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27 September 2019 Issue # 128

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AMA (WA) supports Government move to increase medical research funding

The Australian Medical Association (WA) has welcomed the introduction of legislation into State Parliament that will substantially increase funding for medical and other research, and potentially provide a boost to Western Australia’s economic future.


The WA Future Fund Amendment (Future Health Research and Innovation Fund) Bill 2019, introduced into Parliament yesterday will finally supply substantial amounts of money into medical research and follows years of encouragement by the AMA (WA) for politicians to look to the future.


To continue reading, please visit the AMA (WA) website


Voluntary euthanasia debate highlights need for better regional palliative care in Western Australia - ABC News

AMA (WA) President Dr Andrew Miller spoke with ABC News yesterday following the passing of the VAD Bill in the Lower House on Tuesday night. 


Dr Miller outlined concerns the legislation will restrict choice for people living in the regions who do not have adequate access to palliative care. 


"If they don't have access to great palliative care, if they don't have access to great treatment — if that is what they want — but all they have access to is voluntary-assisted dying, then that will not be a good outcome for the regions or anywhere else in our community."


To read the article, please visit the ABC News website


MBS Update for GPs – a breakfast roundtable with Professor Bruce Robinson

Thursday 10 October | 7.00am – 8.30am


Join the AMA (WA) and the Chairman of the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) Taskforce Professor Bruce Robinson to find out how the MBS Review recommendations will change the model of care delivered by GPs (and the control they will have over their futures and their future incomes).


For further information and to register, please visit the AMA (WA) website


AMA (WA) President discusses VAD on Channel 7's Flashpoint

Earlier this month, AMA (WA) President was invited to join a panel on a new Channel 7 TV program, Flashpoint. The segment was dedicated to discussing VAD. The panel also included Dr Alida Lancee; Assistant Editor of The West Australian newspaper Jenna Clarke; Peter Abetz, Australian Christian Lobby State Director; and  Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA. 


To view the segment, please visit the Channel 7 website


Apology requested by AMA (WA) President for Facebook comments by Health Department Official

AMA (WA) President Dr Andrew Miller is requesting an apology and clarification after defamatory comments about him were posted to Facebook from an account attributed to a Senior Health Department Policy Advisor, following the airing of Flashpoint on Channel 7 last night.


To continue reading, please visit the AMA (WA) website


Parental Leave for dads - the trials and tribulations

Every employee has a basic right to up to 12 months’ unpaid parental leave on the birth or adoption of a child subject to notification and evidentiary requirements. In addition, where both parents are working, unpaid parental leave is generally only available to one parent at a time, except for a concurrent period of up to 8 weeks.

AMA (WA) recently advocated on behalf of a member who sought 12 months unpaid parental leave from a hospital. This was denied by his employer on the basis that his wife was at home during that 12 month period and that he was not the primary care giver.


To continue reading, please visit the AMA (WA) website


AMA Financial Services – Get insurance while you’re still bulletproof

According to research by TAL Insurance, the cost of personal insurance soars after the age of 35. This is also the time in our lives that you may be going through significant change such as marriage, children, a bigger mortgage and more responsibilities. 


In the previous 5 years to 2017, TAL paid out insurance claims to the sum of $66m to people aged up to 35, but this figure soared for those aged 35 – 46 to a total payout sum of $152m.


To continue reading, please visit the AMA Financial Services website


GP required for Ravensthorpe, Great Southern WA

AMA Recruit has an exciting opportunity got a GP to join a vibrant rural practice in Ravensthorpe.

  • You'll be welcomed by the local community, and halve your 19AB moratorium
  • RA5 / MM7 - DPA area - 540km to Perth
  • This is a country style practice. Quiet. No rush, no pressure medicine.
  • The practice offers the chance to do more for your patients
  • Mixed billing

Interested? Apply online now via the AMA Recruit website. Alternatively, contact Dave Bell, General Practice Staffing Specialist, on 0439 361 218 or email


Youth Friendly Doctor - Mental Health: Diagnosis and Assessment

Tuesday 1 October | 6.00pm - 8.30pm


Mental Health: Diagnosis and Assessment outlines high prevalence mental health issues facing young people and enhances skills in distinguishing low prevalence and common co-morbid diagnoses.


