June has certainly been an action-packed month! The major focus was, of course, the running of the 60th Anniversary Saddleworld Melbourne International 3DE 9 - 12 June.
Not only were there some of the best eventing horses in Australia, the event was also the scene for The Oceania Championships. Our congratulations go to the winning New Zealand team. It was a sensational event with so many people whose incredible efforts make it all possible. A very special EV thanks must go to Janet Houghton and her tireless committee of helpers. What a task to pull off an event of this size. We have also said a massive ‘thank you and all the best’ to two outgoing EV team members – Rebecca Willis
and Nina Lewis. These ladies have done an amazing job supporting Dressage and Jumping respectively, and we wish them all the best in their new pursuits. We have welcomed to the team Deena Peters, who is currently supporting Dressage, and we are recruiting for another new team member - so if you or someone you know may be interested please see our website:
http://www.vic.equestrian.org.au/content/ev-hiring I would like to take a moment to remind all members of two very important things. Firstly, your EV memberships are now due and it is important to remember that from 1st August 2017, your membership renewal will incur a $25 joining fee. Your memberships have assisted EV to continually improve the equestrian sport within Victoria and the services we offer to our members. This year, we have 3 fantastic new options: Show Horse Competitor membership, Preliminary Dressage Membership, and a new Base Horse
Registration for non-competing horses. Please read all about the above changes here: http://www.vic.equestrian.org.au/news/membership-enhancements-fees-2017-18, and renew your membership today! Secondly, I would like to invite you all to come along to the EV SPORTS ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS NIGHT
on July 22 at the Moonee Valley Race Club. This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to get together to celebrate all that is fantastic about equestrian sport in this state. Join us for a great 3-course meal and some dancing, a raffle where you could win a Mal Byrne custom bridle voucher valued at $600, and a whole lot of other fun as we celebrate our peers and supporters. Until next month, enjoy this edition and 'Safe Riding'. Fiona Baxter | CEO - Equestrian Victoria
Equestrian Sport AdministratorEquestrian Victoria, the peak body for equestrian sports in Victoria, is looking for a highly motivated individual to join our small team as an Equestrian Sport Administrator. This role involves supporting and advocating for our members, sporting event administration, member communications, development squad administration, and providing support to sporting discipline committees.
SATURDAY 22 JULYNominations close July 3!
Young Ambassador Finalists
These finalists will show their skills at the Young Ambassador training day on the 1st July at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre, with the winners announced at the Equestrian Victoria Awards Night on the 22nd July at Moonee Valley.
3* Winner Jock Paget riding Angus Blue
Saddleworld Melbourne International 3 Day Event is over for 2017. This year we were celebrating our 60th Birthday which translates to 2017 being the sixty-first running of our event.
1* winner Grace Kay Celerity Park Faberge
Madison Gielen Devereaux Top Up 1* Junior Winner
Andrew Barnett and Bradgate Park Fonzie
Janet Houghton - Chair
Lynne Brown - Coordinator
Funded Squad Riders
Funded Squad Riders will be announced after the close of Applications on the 14 July. If you are already funded this will continue until the new 2017-2018 announcements are made. If you haven’t already, please download the Application Form and return asap. All Squad members must register to be in the 2017-2018 Squad.
July 22/23 Squad at WPNEC Application
All Squads are welcome to attend the July squad (Dev, YR & Senior, however you MUST be a current squad member to attend. Interested Squad members should complete the Online application form below.
Course Designer/Technical Delegate courseEventing Victoria will be running a CD/TD course on August 5th. This course is for all interested people who would like to get involved in the technical side of eventing. The course can
also be used as an update course for current TDs & CDs. The morning session will be at Quest Werribee conference room and the afternoon session will be out at the WPNEC cross country course. Presenters will be Roger Kane and Ewan Kellet. This course is free to all Equestrian VictorIa members, others are welcome but will be charged a small fee to help cover costs. Further details on how to register will be on the Equestrian Victoria website next week.
EA Stewards Clinic
Thank you Chris Wallis FEI & EA Accredited Steward and Trainer for conducting the EA Stewards clinic at Werribee Park. The course was well received by participants. This course is conducted annually in June at WPNEC.
Trans Tasman Victorian Jumping Junior and Young Rider teams announced!
State Squad Jumping riders for selection in the Junior and Young Rider Teams to compete against New Zealand have been announced.
Horses needed for Trans Tasman Challenge - 29/30 July
Jumping Victoria require horses for our State and New Zealand teams event. This is a teams event over 2 rounds - Junior class height 1.05m and Young Rider class height 1.15m. Horses are required be consistent at either 1.05m or 1.15m. Owners will be paid a fee and horses will only have 1 class each day. For further information please email jumping@equestrianvictoria.com.au
Michael Bragge - Chair
Deena Peters - CoOrdinator
Updated National Dressage Rulebook. There has been an update to the section relating to Young Horse Competitions to reflect the FEI Rules. Specifically, there is the introduction of a 7yo class.
Dressage Performance Medals
Dressage Victoria is very excited to announce the reinstatement of the Performance Medals. Scores will be taken from 1st January until the close of entries for DF with a special presentation of the medals to be held at the Dressage Festival. For more info: dressage@equestrianvictoria.com.au
New Dressage Membership Category
Have you been thinking about dabbling in a little EA Dressage? Perhaps been nervous to dip your feet in the water? Perhaps it's been too expensive? Well we have news for you! Introducing the new PRELIMINARY membership giving members full competitor rights in preliminary level at EV official & participant events and it's only $200 for new/lapsed members or $175 to renew. So C'mon and give it a try! We have fantastic events all year round, major championships, great prizes, AOR, performance medals and more!!
