December 2020PRESIDENT'S MESSAGERegister Now for our Upcoming Town HallIn June, Chancellor Oakley issued a Call to Action which called for ending systemic racism in our colleges. This town hall will provide students the space to voice their concerns amidst the release of a Trump Administration executive order banning the use of federal funds for workforce diversity training and bring together system partners in re-affirming our collective commitment to continuing all diversity, equity, and inclusion work in our system. The town hall panelists include the president of the CCC Board of Trustees, the president of the Chief Executive Officers of CCC, the past president of the Academic Senate for CCC, and our own SSCCC Vice President. These panelists will share with us what their organizations are doing to implement the Chancellor's Call to Action and to hear from students about their concerns and experiences. You can register now at this link. The SSCCC General Assembly will be in-person at the Long Beach Westin and online via Zoom March 26 - 28, 2021. The General Assembly is the annual meeting of the delegates from all California community colleges. However, student leaders, advisors, and all other interested parties are welcome to take part in the conference. The General Assembly provides attendees with the opportunity to gather tools and tips on how to be effective as student leaders, advocates, and representatives while serving the students of their college or student group. This is a great opportunity to network with student leaders across the state, learn about current initiatives, and find opportunities to be involved with the SSCCC. Registration is now open on the SSCCC website at this link. RESOLUTION WRITING: During the General Assembly, Delegates consider resolutions that have the potential to directly affect the California Community College system and its students. The resolution process began in November with the dissemination of active resolutions and information about the resolution process. Student body associations and other student groups are encouraged to work with the students on their campus to develop resolutions. The following is the timeline for resolution submission:
Information about the resolution writing and process can be found on our website at this link. ELECTIONS: The SSCCC also holds elections for its executive officers during the General Assembly. The executive officer positions are President, Vice President, Vice President of Regional Affairs, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, Vice President of Finance, and Vice President of Communications. The timeline, job descriptions, and Elections Policy can be found on the SSCCC website at this link. CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Again this year, the SSCCC will be seeking workshop proposals for the General Assembly from students, student body associations, student groups, partner organizations, and others. Watch for a Call for Proposals to be released at the first of the year and posted on our website at this link. We hope you will join us at the Spring General Assembly on March 26 - 28, 2021! SSCCC Fun FactsOn May 5 - 7, 2006, the SSCCC held a Constitution Convention in San Diego at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina. During this meeting, 89 of the 109 delegates from the California community colleges adopted the first SSCCC Constitution. The original preamble of the Constitution stated:
UPCOMING EVENTSExecutive Committee and Board Meetings
All SSCCC Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings are available via teleconference. EventsSSCCC General Assembly, March 26 - 28, 2021, Long Beach Westin Hotel and online Region and Caucus MeetingsCheck out all the SSCCC events including Regional Meetings, caucuses, and webinars on the SSCCC Calendar. Check out the calendar on the SSCCC website (link above) for the agendas and call information at least 72-hours prior to the meeting. |