Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
IFAM update for WA agrifood industry
DPIRD, in conjunction with Austrade, are hosting an International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) update next Tuesday 15 September 2020 at 11am AWST.
This session will provide you with the latest developments on IFAM, with perspectives from DPIRD and other stakeholders.
Liam O’Connell, DPIRD's Executive Director, Agribusiness Food and Trade, will chair the meeting and provide comments from a WA Government perspective.
Michael Byrne, International Freight Co-ordinator General and Air Vice-Marshal Margaret Staib, Australian Government Freight Controller, will join the discussion and provide updates.
Questions can be submitted prior to this WA event. These should be emailed to export@dpird.wa.gov.au by 12 noon Monday 14 September. Registration is required to join this event.
Full details on the latest IFAM outbound and inbound flights are available on the IFAM website.
Exporters should speak to their freight forwarder and visit the IFAM webpage for further information on grant assistance. If you have any questions or need more information, please email Airfreight@austrade.gov.au, or Austrade State Director WA, Jane Caforio, on jane.caforio@austrade.gov.au. More... Source: IFAM / Austrade | Photo: Cathay Pacific
Second round of public consultations launched on GIs
The Federal Government is seeking the views of Australian producers, businesses and consumers on a possible future Geographical Indications (GIs) framework, as negotiations progress with the European Union (EU) to secure an ambitious and comprehensive free trade agreement.
Federal Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said the second round of public consultations, which started last Friday, would give industry a three-month opportunity to provide input on how a future GIs framework could work.
“These consultations do not give any commitment on GIs but will ensure that any future framework, should one be required, is informed by Australian farmers and businesses,” Minister Birmingham said.
“We have made it clear to the EU we will make no commitment on GIs until later in the negotiations and only if the overall deal is in our interests, including by delivering commercially significant new market access for our agricultural products.”
Business and industry are invited to engage with the consultation process by 30 November 2020, and can find out more by visiting the Consultation on a Possible New Geographical Indications Right website. More... Source: Federal Minister for Trade | Photo: DFAT
Webinar: Disrupted supply chains and changing consumer behaviour
Australia’s free trade agreements (FTAs) continue to provide greater market certainty and growing opportunities for exporters despite the impacts of COVID-19.
However, COVID-19 has disrupted supply chains, changed consumer behaviour and created a need to consider new export strategies to build international business resilience.
Led by Austrade’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, join a panel of experts from PwC and Qantas on 16 September 2020 at 9am AWST to better understand how to tackle the current supply chain environment. You will also hear from an exporter sharing direct insights and experience in overseas markets.
Visit the Free Trade Agreements Seminars Page to learn more about the series and listen to past recordings. More... Source: Austrade | Related: Backing Australian exporters to go global Source: Federal Minister for Trade | Photo: Heathrow Airport
Webinar: Indonesian e-commerce for Australian exporters
In this online session on 16 September at 12 noon (AWST) hosted by Austrade, experienced Indonesian e-commerce players will share their tips and experience on how to win new business by leveraging Indonesia's rapidly expanding e-commerce sector. You will also hear from the Indonesia E-Commerce Association on Indonesia’s evolving regulatory environment.
Moderated by Jack Lu, Austrade's Senior Advisor E-commerce, speakers at this event will include:
• John Rasjid - CEO, Sociolla
• Geoffrey L. Dermawan - SVP Partnership, Blibli
• Even Alex Chandra - Head of General Policy, Indonesia E-Commerce Association
• Tim Martin - Austrade's Trade Commissioner, Jakarta
This event is free, but participants must register. More... | Related: Companies will need to lead on online retail sales in Asia | Source: Austrade | Photo: USINDO
Report: Invest now in productive, resilient and sustainable food systems
Disruptions to food markets are expected to become more common in the future as a result of climate change, pests and diseases, according to a new report.
Prepared by ten international organisations and entities that form the Agricultural Market Information System Secretariat, the September edition of its Market Monitor highlights the need to invest now in building productive, resilient and sustainable food systems in the face of uncertainties.
Covering international markets for wheat, maize, rice and soybeans, the report finds that over the next ten years supply growth is going to outpace demand growth, causing real prices of most commodities to remain at or below their current levels. Moreover, productivity growth is going to drive the projected increase in output, easing pressure on land and resource use.
The report say an expanding global population remains the main driver of demand growth, although the consumption patterns and projected trends vary across countries in line with their level of income and development. More... Source & Photo: AMIS
Global aquaculture conference: COVID-19 and predicting the unpredictable
This year’s Global Aquaculture Alliance Global Outlook for Aquaculture Leadership (GOAL) virtual three-day conference features almost 50 speakers from nearly 20 countries providing insights on the trends shaping the future of responsible aquaculture production and sourcing.
This international event will feature three presentations and one panel discussion on the seafood industry's response to COVID-19, as well as how the pandemic will continue to impact the industry in the future, with a focus on North America.
Taking place from 6-8 October 2020 (United States time), all sessions will be recorded and available on-demand for those who are unable to attend live. There’s no registration fee – only GAA membership (US$50) is required to attend GOAL 2020. More... Source & Photo: GAA [Prawn farm, Thailand]
OECD: Countries must do more to ensure sustainable development of ocean activities
Countries need to work together to defend the ocean from a steady rise in temperature, pollution and overfishing that threatens its ability to continue supporting marine life and providing food and income to billions of people, according to a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The report says that with ocean-related economic sectors forecast to grow rapidly over the next decade, ensuring this development takes place in a sustainable way is critical.
The OECD says while COVID-19 is hurting key ocean-based sectors, such as tourism and shipping, demands on marine resources for food, energy, minerals, transport, tourism and leisure will persist as the global population grows towards an expected 9 billion by 2050. If managed sustainably, the ocean could have the capacity to regenerate, be more productive, and support more prosperous societies. More... | Related: Virtual Launch - Sustainable Ocean for All Report | Source &
Photo: OECD