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Vol. 5: No. 2
February 18, 2016

Last Call for Volunteers
to Join Our Japan Work Teams!

by David Nakhla

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us,
let us use them . . . if service, in our serving . . .
Romans 12:6-7 (ESV)

As we've reported in recent S.T.O.R.M. Reports, the exterior of the Nozomi Center, a community relief center that was constructed in Japan by OPC teams following the tsunami of 2011, is showing significant deterioration.  In April, we plan to send two work teams of five to prep, seal, and paint its roof, gutters, and walls.  We need to put these teams together right away, and yet at this time we have only a handful of applicants.


  • Team 1: April 4 - 15, 2016
  • Team 2: April 15 - 29, 2016

Are you skilled or semi-skilled in painting, caulking, working on roofs, and/or installing gutters?  Would you be willing to use your gifts to enhance and encourage the work going on at this important beacon of hope and light in Japan?

If you are interested, we need to hear from you!  

The deadline to apply is February 24th.  

Please contact me at  Thank you.


In this issue (click or scroll down for further information):

Last Call for Volunteers to Join our Japan Work Teams
Refugee Relief - An Update

Current Opportunities for Service:
April 2016: Teachers Needed in Uganda
May 2016: Help Spruce Up the Boardwalk Chapel
June-July 2016: Missionary Internship in Ukraine
July 2016: "English for Teens" Bible Camping Trip
2016-2017 Teach English to University Students in Asia
2016-2017: Boardwalk Chapel Opportunities
Short-Term Service Opportunities in Brick, NJ

Year-Round Opportunities for Service:
Help Refurbish Manse Apartment in Neon, KY
Help Refurbish Church Building in Magna, UT
Year-Round Need for Short-Term Teachers in South Korea
Year-Round Opportunities for Service in Uganda
Year-Round Evangelism Opportunity in Quebec
Year-Round Evangelism Training in Key West, FL

STM Resources:
Can Your Church Use a Team?

Print a Bulletin Insert or 8.5x11 Poster of this report


Refugee Relief:
An Update

The Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM) wishes to express its thanks to the many individuals and churches that have sent in funds designated for Refugee Relief, now exceeding $18,000.

The Scriptures instruct us to care for widows and orphans, strangers and aliens, those in distress. Certainly all of these are represented in the mass of humanity currently experiencing forced migration around the globe, including persecuted Christians who can be difficult to identify since they intentionally keep a low profile for fear of further oppression. 


We are slowly learning about more and more good works that are being accomplished by Christians for refugees in the Middle East, Europe, and beyond. Thank you to those of you who have notified us about a variety of such ministries. Our goal is to participate in a way that offers material aid in conjunction with the ministry of the Word to both Christian and non-Christian refugees.  Please continue to pray for the CDM as we seek the Lord's guidance in this matter.


Current Opportunities: 


Men, women, couples, college students!  Do you like to teach, and desire to serve on a foreign mission field?  You are needed in Uganda as early as this April to serve for 1 to 3 months, working with young children at the Karamoja Education Outreach (KEO) project!  This is a year-round opportunity.


April 2016:
Teachers Needed
in Uganda

College students seeking an independent study project are encouraged to consider this opportunity. Dr. Martha Wright of the OP Uganda Mission is qualified and available to supervise your work.

Dr. Martha Wright


May 2016:
Help Spruce Up the Boardwalk Chapel

Individuals and teams are needed to help clean and repair the Boardwalk Chapel and its ancillary buildings in May, in preparation for the busy summer season.

Rev. Jim Zozzaro
Ms. Elizabeth Horst


Specific needs and ideas for work will be posted at the Chapel's website after the winter, but letting them know in advance that you would like to reserve a work weekend would be great!


June-July 2016:
Missionary Internship in
L'viv, Ukraine 

Many young people feel they may be called to cross-cultural missions, but need a place to test their gifts and gain some valuable training and experience with personal oversight.

The "Leopolis Green" Internship in L'viv, Ukraine, designed for seminary students, upper class college students, and young families from Reformed churches in the USA, provides just such an opportunity!


OP Missionary Heero Hacquebord, is part of "Team L'viv" and invites you to apply for this summer's two-month internship (June-July 2016).

Rev. Doug Shepherd

Download a PDF Brochure:


The camp combines teaching the Gospel truth with meeting local French-speaking teens' interest in learning to speak English proficiently at a young age.

Rev. Ben Westerveld


July 2016:
"English for Teens" Bible Camping Trip in Quebec

Young men with camping experience are needed to help lead a Bible-centered, English-immersion camping trip for teens in Quebec, July 25-29, 2016.  The camp is sponsored by St-Marc's Reformed Church in Quebec City, where OP Missionary Ben Westerveld is the Pastor.


Teach English to University Students in Asia

There are exciting opportunities to teach English at the university level in Asia for several months this summer (starting June 25, 2016) or full-time during the next school year (starting September 2016 or February 2017).  Invest in the lives of students who are uniquely positioned to impact this region of the world!

Details regarding the qualifications and degree of commitment required for summer or full-time service, including raising one's own support, can be obtained from Rev. Douglas Clawson. 


Rev. Douglas Clawson
Associate General Secretary
Committee on Foreign Missions


Summer 2016: The Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, New Jersey, is looking for a few mature individuals to help them out as "End-of-Summer" staff volunteers from mid-August through Labor Day.  This short-term service will help the Chapel complete the summer season when full-time summer staff members need to leave early. 

