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The right people are out there. Please help us to find them.

Church Worker Support Advisory Committee
The General Church Council, acting on a synodical resolution to trial a new national structure, has endorsed the formation of an advisory committee for Church Worker Support. The committee will support the Executive Officer of the Church, Peter Schirmer, and provide advice, feedback, expert opinion and information in matters relating to church workers. Church worker is the collective name given to pastors, lay workers, volunteers and other workers serving in congregations, parishes and the national and district offices of the LCA (generally not including people serving in schools, aged or community care).

We are looking for people with diverse backgrounds, relevant skills and expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • Human resource management
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Industrial relations
  • Legal practice
  • Church administration and/or governance
  • Lay ministry
  • Adult education/professional or corporate development
  • Organisational psychology
  • Pastoral ministry

The Office of the Bishop is inviting nominations from people who may be interested in serving on this committee, which may meet up to three times per year. Costs associated with travel to committee meetings is covered by the LCA.

We believe that God has blessed our church with many talented people who have the ability to make an effective contribution to the life and work of the LCA. Yours might be the finger that taps a brother or sister on the shoulder: 'There's a great opportunity to serve the church; we thought it might suit you'.

If you are interested in serving on this committee please contact Chris Materne – Manager, Church Worker Support on 08 8267 7337 or at christine.materne@lca.org.au to request a copy of the proposed terms of reference of the committee.

Expressions of interest will be accepted until 16 January 2017. Please email your expression of interest (no more than two pages) and your resumé (or an outline of relevant experience) to christine.materne@lca.org.au

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North Adelaide SA 5006

P: +61 (0)8 8267 7300
E: admin@lca.org.au
W: www.lca.org.au