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LCA Mission International Updates

Prayer points and news updates

You are invited to join us in God’s mission this Christmas by praying for:

  • the Lutheran Church in Cambodia (LCC) and especially for the City Church which is also a hostel for university students.  An opportunity has arisen to purchase land next to the church/hostel building which would give this small Lutheran mission church an amazing opportunity to establish itself in the city and to reach out with Jesus’ love through building a pre-school to serve the community.  Please ask our Lord to guide the small Lutheran Church in Cambodia and partners such as you and I in Australia and New Zealand to understand how this land purchase might be financed
  • the Singapore mission leaders meeting this week to plan the land purchase in Phnom Penh for the building of the pre-school. Please pray that we may all listen to God and each other as there is so much involved in such a short space of time
  • the students at the LCC Rainbow Hostel and City Church, Phnom Penh
  • the people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand for their safety and for their witness in Bangkok during the current political unrest and violence, so too please pray for the people of Bangkok and Thailand during this time
  • Lutheran Media Ministry as they prepare the messages to share with people across Australia and the globe
  • For all those who hear, read and see the message of Jesus' love, hope and reconciliation sent out by Lutheran Media Ministry
  • Chaplains in government and private schools as they point young people to Jesus, the one who gives meaning and purpose for life
  • For stillness in the busyness of life, that we can all hear and see 'Immanuel', the God who comes to be with us in our broken and hurting world

Please click here if you would like more detailed prayer points from the LCA Mission International website or click here to download the December or January  prayer calendars.

Building the next generation in Cambodia

The newest Lutheran church ministry, City Church in Phnom Penh, has a rare opportunity to expand and reach many more Cambodians within this dynamic and rapidly expanding city.

Through the purchase of two adjoining blocks of land, this small Lutheran mission church will be able to establish itself in the city and reach out with Jesus’ love through building a pre-school to serve the community.

The Lutheran Church in Cambodia (LCC) City Church and Rainbow Hostel for tertiary students is situated in a growing part of Phnom Penh, the capital city of this beautiful land ...  read the full story on the website

Border Crossings Issue 14 November

The latest issue of the Border Crossings magazine is available for download from the website.

Or feel free to visit the resources section of the website and browse this and older versions of Border Crossings, which are all available to download.

God give you joy in this Advent and Christmas season

We invite you to visit our website and would like to encourage you to share any of this information with others. You can simply forward this enews to others by selecting the green 'foward' button on the top right of this email.

We thank God for you and for your partnership in the gospel and pray that you, and those you love and care for, will have a safe and refreshing time in the coming weeks.

We pray that God will fill you with his life-giving Spirit and give you joy as you prepare to celebrate the birth of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. We look forward to sharing in the mission journey together with you in 2014.

From the team at LCA Mission International.

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W: www.lcamission.org.au