April 2014
To our customers and friends-
2013 was a wonderful year for Emterra Group and for me personally. With all of the awards and accolades we received from our peers, I honestly thought it couldn’t get any better. And yet, 2014, our 38th year in the waste resource management business, is already turning out to be pretty exciting. At the forefront so far is the collaboration with Cascades Recovery and Merlin Plastics under the new banner name, Green by Nature EPR (GBN) and the success of GBN in winning the Multi-Material BC contract to provide post collection services for 1.25 million BC households under its recycling program. What else awaits us this year? Can’t wait to find out.
On behalf of Paulina, Vivian and the staff and employees of Emterra Group, I would like to thank our customers, suppliers, and friends for your business, support, and your fellowship, for your guidance and for your recognition. We look forward to continuing to work together to explore innovative pathways to continuous improvements in our waste and resource management industry.

Emmie Leung, CEO and Founder