On completion of this workshop, doctors will have improved ability to assess the psychosocial wellbeing of adolescents using screening tools, consultation techniques and standardised psychometric instruments. 


For further information or to register online, please visit the AMA (WA) website


Youth Friendly Doctor - Mental Health: Psychosocial Wellbeing

Tuesday 22 October | 6.00pm - 8.30pm


This core YFD workshop addresses care planning and coordination of pharmacological, psychological and social interventions for adolescents, establishing skills in the medication management of common psychiatric disorders and safe prescribing. This module equips doctors with approaches to psychosocial interventions for adolescents and their families and knowledge of common practical psychological techniques for clinical practice.


For further information or to register online, please visit the AMA (WA) website


FREE CPR for members

Wednesday 23 October | 6.00pm - 9.00pm 


With only a couple of months remaining in the 2017 – 2019 triennium, it's time to complete your CPR if you have not already done so. 


The AMA is delivering 3 hour courses for GPs requiring CPR training to meet practice accreditation requirements. The learning outcome of this unit provides the participant with a nationally recognised unit of competency: HLTAID001 – Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


The course will cover:

  • Assessing the situation and responding to the signs of an unconscious casualty
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation following Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines
  • Defibrillation awareness

This program attracts 5 category 2 RACGP points.


For further information or to register online, please visit the AMA Training website


Common Risks in Medical Practice

Tuesday 29 October | Light refreshments from 6.00pm, workshop from 6.30pm


Presented by Gae Nuttall, Risk Adviser, MDA National, this session will discuss the med-legal risks for medical practice including:

  • Medical care and treatment; practice support systems
  • Managing complaints
  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Medicare compliance and;
  • Advertising and social media.

This workshop is free for AMA (WA) members and their staff members/colleagues, $50 for non-members. 


For further information or to register online, please visit the AMA (WA) website


Australasian Doctors' Health Conference 2019

Friday 22 and Saturday 23 November


The Australasian Doctors Health Conference (ADHC) is being held in Perth on 22 and 23 November 2019. These conferences have been held biennially in Australia and New Zealand for nearly 20 years, with 2019 being the first time the event will take place in WA.


The theme is the important topic of “Creating a Healthy Workplace”. This will be relevant to doctors at all stages of their career, from medical students, to doctors in training, to doctors established in their chosen career. A particular focus will be looking at the impact of the work environment on a doctor’s health, be they a solo private practitioner or working in a large tertiary hospital. Issues will include the effect of medical culture on work life balance, bullying and harassment, and physical and mental health problems. The conference will also be relevant to anyone involved in the training or management of doctors.

Key note speakers include Professor Fiona Wood, Professor Geoff Riley, Dr Nikki Stamp and Dr Geoff Toogood (Crazy Socs for Docs).


For further information or to register, please visit the Rural Health West website


Elegant Theft: Duruflé’s Requiem

Duruflé’s Requiem, unbeknown to many audience members, is not all his own work. His silent collaborators were the monks of the medieval church whose Gregorian chants he ‘stole’ to create a unique, spellbinding masterpiece. His contribution was to bathe these glorious melodies in the luxuriant harmonies of the Impressionists to produce a meditative and personal experience for the listener.

Smaller but no less beautiful offerings include his unaccompanied Gregorian Motets performed by Perth Chamber Choir, anthems for choir, organ and harp by Fauré, including the divine Cantique de Jean Racine, plus a solo work for harp.

Sunday 13 October, 2.30pm, Trinity Uniting Church Perth
Sunday 20 October, 2.30pm, Christ Church Grammar School Chapel

There is a double pass to win for each show. To go into the draw to win one of the double passes, please email by Friday 11 October.


Write in and win

Got something to say? We would love to hear from you!

The AMA (WA)'s publication Medicus is calling on all members to send through any letters they would like to share with the profession. 

Write to us (200 words max) at - the best letter will win anything from movie/theatre tickets to bottles of wine. 


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14 Stirling Highway, Nedlands WA 6009. Ph (08) 9273 3000