The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , TASA bestows several prestigious awards, including the Award for Distinguished Service to Australian Sociology. This Award recognises excellence in scholarship in the field of Sociology. It is made to a TASA member who has demonstrated outstanding, significant and sustained service to Australian sociology over many years. While not necessarily a lifetime achievement award, candidates for the Distinguished Service Award would usually be nearing the end of their careers. Nominations close on May 31. Read on... Members' PublicationsBook ChaptersMatthewman, S. (2017). Pākehā Ethnicity: The Politics of White Privilege. In Bell, A., Elizabeth, V., McIntosh, T., and Wynyard, M. (Eds.), A land of milk and honey? Making sense of Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland: Auckland University Press. Chou, Mark, Jean-Paul Gagnon, Catherine Hartung, & Lesley J. Pruitt. 2017. Young People, Citizenship and Political Participation: Combatting Civic Deficit? Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Dobson, A.S., McDonald, K., Kirkman, M., Souter, K., & Fisher, J. (2017). Invisible labour? Tensions and ambiguities of modifying the ‘private’ body: the case of female genital cosmetic surgery. In A. S. Elias, R. Gill and C. Scharff, (Eds.) Aesthetic Labour: Rethinking beauty politics in neoliberalism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Journal ArticlesElena Wilson, Amanda Kenny and Virginia Dickson-Swift (2017) Rural health services and the task of community participation at the local community level: a case study. Australian Health Review Garth Stahl (2017) Aspiration paradoxes: working-class student conceptions of power in ‘engines of social mobility. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education Jo Lindsay & Deborah Dempsey (2017) First names and social distinction: Middle-class naming practices in Australia. Journal of Sociology John Scott, Jodie Grigg, Monica Barratt, Simon Lenton (2017) Social capital and cannabis supply. Journal of Sociology Vivienne Waller (2017) Engaging students and their publics through making sociological films. Journal of Sociology Xiaoying Qi. (2017) ‘Social Movements in China: Augmenting Mainstream Theory with Guanxi’. Sociology 51(1): 111-126. Informed News Analysis & CommentaryJohn van Kooy: Middle Eastern migrants aren’t ‘piling on to the dole queue’, The Conversation Meredith Nash: ‘Fat, bland, boring incubators’: ordinary pregnant women don’t feel like Beyoncé, The Conversation PodcastsMeredith Nash: Digital Discussion Series: Homeward Bound Expedition interview with Meredith Nash, United Nations Academic Impact Invitation to contribute to a book proposal on private/public healthcareWorking Title: Navigating Healthcare: Experiences of Patients, Doctors and Policy Makers Editors: Fran Collyer and Karen Willis This edited collection concerns the global growth of private sector medicine in both developed and lesser developed countries, and the impact of this on patients, health workers, managers and policy-makers. Drawing upon experts from several countries with extensive experience in researching the field either nationally or internationally, the collection offers a unique perspective on healthcare systems: a view from those trying to access healthcare services, working inside systems, or responsible for managing and organising services or a healthcare system. Collectively, the chapters contribute an international perspective on the navigation of healthcare systems, and to the growing salience of ‘choice’ between public and private medicine in a variety of different systems and contexts. Abstract submission deadline: February 15. Read on... Survey: call for participantsTASA member Anna Denejkina is currently conducting research (Approval number: UTS HREC REF NO. ETH16-0356) into transmission of combat-related trauma from parent to child, specifically looking at how the Soviet-Afghan war (1979-1989) impacted on the first post-Soviet generation. Anna's research would be of interest to anyone with a Russian, Ukrainian, or Eastern European background. The survey is specifically focused on people whose parent(s) or close relative(s) served in Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan war. The survey is available in Russian and English. Please feel free to contact Anna with any questions. Add the TASA twitter feed this semester to your subject moodle shelves!I would like encourage members to add TASA's Twitter feed to their Moodle shelf (for those who teach at a University which uses Moodle). The instructions are available here. Luke Gahan, TASA Secretary Thematic GroupsSociology of Animals: call for membersTASA's thematic groups are designed to facilitate communication and collaboration between TASA members working/studying in similar areas. Every so often, a new one is formed. Presently, there is a 'Call for interest to form a Sociology and Animals Thematic Group'. If you are interested in this area, please direct your enquiries to Zoei or Nicholas by February 20th. Instructions to select this thematic group via your My Accounts page can be accessed here. If there are 15 members interested in this new proposed group, Zoei and Nicholas will submit a request for the first 2017 Executive Meeting. International Center for the Sociology of ReligionThe recently founded “International Center for the Sociology of Religion” International Association is a non-profit group set up to examine in depth and support knowledge of religions, with a view to organizing