Buhmann will deliver the talk "The Mathematikum in Giessen/Germany, a Science Centre for the Public". It will take place from 12:00-13:00 in Seminar Room 1. Details of the Mathematikum centre and its aims can be found on its website, an extract of which follows below:
This promises to be a fascinating introduction to an exciting initiative and we would encourage all those able to attend to do so. Date: 01/04/19
4. ARTICLE: "Reminiscences of the first 10 years of the Institute", by Professor Keith Moffatt Recently added to, the article linked below will prove of great value to anyone interested in the history of INI or of mathematical research in the UK. In the words of its author, former-Director Professor Keith Moffatt:
5. ROTHSCHILD FELLOWSHIP: Details of Professor Eddie Anderson's talk "Forward contracts with private forecasts", 29 April 2019 On Monday 29 April Professor Eddie Anderson (Sydney) will deliver the talk "What do we agree on when we disagree? Forward contracts with private forecasts". Professor Anderson is the Rothschild Fellow for the Mathematics of Energy Systems programme. This lecture is a public-facing keynote talk delivered as part of that role, and all are welcome to attend. A summary of its content follows below:
Date: 29/04/19 6. NEWTON BOOKS OFFER: An exclusive discount on two new Newton-centric releases To those interested in the life and works of Sir Isaac Newton, we are pleased to pass on the below offer, courtesy of Oxford University Press and exclusive to recipients of this bulletin. For a 30% discount on either/both of the two titles detailed simply visit and use the code AAFLYG6.
Priest of Nature by Rob Iliffe |