Knowledge Exchange Newsletter September 2019 No Images? Click here Knowledge Exchange newsWelcome to the second Knowledge Exchange (KE) newsletter of 2019! The purpose of Knowledge Exchange is to exchange knowledge, build expert networks and cooperate between partners, with special a focus on Open Access and Open Scholarship. KE has an open eye for emerging opportunities to enhance and support an open higher education and research infrastructure. Towards a Roadmap for Open Access Monographs![]() Continuing our work on OA Monographs and following results from the Knowledge Exchange Survey on Open Access Monographs (published October 2018) we organised a stakeholder workshop (November 2018, Brussels) with various stakeholders to brainstorm how Monographs could be solidly established as an open format for scholarly knowledge dissemination. The contents of the debates and key points arising from this workshop, were published in the workshop report; ‘Towards a Roadmap for Open Access Monographs’, in June 2019. The report provides recommendations for various stakeholders as building blocks for a potential roadmap on a European scale, to inspire all involved in the OA monograph publication workflow and support. Insights to the Economy of Open Scholarship: A Collection of InterviewsFollowing the report ‘Knowledge Exchange Approach to Open Scholarship’ and in line with the recommendations resulting from the workshop report Moving from Ambition to Reality, Knowledge Exchange is working on two interconnected activities dedicated to the Economy of Open Scholarship; one conceptual - Open Scholarship and the need for Collective Action (featured later in this newsletter) and, one practical. The full results of the practical activity - Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship: A Collection of Interviews were published in June 2019. These Insights aim to collect, describe and learn from examples across ten selected initiatives that pioneered change towards new or alternative business models and payment structures that facilitate Open Scholarship. The collection of interviews gives an overview of the dynamics in the field of Open Scholarship services, which will help to improve general understanding of the economical mechanics that are at play in the business of Open Scholarship. Preprints: Science in real timeWe are continuing our exploration around the preprints landscape in collaboration with Research Consulting, following the publication of our report ‘The evolving preprint landscape' (May 2018) and a slide deck detailing our findings on the ‘Practices, drivers and impediments in the use of preprints’ (March 2019), which is available for use for your own purposes on the KE website. In June 2019, Research Consulting published a preprint about ‘Preprints and Scholarly Communication: Adoption, Practices, Drivers and Barriers’ on F1000. In September 2019, we aim to publish our full and final report ‘Accelerating scholarly communication: The transformative role of preprints’ to conclude our exploration in this area. Forthcoming reports and WorkshopsOpen Scholarship and the need for Collective ActionAs mentioned earlier in this newsletter, Knowledge Exchange has worked on two interconnected activities dedicated to the Economy of Open Scholarship. The results from the practical activity - ‘Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship’ were published in June 2019 and the results from our in-depth exploration of the conceptual issues - 'Open Scholarship and the Need for Collective Action', are aimed to be published as a book in Autumn 2019. The first draft of this book was written through the medium of a five day ‘Book Sprint’, using the Book Sprints method, took place from 7 to 11 September 2018 in Berlin, Germany. Several additions and revisions have been made to complete the final book that provides an overview of perspectives, analyses and insights to better understand the complexity of the economic aspects. It will address the need for collective action by all stakeholders to achieve Open Scholarship's full potential. Register for the KE FORCE2019 Workshop: ‘Open Scholarship and Collective Action’Knowledge Exchange will run a pre-conference workshop at the FORCE2019 conference, taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland on 15th October 2019. The workshop ‘Open Scholarship and Collective Action’ will introduce and clarify the use of the KE OS Framework, highlighting the outcomes of four recent KE activities and how they fit in the Framework. Attendees will apply the OS Framework structure to analyse specific ambitions and objectives formulated in Plan S and FAIR data efforts, as well as challenge and exploit the OS Framework, increasing understanding of the challenges for Open Scholarship and how collective action approaches can help. Registration to the conference including attendance to the KE workshop is open now. Other NewsLIBER 2019 Innovation Award for OA MonographsWe’re delighted to share that our paper Towards a Knowledge Exchange Roadmap for Open Access Monographs was one of the winners for this year’s LIBER Award for Library Innovation. We’d like to thank KE Experts Graham Stone (Jisc) and Jeroen Sondervan (Utrecht University) who presented the work at LIBER 2019; all the KE Experts who worked on this activity, the participants of our stakeholder workshop, held in Brussels in November 2018 and to Janneke Adema who authored the report. Changes to KE StaffVerena Weigert, has moved to another role within Jisc and ended her role as Jisc KEG member after five years. Jisc are currently working to find a permanent replacement who will replace Verena in this role. In the mean time, Frank Manista (Jisc) will fulfil the role. We also welcome Hanne-Louise Kirkgaard from DAFSHE to the KE Steering Group, replacing Helle Bernskov. Serge Bauin (CNRS) has taken over from Chris Keene (Jisc) as chair of the KE Steering Group for the coming year. Irina Kupiainen (CSC) will co-chair. New Danish Knowledge Exchange partnerWe are happy to announce that in June 2019, The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education (DAFSHE) replaced DEFF as the Danish partner in Knowledge Exchange. The change followed recommendations from the working group on the future organization of Research Libraries in Denmark, formed by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Higher Education. Activities related to open science, like participation in Knowledge Exchange, was moved to the Agency for Science and Higher Education as part of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Knowledge Exchange welcome DAFSHE as an excellent partner to represent Denmark and continue Danish participation in KE. KE Strategy Forum 2019Our Strategy Forum of 2019 took place in June in Aarhus Denmark. Following the strategy forum, KE are working to shift our focus from the economic aspects of open scholarship to further exploration of the social and technical aspects, in line with the KE Open Scholarship framework. Thank you & best wishes!On behalf of the Knowledge Exchange team, Bas Cordewener, Knowledge Exchange Coordinator ![]() Feedback or comments on this newsletter? You can contact us at or visit our website ![]()