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LiveLighter in 2017

Welcome to the first LiveLighter for Health Professionals newsletter! We’re really excited to work more closely with you. You’re the “boots on the ground” of health promotion and we want to help you do your best work.

The aim of this newsletter will be to

  • Keep you up to date with the LiveLighter campaign
  • Let you know about big news in the health sector
  • Share health promoting tips and tricks and case studies
  • Let you know about upcoming professional development opportunities
  • Create a network of health professionals working in the areas of eating well, moving more, and weight management

We're looking at sending out 4 - 6 of these a year, so won't be clogging up your inbox. Feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you think would enjoy it!

We also have a regular newsletter for the public where we share blog content, recipes and more. If you’re interested in signing up for that (or recommending it to clients), visit our website.

Fresh stuff

Online resource order form

Have you seen our fancy new online resource order form? It makes ordering publications and merchandise a breeze.

We've also produced a brand new tape measure! It measures waist circumferences up to 200 cm, and is colour coded for low, medium and high risk.

There are other new resources too! Got a great idea for a new resource? Drop us a line nutrition@livelighter.com.au, we'd love to work with you.

Fancy new tape measure

Two-sided for men and women

Colour coded for risk

What's cooking?

We've had something on the boil for a while now, and it's almost ready to serve!

If you're in WA, you've hopefully already received an invitation to the launch event. We'll give you a demo and would love your feedback to fine tune the planner before we promote it to the public.

Bonus recipe

As a special reward for reading all the way till the end, here's one of our favourite recipes.  It's a winner at my house because it keeps well, and is very tolerant to ingredient substitution - for those days when you don't want to make a special trip to the shops. Happy cooking!

Thanks for joining us, and we look forward to working with you!

Kind regards,

Anne Finch
Accredited Practising Dietitian
LiveLighter Campaign Coordinator, WA

Supported by Government of Western Australia - Department of Health, Heart Foundation and Cancer Council of Western Australia