The midweek update from the Pioneer Memorial Church

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Pastor's Blog 

"He is Risen!" In Santiago De Cuba

I'm squeezed into the very last window seat on this American Airlines jet, ready to taxi away from the Frank Pais Holguin international airport in Cuba on our flight back to Miami, Chicago and home. The lady beside can't speak a word of English, and after ten days in Cuba my Espanol has only increased by a dozen formal you-can-say-this-from-the-pulpit sentences more

by Dwight Nelson, Lead Pastor


In Memory With Hope

This Sabbath, March 26 in both services, we will be conducting our annual Easter Sabbath Procession of Hope, in which we pause to remember those of our Family who have died during the past twelve months. If you would like to honor the memory of someone who has died, you’re invited to bring a spring flower to place at the foot of the cross.


Nacho Feed & Game Night!

Feature Announcement

In response to interest from a recent dormitory survey completed in January, PMC will host a Nacho Feed & Game Night for students and church members alike! Show your support by bringing cheese sauce, refried beans, tortilla chips, salsa, or lemonade. Please register here to participate.

April 2, 8:00 PM
Location: PMC Commons


Church Offering

This Sabbath, March 26, the church offering is for the PMC Operating Expense.

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