As you are aware, the EWA Board has been actively lobbying to get the attention of the State and Federal Governments to provide us with support to perform much needed maintenance of the State Equestrian Centre and review their ongoing support of this aged, but invaluable facility.
During this time we have asked our members to write to their local members of parliament to make them aware of our needs and engage their support which many of you have done – for that we thank you.
Over the past few months the State Government has provided funding to engage a consultant to review our Governance and Financial Management of both the Equestrian Sport (EWA) and our running of the SEC. This has been finalised and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (Sport and Recreation) has the final report and is now engaging with us to move forward with the process. This has been an essential part of their due diligence prior to recommending future funding – particularly if this is to increase.
I am pleased to say that the report is complimentary of the governance and financial management of EWA and the SEC, and recognises a need to review the funding model of the SEC for both operational and infrastructure into the future.
To this end the Board wishes to thank all members who have lobbied and supported us over the past 12 months – and ask that you now allow due process to continue as we negotiate with the various parties as we move forward.
I therefore ask that you no longer write to your local member of parliament (State and Federal), or the Minister for Sport etc. as we work through the next stage of this process.
Be assured the Board will keep you informed of progress and if there becomes a need to resume any lobbying we will let you know.
Ron Fleming
Chair Equestrian WA