Visit the Chapel's Website

Rev. Jim Zozzaro
Ms. Elizabeth Horst


Boardwalk Chapel Opportunities

Fall 2016: Youth groups have a new opportunity to enjoy fun, fellowship, and a free concert or two at the Boardwalk Chapel after the summer is over!  Available weekends:

  • Sept.16-18 , 2016
  • Sept. 30 - Oct 2, 2016 

Summer 2017: If your church group has not had the opportunity to serve for a "Ministry Week" (Saturday through Friday) at the Boardwalk Chapel in the past or in a long time, you are invited to schedule one now for the summer of 2017! 


One such project will be to winterize the loft apartment above the garage at the church's new manse. They plan to make the loft available to traveling pastors, furloughing missionaries, and short-term missions teams for up to a few weeks at a time.


Short-Term Service Opportunities in Brick, NJ

Faith Bible Church in Brick, New Jersey, plans to offer service opportunities on the central New Jersey coast from spring through fall, for those who wish to share their time and skills within the denomination, by providing work projects for skilled and unskilled volunteers as well as local evangelistic outreach projects. Stay tuned for more details!

Mr. Charlie Farrell 


Year-Round Opportunities 


Help Refurbish Manse Apartment in Neon, KY

Neon Reformed Presbyterian Church, an OP church plant in Neon, Kentucky, is seeking skilled volunteers to help them with ongoing refurbishment of the manse apartment in their church building.


  • Install laminated wood flooring
  • Rebuild master bathroom

Rev. Jay Bennett


Help Refurbish Church Building in Magna, UT

Christ Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Magna, Utah, outside Salt Lake City, is seeking skilled volunteers to help them with ongoing refurbishment of their large church building.

Skills Needed:

  • Carpentry
  • Drywall installation
  • Painting
  • Light electrical work

Rev. Jason Wallace


The Missionary Training Institute in Yeosu, South Korea, is seeking short-term teachers for missionaries and missionary candidates from South Korea and other nearby countries.

MTI was founded in 1983 by OP missionaries Dr. Young J. Son and his wife Mary Lou.

MTI Website:

Mrs. Mihyang Choi-Yoon


Year-Round Need
for Short-Term Teachers in South Korea

English as a Second Language (ESL):

  • Some background in ESL helpful but not required
  • Curriculum, meals, and housing provided
  • Teach for one or more 10-week school terms

Specialty Teachers:

  • Stay for 2-3 weeks within one of four school terms
  • Meals and housing provided
  • Experts in the following topics sought: Theology, Missiology, Missionary member-care, Writing, Speech

Year-Round Opportunities for Service in Uganda

The Orthodox Presbyterian Uganda Missions (OPUM) is the largest mission station in the OPC, and is ripe with opportunities for short-term mission work year-round!  

With an operating medical clinic, a farm project, the Karamoja Education Outreach project (KEO), and village evangelism, not to mention the continual construction projects including well-drilling, there are many ways for a short-term visitor to serve on this field.


Visit OPUM's excellent website for an application form and an extensive and carefully detailed visitor’s handbook which is must-reading for anyone interested in serving in this remote region of the world. 

Mrs. Sunshine Okken
Karamoja, Uganda


​Quebec City is a beautiful place to visit in any season!

Rev. Ben Westerveld


Year-Round Evangelism Opportunity in Quebec

OPC Missionary Rev. Ben Westerveld invites you to come join in a "Cafe Anglais" (English Cafe) in the parks and malls of Quebec City.  Since the mother tongue of most of the citizens of Quebec is French, they welcome any opportunity to practice English with real Anglophones (those whose mother tongue is English). This type of outreach can provide opportunities to share the gospel and the Reformed faith! 


Year-Round Evangelism Training in Key West, Florida

A great idea for a winter activity for your youth group!

Rev. Bill Welzien, Pastor of Keys Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Key West, Florida, who has presented the gospel three times a week for over 20 years in an engaging open-air style during the popular Sunset Celebration at Mallory Square, invites your group to come and receive classroom training and practical experience in evangelism.  



Grow in your ability to speak with boldness about the eternal hope that is in you!

This opportunity is available year-round, and is made very affordable by Keys Evangelistic Ministries, which provides housing for up to 12 people in its four-bedroom dormitory, where teams are welcome to stay for a week at a time. 

Rev. Bill Welzien



Individuals able to teach English at the university level (must have at least a Bachelor's degree) to start in September 2016 or February 2017. Minimum commitment of one year.  

An individual (particularly a young man) able to speak French (or interested in learning to speak French) to assist in the outreach and discipleship ministries of St. Marc's Reformed Church.


Missionary Associate Openings

A missionary associate (MA) is an individual who is appointed by the Committee on Foreign Missions to labor on an OP foreign mission field without cost to the committee. There is an application process, and terms of service are generally 3 months to 2 years.

Rev. Douglas Clawson
General Secretary,
Committee on
Foreign Missions



Two individuals to assist our missionary families in Mbale with homeschooling and more.

Two individuals to participate in the Karamoja Education Outreach (KEO) program.

Skilled individuals to assist our missionary deacons.


STM Resources


Can Your Church Use a Team?

Is there a project that your church could undertake if it had the help of volunteers from another OP church or presbytery? For example:

  • Need help with Vacation Bible School?
  • Need help with community outreach?
  • ​Need help making improvements to your church building?

In making such a need known, your church actually provides an opportunity for those who seek to share their time, gifts, and skills with others in the OPC!


We can help you get the word out and look for a team!  Contact us at for further information, or click below to complete a form to request a team to help your church!



Bulletin Insert
or 8.5x11 Poster

of this
S.T.O.R.M. Report


David P. Nakhla
Short-Term Missions and Disaster Response Coordinator

Office 215-935-1007
Cell 562-760-7606




Questions and comments regarding the S.T.O.R.M. Report may also be directed to:

Janet L. Birkmann
Administrative Assistant
Short-Term Missions and Disaster Response