Sunday 29th September 2019
State Equestrian Centre, Brigadoon
$20 non PE Judges.
BYO lunch
Riders and supporters are encouraged to come along. Let your friends know.
We have a dedicated group of Para – Equestrian Dressage riders in WA and we are encouraging more riders to get involved.
We have seen a steady increase in numbers and with that a growing quality of performances in the horse rider combinations.
Come along and find out how high the skill levels need to be for each level.
Many riders compete in open EA Competitive Dressage as well as Para –Equestrian Competition.
The day will be an update reaccreditation seminar for existing Para Equestrian Judges and will count as a workshop for other judges.
We would like to encourage more of our EA judges Elementary and above to become Para Equestrian Dressage Judges. It is an enjoyable part of judging. Our riders are enthusiastic and show high skill levels when it comes to asking their horse to do the job.
This year some of our Para riders have been able to work with or be judged by some of the best judges in the world. Our very own Australian FEI 5* Judges Mary Seefried, Suzie Hoevenaars and Maria Schwenessen. Val Mayger has encouraged new riders to join the ranks. We are quietly confident that our WA riders will do well in the future.
We are fortunate to have two FEI PE Judges in WA. Wendy Barker and Lisa Baker both of whom travel overseas judging.
We would like to support our Para Equestrian riders on their chosen pathway.
We need more Para Equestrian Judges.
More info elaine_greene@westnet.com.au or wendybarker.ebtc@gmail.com
Carl Hester MBE
"Through the Levels" Masterclass
Monday 14 October 2019

Only 4 weeks left until the Ultimate Master of Dressage, Carl Hester MBE, touches down in Perth for his renowned “Through the Levels” Masterclass at the State Equestrian Centre on Monday 14 October! How exciting!
We’ll be announcing the lucky riders chosen for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity over the coming weeks, but in the meantime don’t forget to grab your tickets from TryBooking before they sell out.
We know it’s a ‘school night’, but don’t stress about dinner because we have it covered. There’ll be a range of food choices on offer both before and during the event, including Indian, Mexican and burgers, along with the all-important bar and a coffee van. Bring your wallet too, because there’ll be plenty of goodies for sale at the La Noir Saddleworld, Spooks Riding, Pimp My Pony and County Saddlery trade stalls. We’ll also be selling $5 raffle tickets, giving you the chance to win a PDS saddle from the Carl Hester Collection kindly donated by La Noir Saddleworld, and special event caps which are great for Carl to sign for only $20.
Gates open at 2.30pm before the masterclass class kicks off at 4.30pm. The evening concludes with an autograph session.
This event is proudly brought to you by Dressage WA, in conjunction with Leesa Murray and Piaffe. We would like to thank our generous event sponsors La Noir Saddleworld, Spooks Riding, Performance Vehicles Australia (Equi-trek) and Barbagallo Land Rover.
For more event information visit Dressage WA
Swan River Dressage
26-27 October 2019 - Spring Gala - 2 days of official classes - Dressage with Decorum Series Final
