Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Free agrifood breakfast roundtable featuring shelf-stable product exporters
In many markets around the world, sales of gourmet, premium and convenience packaged products are outpacing other categories of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG).
Join three of WA’s value-added manufacturers at this upcoming roundtable breakfast:
Mei Yong, Director of Turban Chopsticks.
Jodi Paindelli, Director of Ogilvie and Co.
Ailbhe Travers and Leigh Nash, Owners of Dingo Sauce Co.
Share in their exporting experiences navigating international FMCG markets and network with other WA agribusinesses at the Ritz-Carlton, 1 Barrack Street, Perth on Thursday 29 July 2021 from 7.30 am until 9.30 am.
To register, please email export@dpird.wa.gov.au by 5 pm on 14 July 2021 and include dietary requirements. Registration is free and places are limited, so register early to secure your place. Source: DPIRD | Photo: iStock
Tickets selling fast for WA Seafood Industry Awards
With all award submissions now locked away with the judges, planning continues for the WA Seafood Industry Awards event on 13 August 2021 at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle.
Tickets are selling well with an estimated 100 left, and only six weeks remaining until the much anticipated celebration of industry successes and sampling of spectacular seafood delights.
There are 12 award categories, including the Seafood Industry Producer Award, which is sponsored by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. Source and Photo: WAFIC
Austrade 2021-22 EMDG guidelines released
The 2021–22 Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) guidelines, together with a sample application form and grant agreements, have now been released.
Applications from eligible small and medium-sized enterprise exporters will open on 16 August and close 30 November 2021 for grants for export promotional activities undertaken from 1 July 2021.
The EMDG program now provides upfront funding certainty so you know how much you will receive over the life of your grant agreement (two or three years) and SMEs can plan their promotional activities with confidence.
SME exporters can apply for three different grants over eight years (not necessarily consecutively) for eligible promotional activities. Source: Austrade | Photo: J. Kelly Brito / Unsplash
Australia’s marine industry value jumps 28% over two years
Australia’s marine industry contributes more than $80 billion annually to the national economy according to a report released this week. The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Index of Marine Industry is a biannual update of the value the marine sector provides to Australia’s wealth by Deloitte Access Economics, commissioned by AIMS.
Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries and for Industry Development Senator Jonathon Duniam, who released the report, said Australia’s marine industry was one of the most important, vital and fastest-growing parts of the Australian economy.
“The value of Australia’s marine industry increased by more than a quarter between 2015-16 and 2017-18 and has seen a four-fold increase over the past two decades,” he said. “To put it in perspective, our $81.2 billion blue economy produced more than the agricultural sector ($58.9 billion), coal mining ($69.7 billion) and heavy and civil engineering construction ($68.5 billion) in 2017-18.
Western Australia, the nation’s leading commercial fishing jurisdiction, contributed $554 million of Australia’s $1.8 billion wild-catch fisheries economic output. Rock lobsters, prawns, and abalone were the most valuable species, together accounting for 64% of the economic output of all wild-catch fisheries. Source and Photo: AIMS
China digital economy academy program
This comprehensive online eCommerce training program can accelerate your business in China. As the home of technology giants - Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent - China has one of the world’s fastest growing digital economies and a range of eCommerce platforms.
Taking place from 31 August to 15 October 2021, the program aims to promote and strengthen the understanding and engagement between Australia and China, by helping Australian small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that already sell in China, to further benefit from China’s digital eCommerce opportunities.
Modules cost from $30 up to $120, although there are five complimentary places for WA regional businesses. Email chinadigitaleconomy@asialinkbusiness.com.au to secure one of these free spots.
On completion of the mandatory eCommerce modules of the program, SMEs will have access to business matching opportunities, and consultations with in-country experts from Austrade, and the opportunity to discuss the right shipping services for your needs with an Australia Post logistics expert. Source and Graphic: Asialink Business
Austrade: Seafood exports to Taiwan to be streamlined under new systems recognition arrangements
Taiwan has formally recognised the Australian seafood export system for all species of seafood and all types of seafood under the Harmonised System (HS) code headings of 03, 1604 and 1605. This comes after four years of negotiations between the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) and Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration.
As a result, DAWE export-registered seafood establishments will have improved market access to Taiwan from 26 July 2021.
Under the new systems recognition arrangements, seafood establishments seeking to access the Taiwan market will not be subject to time-consuming and costly audit processes that were previously required for some species. This development represents a substantial win for Australian seafood exporters and is evidence of Australia and Taiwan’s mutual interests in building stronger trade ties. More... Source: Austrade | Photo: Timo Volz - Unsplash [Taipei,
WTO: Merchandise trade posts strong gains in first quarter
Global merchandise trade continued to bounce back in the first quarter of 2021 from its collapse earlier in the pandemic, but the pace of recovery has diverged strongly across countries and regions, according to the latest analysis by the World Trade Organisation.
The volume of merchandise exports and imports in the first quarter rose to new heights in Asia, reverted to pre-pandemic levels in Europe and North America, and lagged in poorer, less industrialised regions such as Africa and the Middle East.
The volume of world merchandise trade grew 2.1% quarter-on-quarter in the first quarter of 2021, which is equivalent to an annual rate of 8.7%. Year-on-year growth picked up to 4.3% in the same period. A bigger increase is expected in the second quarter due to the steep decline in the same quarter a year ago. Source and Graphic: WTO
OECD: COVID-19 – a fast-track path towards more innovation and entrepreneurship?
COVID-19 has accelerated digital transition and favoured some forms of innovation and entrepreneurship, according a report just released from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
There has been mounting evidence and examples of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) integrating new digital practices and tools in their operations, or small businesses developing creative solutions or social innovation initiatives. The report says about 36% of Australian SMEs have increased use of digital technologies during the COVID pandemic.
While many changes are poised to last given the investments made, the OECD says it is too early to say if this may lead to higher productivity, growth and job creation. However, this acceleration has revealed the exposure of SMEs and entrepreneurs to a number of risks, including digital security risks, market concentration, or persisting gaps and inequalities in the transformation. Source and Graphic: OECD