The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , In case you haven't heard, nominations are called for TASA's Executive Committee for the two-year term November 2018 – November 2020. Nominations close Friday August 31. For the full details, including links to the relevant forms, please go to TASAweb here. As a reminder, to ensure your publications listed in this newsletter are referenced correctly by third party users, it would be greatly appreciated if you could email your publications to TASA's Office in a referenced format. CongratulationsA warm congratulations is extended to fellow member Andrew Jakubowicz who has had an annual lecture name after him to honour his legacy and ongoing contribution to the field of social and political sciences. The inaugural public lecture, “Diversity within Diversity: The Lost Voices” will take place during the inaugural Social Sciences Week! Call for Expressions of Interest: Digital Publications Editor (incorporating Nexus)As announced in Monday's email, expressions of interest are sought from individuals or small teams to fill the newly created position of TASA Digital Publications Editor that incorporates the Editorship of Nexus, TASA’s newsletter with support for TASA’s blog. Expressions of Interest deadline: Monday September 10, 2018. Read on... Employment OpportunitiesTwo Research Officers are sought to work on a collaborative project with a multidisciplinary team from the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI), local governments and community. The project involves evaluating and delivering of a community-based outdoor physical activity program (purpose-built exercise park) for older people in the community. Applications close TOMORROW August 24. A Research Officer/Fellow is also sought to work on another NARI project examining the way art centres in remote communities are supporting older aboriginal people and those living with dementia. Applications close August 31. For full details of all three positions listed above, read on... TASA 2018Plenary SessionsVince Marotta (May 18, 2018). “Working in the Global Academy: Precarity, Rights, Opportunities and Resistance” Scholarships - CLOSE TOMORROWSome important pending deadlines for the conference are:
The number of Social Sciences Week (SSW) events reached close to 40. You can check them all out on the SSW website here. The Beaumont Children: investigations and implications of cold-casesNew: We are pleased to announce that the Crime and Governance thematic group will be hosting a LIVESTREAM of this Social Sciences Week (SSW) event. You can register for the livestream here. This event will involve a panel discussion with two specialist forensic investigators, Dr Xanthé Mallett and Duncan McNab, and a fellow member, Ben Lohmeyer. There are 3 x $200 bursaries for TASA postgraduate/casual/unwaged members based in regional NSW or interstate to support support accommodation/transportation costs. There are also 5 x $20 bursaries for TASA postgraduate/casual/unwaged members based in Sydney to support car parking or public transport costs (excluding fuel expenses). Anyone interested in applying for these bursaries can email Joel. For more details, & to register for the LIVESTREAM, please read on.. (scroll to the bottom of the page). Why are Australian Men so prone to loneliness? And what we are going to do about it?Professor Peter Beilharz will moderate the panel discussion Speakers: Professor Adrian Franklin (UniSA); Dr Katrina Jaworski (UniSA); Professor Bruce Tranter (UTAS) September 12, 2018. Adelaide. Read on... Public Lecture – AI IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK: Everyday Life and the Digital RevolutionIn this provocative lecture, Cambridge-trained sociologist Anthony Elliott argues that much of what passes for conventional wisdom about the AI Revolution is either ill-considered or plain wrong. 13th September, Western Sydney University. Read on... Symposium: Migration, Social Inclusion and the Multicultural CityThis symposium invites academics, government and NGOs, community practitioners and industry, to network and come together for collaborative discussion on how we can build more inclusive cities. Please click here for event flyer, full program and speaker list. 2 x $200 postgrad bursaries are available for TASA postgrad and casual/non-waged academics. Limited spaces available. Register Here. For general enquiries and bursary applications please contact Jora Broerse. For details about SSW, please go to the Social Sciences Week website. Members' PublicationsBooksIngrid Muenstermann (Ed.). (2018). 'Social Responsibility’. IntechOpen. No book cover available With globalisation on the rise and capitalism expanding, social responsibility, corporate as well as individual social responsibility, plays an important part to save the natural environment and improve the lives of citizens. But how responsibly do corporations and ordinary citizens act in order to meet the demands of our fast-changing world? Authors from different universities contribute their knowledge on this open-access platform to be shared at a global level. Book ChaptersBryan S. Turner (2018) 'Vulnerability and plausibility structures: Peter L. Berger, Arnold Gehlen and Philosophical Anthropology' in Titus Hjelm (ed) Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion. London : Bloomsbury, pp. 13-25 Journal - ArticlesAndy Bennett (2018). Conceptualising the Relationship Between Youth, Music and DIY Careers: A Critical Overview. Cultural Sociology Qi, Xiaoying. (2018). ‘Floating Grandparents: Rethinking Family Obligation and Intergenerational Support’. International Sociology. online first DOI: 10.1177/0268580918792777. The link to the article is: BlogsDeborah Lupton (August 16, 2018). Using graphic narratives for research translation and engagement Facebook GroupsDeborah Lupton (August 13, 2018). Innovative Social Research Methods. This group is for anyone interested in new and creative methods for social research - a place to share experiences and information PodcastsNa'ama Carlin (August 8, 2018). "Na'ama Carlin on dissonant universities" Chattersquare VideosKirsten Harley (August 17, 2018). Kirsten - NeuroNode Members' Keynote InvitationsHave you been invited to give a keynote? