To all EWA members and SEC patrons,
Equestrian Western Australian (EWA), a not-for-profit organisation, has proudly managed the State Equestrian Centre (SEC) since it was built for EWA Members and the broader Equestrian community in 1985.
The SEC is now 33 years old and requires substantial remedial work and redevelopment to guarantee its future for the next 20 years. EWA in collaboration with reports commissioned by the WA Department of Sport have developed a SEC Redevelopment Proposal that identifies $15 million of required works and the need for a commitment to annual recurring funding for long-term facility maintenance.
EWA has a plan to obtain the required funding and has been actively promoting the SEC Redevelopment Proposal to Federal, State and Local Government. However, we need the support of all EWA members and SEC patrons to help us in this endeavour.
EWA will be contacting all members of the SEC community in the coming weeks to update you on our progress and to seek your support in advocating for this important upgrade.
From the EWA Board
Click here to view full proposal.
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has released the 2019 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List). This List comes into force on 1 January 2019 and is published three months ahead of coming into effect so that athletes and their entourage have the possibility to familiarise themselves with any modifications. The 2019 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes explains the changes between the 2018 and the 2019 lists.
The List designates what substances and methods are prohibited in- and out-of-competition for human athletes in all sports. It should be noted that athletes who have a legitimate medical reason for using a prohibited substance or method that is on the List may apply to the FEI for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).
We remind you that:
• FEI athletes can be tested anywhere, anytime.
• Athletes are responsible for the substances found in their body and the methods they use if these are on the List.
• The athlete's entourage may also be liable for anti-doping rule violations if determined to be complicit.
Consequently, if there is any doubt as to the status of a substance or method, it is essential that they contact the FEI or their National Anti-Doping Organisation for advice.
Nominations for the election of Board, Sport Committees and Coaching Committee were recently called for in accordance with the EWA Constitution.
Elections will now be held for the EWA Board of Directors only as one for the nominees for the EWA Coaching committee has withdrawn their nomination. The Election will be held via Electronic Voting and all members will be notified via email when voting is open. Members that have indicated that they receive all EWA information via post will receive their ballot paper via post.
EWA Board
Due to the annual rotation of Directors there are two (2) position that will be filled.
EWA has received four (4) nominees and an election will be held, the nominees are;
Tyana Lawless, Anita Marchesani, Anne Wilkins and William Newton-Wordsworth
Elections will not be needed for the following Committees;
Dressage WA Committee
4 positions available, two nominees, no election will take place
The successful nominees are Suzanne Simons and Tracy Spackman
Eventing WA Committee
3 positions available, 3 nominees, no election will take place
The successful committee nominees are Ruth Ellis and Roxie Taylor, the successful Affiliate member is Peter McLachlan
Jumping WA Committee
4 positions available, one nominee, no election will take place
The successful nominee is Tracey Barber
Show Horse WA Committee
3 position available, one nominee, no election will take place
The successful nominee is Valrie Mayger
Coaching WA Committee
6 positions available, six (6) nominees, on election will take place
Diane Bennit, Gill Botten, Philippa Collier, Zoe Harrison, Rebecca Thomas and Liesl Wilding
Help us celebrate the best of the WA equestrian community by nominating for the 2018 EWA Awards. If you are a member of EWA and know of a deserving candidate, nominate them today! Winners will be recognised at the Annual Awards Night to be held early February 2019.
The award categories are:
• Sports Star of the Year (Athlete 18+ years)
• Junior Sports Star of the Year (Athlete under 18 years)
• Horse of the Year
• Para-Equestrian of the Year
• Official of the Year
• Coach of the Year
• Owner of the Year
• Volunteer of the Year
• Administrator of the Year
• Club of the Year
• Event of the Year
• Special Services to the Sport
Nominations close Friday 30 November 2018.