The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church
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LIVE WHOLLY: Creating a Vibrant Culture of Health & Wellness

Andrews University (AU) has embarked on a 'Movement Back to Our Culture' with the launch of the new University Health and Wellness initiative. The vision to 'LIVE WHOLLY' and to 'create a vibrant culture back to our future' has been captured like it hasn't for decades! Students, faculty, staff, and the community have joined together to start transforming Andrews University through and for health and wellness, building on a foundational stone of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 

Physical, spiritual, mental, relational, and professional wellness form the philosophical basis of the new Andrews University Wellness Model guiding the new initiative through a holistic approach. The assessment and evaluation has concluded that here at AU we do 'Mens' quite well, we do 'Spiritus' quite well, but'Corpus'? Well....not so well. Changing a culture for better health and wellness is a challenging task and we are calling upon each person in this community to choose to join the new movement; not just for oneself, but also to create opportunities and build bridges to communicate the love of Jesus Christ. HE set a wonderful example of how caring for people physically is a wonderful pathway to bringing about spiritual healing. 

Please consider supporting and joining the new initiative personally, by promoting it to your network of people and on social media! Thank you and may God bless Andrews University in its efforts to transform, change and save lives! 

Join the movement by using #aulivewholly on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

by Dominique Wakefield, Andrews University Health and Wellness Director


Taking Pictures of Angels

Can you believe some individuals are actually paid to take pictures of angels? In fact there are five photographers who have been granted three-year stints to take as many pictures of angels in the air as they possibly can! I’m not kidding.

I don’t suppose telling you I read it in the news helps a whole lot. So let me quickly add that the angelic photo subjects are the Blue Angels, the crack U.S. Navy flight team that performs its high air acrobatics for gaping (and sometimes gasping) crowds the world over. Five Navy petty officers are granted the privilege (wait till you read what they have to go through before you agree it’s a privilege) of sitting in the cockpit seat directly behind the pilot of that trademark blue and yellow-streaked F-18 Hornet. Their mission? Capture heart-stopping images of the six-fighter jet team of Blue Angels in twirling spinning action. . . read more

by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor

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