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can list the details in the weekly newsletter here. PromotionsHave you been promoted recently? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can share the details in the weekly newsletter here. Other Events, News & OpportunitiesSocial Sciences WeekSince the last newsletter, new events have been listed on the Social Sciences Week website. You can access details of those events here. Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC)New: The CPRC is an independent research organisation which undertakes research to inform policy reform and business practice changes to improve outcomes for consumers. Read on... Call for Submissions - Edited BookNew: The Rise of the Far-Right:Technologies of Recruitment & Mobilization After decades of existing on the social and political margins, far-right groups and movements are enjoying increasing success and claiming a place in mainstream electoral politics. This call for submissions invites scholars to contribute a chapter to an edited book bringing together research that describes what factors lie behind this rise in the far-right, giving attention to how these groups recruit new members and mobilize action, and their use and involvement with media technologies. Submission deadline: November 15: Read on... SeminarsConfronting ageism in society and in medicine: What can be done? Tuesday 28 August, 4.00pm - 5.00pm, UNSW, Sydney Speaker: Peta Cook Ageism – prejudice based in a set of ideas, attitudes and beliefs regarding chronological age and the ageing process – is commonly experienced by older adults. This is a free event but registration is required. Read on... Neoliberal nudity: gendered body practices in public/private times by Professor Virginia Braun (The University of Auckland). The Centre for Social Research in Health is pleased to present this seminar in collaboration with the Qualitative Research Network Hub and the Black Dog Institute. Wed 5 September, 4.00pm - 6.00pm. Galleries, Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington Campus. MasterclassContemporary Emotions Research Network (CERN) Methodology Masterclass 28 August, 9.30am-12.30pm, University of Wollongong This masterclass will feature presentations by TASA members, Dr Rebecca Olson (University of Queensland) and Dr Sharon Ee Ling Quah (University of Wollongong) on their fieldwork experiences on sensitive, controversial topics with emotionally vulnerable subjects, and a roundtable discussions on dealing with emotionally charged interactions in the field site. Registration is free but required for catering purpose. Read on... SymposiumsNew: 10th Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium. 15 -17 October, Hobart, Tasmania. Read on... SAVE THE DATE: Sport, Culture and Gender: Where Are We Now? Thursday, 8 November 2018 Religion and Society Research Cluster, School of Social Sciences and Psychology, Western Sydney University, Parramatta City Campus Keynote speaker: fellow member Kim Toffoletti Abstract submission deadline: September 3. Read on... Rural Crime and the Law: from community concerns to institutional action 29-30 November, University of New England, Armidale, NST Keynotes: Professor Russell Hogg, QUT, and Mr Steve Bradshaw, retired Assistant Commissioner NSW Police Force. Submission deadline: October 1. Read on... A TASA Postgraduate and ECR workshop, ‘Behind the Scenes: How to Run Academic Events and Organise Collaborative Publishing,’ will be held at Griffith University (South Bank campus) on Thursday September 27, 2018. This is a free workshop for Postgraduate and ECR members of TASA. This workshop will feature a panel with Professor Andy Bennett (Griffith) and Dr Brady Robards (Monash), chaired by Ashleigh Watson (Griffith), as well as practical activities aimed at demystifying the organisation of academic events and collaborative publishing. This event is being run in conjunction with the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research’s Language, Culture and Belonging Symposium (LCBS2018). For information and registration, please read on... Doing Gender: Relationships, Emotions and Spaces of Learning Monday, August 13th, Deakin Downtown, 9.30-2.30pm Conveners: Amanda Keddie (Deakin University) and Garth Stahl (University of South Australia) The one-day symposium is focused on discussing previous and current research on emotions and gender which inform our thinking about young people’s experiences with learning today. For more details and to register, read on... ConferencesNew: The future in the past SAANZ – Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand Conference 2018. “The future in the past” is a phrase taken from Ernst Bloch, capturing his attention to the materiality of both past and future, and their interactions, in the present. Submission deadline: November 5. Read on... EUROPE AND BEYOND: BOUNDARIES, BARRIERS AND BELONGING DIASPORA CONFERENCE: Diasporas in Action: Working Together for Peace, Development and Humanitarian Response featuring Professor Cindy Horst - Research Director and Research Professor in Migration and Refugee Studies at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Wednesday 26 & Thursday 27 September, University of Melbourne. Read on... World Congress on Health And Medical Sociology Innovations in Medical Sociology and Human Culture November 27-28,2018 at Osaka, Japan. Read on... Gift MembershipsGift memberships are available with TASA. If you would like to purchase a gift membership, please email the following details through to the TASA Office:
Upon receiving the above details, TASA will email the recipient with full details on how they can take up the gift membership. You can view an example of that email in both Word (39kb) and Pdf (159kb) formats. You will receive an invoice, via email, after the recipient completes the online membership form. Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. Links to external servers do not imply any official endorsement by The Australian Sociological Association or the opinions, ideas or information contained therein, nor guarantee the validity, completeness or utility of the information provided. Reference herein to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. Save the Date: 24-30 July, 2022![]() |