Australia to Host 2017 FEI World Dressage Challenge
The FEI World Dressage Challenge is aimed at all Dressage riders with a dream goal of representing their country in international Dressage at the highest level and on home soil.
2017 Australian Dressage Championships
18-22 October 2017Contact Boneo Park (03) 59863 006 or events@boneopark.com.au
Mitavite Amateur Owner Rider
Like AOR on Facebook

We're excited to announce the May Amateur Owner Rider of the Month Lucy McNutt with her horse Thamesbourne Sunsation. Thank you once again, to THE TACK BOX Saddleworld for providing Lucy with her prize. Visit The Tack Box Saddleworld on Facebook.
AOR SPONSOR FOR JUNE ...Tweedie & Associates Veterinary Serviceswho are kindly providing a cash prize of $150 to the June winner, to spend on anything they desire. Keep an eye on the EV website and our Facebook page for the June winner!
If ever there was a time to become our next AOR of the month it is now. Wagners are generously sponsoring the next two months of this competition, supplying the winner of each month with a $150 voucher.
Victorian Young Rider Dressage Squads and Development Program
NSW Youth Dressage Championships
Victorian young riders are flying the flag at the NSW Youth Dressage Championships 30 June to 2 July 2017. Our intrepid young riders are: Erin Bullock (Medium & FEI Junior), Jessica Dertell (Medium), Madeleine Leeden (Advanced and FEI Young Rider) Natasha Moody (Novice and Elementary with Diamonte Noir and FEI Junior with Grand Flemingho), Rianna Percy (Preliminary) and Allysse Smith (Small Tour). Good luck everyone.
Pierre de Coubertin Award
A big congratulations to Victorian Young Rider Natasha Moody who received a Pierre de Coubertin Award from the Australian Olympic Committee in recognition of her sporting achievements and demonstration of those endeavours which are consistent with the aims of the Olympic Movement. Natasha has been part of the Victorian Dressage Young Rider Development Program for the past three years and her excellent results saw her promoted to the Victorian A Squad in 2016. She competes in a variety of equestrian sports and excels in all of them. Her exemplary sportsmanship skills have always been at the fore. As Baron Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the Modern Olympics, said "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle."
Mr Mitchell Fox - Chair
Bronte Wright - CoOrdinator
The Equestrian Victoria Show Horse Committee hosted their first of three complimentary clinic's on the 25th June at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre and the turnout was sensational making it the biggest clinic to date! 60 show horse members of all ages and levels participated in group lessons with both Judi Kopanica and Glenda Hinchcliff throughout the day. It was fantastic to see so many people having a great time and learning valuable riding skills and techniques from such highly educated coaches. Thank you to Mitch Fox and the Show Horse Committee for hosting such a fantastic day for show horse members.
2nd Winter Clinic
Forms are now online for the 16 July Clinic which will also incorporate a measuring day. Spots are limited. Get in quick to ensure a position.
First coach for our Winter Clinic No 2 announced
We are delighted to have Anne Hall confirmed as one of our coaches. Anne Hall is an NCAS/EA Coach (since 1982 ) and Coach Educator with many years experience coaching at the Showhorse Clinics. MeasuringThe next official measuring day will be held at Werribee Park on 16 July between 10am and 1pm, held in conjunction with our July show horse clinic. Please make sure you provide your horse's registration papers and prior measuring certificates.
Barastoc 2018 additional sections
We are pleased to announce three additional sections will take place at Barastoc Horse of the Year 2018. - Open Led
- Owner Producer Open Horse
- Owner Producer Hunter Horse
These are great extensions of the program and we hope these additions will be well supported by our members. More information will be released shortly, please keep and eye on the website for details.
International Youth Program
The Equestrian Victoria Show Horse Committee will be participating in an international youth program which will include both the UK. and NZ. EV will facilitate sending four Australian EA Show Horse members to NZ in November to compete at the prestigious Christchurch Show. Keep an eye out on the website for additional information and expressions of interest which will be released shortly.
Winter ShowEquestrian Victoria will be running a winter show on the 13th of August at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre in indoor 1. This will be an EV performance (qualifier) and profits from this show will be donated to the Victorian National Show Horse team. Schedule to be released shortly. Please keep an eye on the website.
Membership Renewals are now open! Please renew your membership and reap the rewards of the fantastic new "Show Horse Competitor" membership has to offer.
Links and More info below in Admin Matters.
The Sport Australia Hall of Fame Scholarship & Mentoring ProgramThe Sport Australia Hall of Fame Scholarship & Mentoring Program is a unique and valuable program for young Australian athletes. Applications are now open for the 2018 Program – closing Monday, July 10th 2017.
Congratulations to Lizzie Brand of Geelong Grammar, winner of Interschools Secondary Nan McArthur Award for top score.
INTERSCHOOL | 2018 & 2019 Australian Interschool Championship Hosts Announced
Equestrian Australia is pleased to announce the two hosts for the next Australian Interschool Championships. - The 2018 Australian Interschool Championships will be held at the Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre, Werribee South, VIC.
- The 2019 Australian Interschool Championships will be held at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Horsley Park, NSW.
2017 Australian Interschool ChampionshipsToowoomba Showgrounds Glenvale Road, Toowoomba Queensland
Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th Sept 2017
Memberships Due Now!
It is important to note that from 1 August 2017, Membership renewals will incur a $25 joining fee.
EOI for EA Show Horse Committee Riders' Rep
WEG Team Chef d'Equipe Positions
Australia to Host 2017 FEI World Dressage Challenge
MyEA is Equestrian Australia’s online registration portal for members. Through MyEA members can complete registrations, manage their details, view results and more.
If you're not following us on Facebook OR Twitter or regularly checking out News on our website, then you're missing out on things as they happen!
