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Dear Grow Ministries Friends,

Many of you would be aware of our resource Taking Faith Home.

Congregations and families across the LCA use this resource to encourage caring conversations about faith. We are excited to launch the resource for this coming year, but you will notice a few changes.

Firstly, we have renamed the resource to Growing Faith at Home.


We have become aware of the increasing trend of irregular worship attendance of many of our members. This means that many people will not take this resource home weekly. Therefore we have changed the name to Growing Faith at Home to encourage families to keep growing faith at home each week rather than only taking it home when they are able to attend worship.

We encourage congregations to think of ways to send the Growing Faith at Home resource home each week.  This might be via an email list or as an upload on your website as well as in your printed bulletin.

An opportunity to talk and share...

We have set up a Facebook Group called Growing Faith at Home – Grow Ministries. This is a closed group that people can join and is designed to support, encourage and inspire all-age faith formation through the use of the Growing Faith at Home resource. All members are encouraged to actively participate in the discussions and ideas.

A couple of other changes include additional questions to the share part of the Faith5.  This is to encourage participants to go deeper in conversation beyond just sharing their highs and lows.

We have included a Prayer for the Week, this can be used at the beginning or end of your prayer time to incorporate the theme of the weekly Bible readings.

For those of you who already subscribe - THANK YOU!

We pray that this resource has been a real blessing to your congregation and it's members. Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be a delay in sending subscribers the CD copy of Growing Faith at Home. We have supplied the first 5 weeks in A5 format for you to download and distribute (see below).

We are working on sending the complete Growing Faith at Home resource to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

For those who haven't used Growing Faith at Home before....

For those of you who are new to Growing Faith at Home we have supplied the first 5 weeks for you to look at and share amongst your congregation/community. To learn how to effectively use Growing Faith at Home in your congregation we have included some user guides for you to download (see below).

If you would like to purchase GFH - CLICK HERE

May God bless you as you encourage people to Grow Faith at Home!

Kind regards

Jodi Brook | Grow Ministries Director



27 November 2106

4 December 2016

11 December 2016

18 December 2016

25 December 2016

User Guides

GFH Introduction

GFH User guide for home

GFH Guide for congregations

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