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Compass Sabbath School

After Buller Hall on the campus of Andrews University was inaugurated, Glenn Russell and I discussed our concern for the general lack of Biblical understanding among university students. To meet this challenge, we started Compass, a Sabbath School for young adults interested in studying the Bible. Compass meets in the Religion Department every Sabbath during the academic year. It is designed for young adults, who are interested in finding direction in God's word. Each week students enjoy pondering, conversing and learning about Bible topics, and sharing their understanding of scripture and its application for our lives.

Our distinct approach to Sabbath School is threefold. Compass begins by singing praise hymns to God. Students often bring their musical instruments to accompany the hymns. It is a tremendous experience as we praise God through singing. Second, our Sabbath School offerings support missionary projects as students hear mission reports first hand. Compass regularly supports PMC Youth Mission trips to the REACH orphanage in Honduras. The Sabbath School has also assisted the PMC Youth Mission trips to Lebanon. These trips are designed to expose students to mission in different cultures. Our current mission project has provided 15 cooking and heating stoves for Syrian refugee families during the cold Lebanese winter.

Most importantly, Compass is dedicated to studying the Word of God. This is done by reading, provoking, and interacting with the topics of the weekly Bible study. Singing, mission outreach, and serious interaction with the Bible define our Compass Sabbath School. If you're a university student seeking a deeper relationship with God, you are invited to Compass, a campus ministry of Pioneer Memorial Church.

by Erhard Gallos and Glenn Russell, Compass Sabbath School Leaders


GO: Projects

Let’s Bring Valentine’s Love To The Residents of Timber Ridge

Last summer at PMC we began to ask ourselves this question: what can we do to love, serve and bless this community? As we begin to discuss that question different ideas came about. That was the genesis of the GO: Projects. I’m happy to announce that this next Saturday afternoon is our next project and we’re planning on serving a group that is usually not ministered to—the Timber Ridge community. As many of you may know, Timber Ridge used to be a nursing care facility here in Berrien Springs. However in the last several years, it has transitioned to become a low income housing community for people that are 63 and older.

So this Saturday afternoon, at 4 PM, a group of Andrew students and young adults will bring a special musical program to the residents.  Several sacred numbers will be performed, we’ll sing some hymns together, and then afterwards we’ll share some Valentine’s cards and cupcakes with the attendees.

If you are looking for ways to spread the love on Valentine’s Day there are two different ways that you can get involved in this program. First, if you have a creative side, you can help us make some homemade Valentine’s cards.  Second, if you have the ability to bake, we would love it if you could make some cookies or cupcakes that we can bring to the residents there. You can bring your cookies and cards to the PMC church office before noon this Friday and we’ll make sure that the residents of Timber Ridge feel your love!

Thanks for helping us show the love of Jesus in this community.

by Roldie Ortiz, Evangelism Pastor


All Good Things Will be Added Unto You

This past Sabbath during the worship service, I was blessed by the voices of Journey as they sang Seek Ye First, written by Shelton Becton.

He's got everything you need, All He asks is that you heed and be faithful till the very end. When that judgement day has come, don't you want to be the one just to see His face and call Him friend?

Seek ye first the kingdom of His love, make Him first in everything you do. If you'll trust and never doubt what He said, all good things will be added unto you. 

As I listened, my heart was in agreement with the message and my thoughts turned to a recent church family finances report.  As Finance Committee chairman, Don Wilson, reported to the Church Board on February 2, giving in five major areas (church operating, evangelism, Christian education, building improvements and tithe), were not tracking with the annual goals at the end of November. However, December 2014 proved to be a record-breaking month for giving by committed supporters of our local ministries, providing much improved year-end results.  We thank you for your faithfulness in "making Him first in everything you do!"

by Sharon Terrell, Stewardship Pastor

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