scholarly and social activities aimed at gaining scientific and comparative knowledge of religions. The Association also aims at promoting the training of young scholars in the field of the sociology of religion. Read on... Competition for Junior SociologistsThe International Sociological Association (ISA) has announced the organization of the Seventh Worldwide Competition for Junior Sociologists. The winners will be invited to participate in the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology which will take place in Toronto, Canada in July 2018. Junior Scholars mean people who obtained their first Master's degree (or an equivalent graduate diploma) in sociology or in a related discipline, less than 10 years prior to March 31, 2017. Submission deadline: March 31. Read on... ProjectBitcoin and the unbanked; an ethnographic study of financial inclusion through cryptocurrenciesAlexia Maddox, Greg Adamson, and Supriya Singh are conducting a social study of the use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Read on... Research Participant OpportunityIf you are aged 60 years and over the Sexual Health & Ageing, Perspectives and Education (SHAPE) Project, presents a unique opportunity for you to participate in research to improve the wellbeing of older people. Read on... EventsSymposiumsDigital Food Cultures symposium Friday 20 October, University of Canberra This symposium is directed at the social, cultural, political and ethical dimensions of representations and practices related to using digital technologies for food production, consumption, preparation, eating out, promoting healthy diets or weight loss, marketing, ethical consumption, food activism and environmental and sustainability politics. Abstract submission deadline: June 1. Read on... WorkshopsChildhood, Education and Welfare: Research and policy insights workshop Melbourne Institute and Life Course Centre Wednesday 15 February, Melbourne This workshop is free, however registration is essential. Read on... Global Production Networks in the Spotlight: Chains or Opportunities for Workers? GPN-Labour Inter-disciplinary Workshop Tuesday February 14, Macquarie University This workshop is free, however registration is essential. Read on... Conferences8th Urban Space and Social Life: Theory and Practice Transforming Urbanity: People and Cities on the Move 9 - 12 June, Malyasia Call for Papers, Photos for Exhibition, and Photo Essays Submission deadline: March 31. Read on... Critical Approaches to Risk and Security: East, South, North and West 10th-12th April 2017, Singapore This conference will provide a great opportunity for people to develop networks in South East Asia. The program will include keynote presentations by: Professor Murry Lee from Sydney University, Professor Maggie Lee from The University of Hong Kong and Professor Adam Burgess from the University of Kent as well as plenary sessions, presentations and seminars around this interdisciplinary theme. Submission deadline: EXTENDED TO TODAY FEBRUARY 9. Read on... Education Transforms 2017: Raising aspirations for educational attainment. Hobart – Tasmania, Australia 11-15 July. This international meeting brings together scholars, policy-makers, and practitioners to reflect on and share insights about our collective mission to raise aspirations and enhance opportunities for educational attainment. Abstract submission deadline: 28 February. Read on... Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South: An International Conference” Co-hosted by the Crime and Justice Research Centre (QUT) and the Asian Criminological Society 10-13th July 2017, Shangri-La Hotel, Cairns, Australia Abstract submission deadline: 31 March. Read on... Social Boundaries of Work. Methodological and Practical Problems of Research on Work and Employment in Modern Societies 27-28 of October, Institute of Sociology of the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland) Submission deadline: April 30. Read on... Calling for panel proposals for the ‘IRiS International Conference 2017: Global Perspectives on Research Co-production with Communities: Ontologies, Epistemologies and Methodologies’. The Institute for Research into Super Diversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham and will be hosting its 4th annual conference in partnership with The Melbourne Social Equity Institute, University of Melbourne at the University of Birmingham on 14th and 15th September 2017. Go to the conference website for more details. 15th Annual meeting of the International Society for Quality-of-Life studies European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) July 6- 8, 2017 Copenhagen Sub-theme 69: Organization Studies and Industrial Relations: Overlapping Concerns and New Possibilities The stream seeks to promote the dialogue between labour relations and wider scholarship in organisation studies. They are looking for a broad range of contributions and would like to have some more submissions with a sociological bent. Read on... Making alcohol and other drug realities Contemporary Drug Problems 23-25 August, 2017. Helsinki, Finland Abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2017. Read on... XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. Read on... Call for Papers - JournalsSport, Feminism, and the Global South Sociology of Sport Journal Guest editors: Kim Toffoletti and Catherine Palmer Submission deadline: March 1, 2017. Read on... Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. 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