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World Vision

Invites you to

Report Launch Event

The Cost of Conflict for Syrian Children The economic and social impacts of the Syrian conflict on Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey

Thursday, 10 March 2016, 14.00 to 16.00

Hosted by

Rue Jacques de Lalaing 8-14 - 1040 Brussels



Frances Charles, Director of Advocacy, Syria response, World Vision International

Oscar Durand, Photojournalist

Michael Docherty, Team Leader - Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, DG NEAR, European Commission

Representative from DG ECHO, European Commission (TBC)

Patrick Costello, Head of Middle East I Division, European External Action Service

Representatives from UNICEF (TBC) and CSOs

Register HERE


The numbers of the human cost of the conflict in Syria are well known, but about the economic cost we know much less. The Syrian conflict has had a great economic impact. The World Vision report that is published on the occasion of the 5 year mark of the start of the Syrian conflict, discusses in particular the impact of the conflict on access to education and health services, with a focus on children.

The report describes the toll the conflict has already taken on children and their families, and will add a new element in forecasting the likely impact in the long term if action is not taken soon. This will include an estimate of the cost so far to the humanitarian community in terms of expenditure on the overall Syria response, as well as estimated costs should the war continue into 2018 and 2020.


Ludovic Wahis  - Policy and Communications Officer, World Vision

Phone: +32 (0)2-274.18.67
