Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
Grants for SMEs to access Asia and boost economy
Western Australian Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and business associations wanting to enter key Asian markets can access a total of $200,000 in grants aimed at creating jobs by diversifying trade with Asia.
Up to 20 grants are available in round 2 of the Access Asia Business Grants Program to support WA businesses and organisations to grow trade with key Asian markets.
Primary industries are one of the priority sectors eligible to apply.
Since international travel is not possible for the foreseeable future, the grants will help WA-owned and operated SMEs and organisations engage in activities such as adopting new business models to expand market share, scoping new supply or value chains, developing export plans that manage COVID-19 implications and accessing new Asian markets or sectors.
As well as SMEs, grants are open to industry associations and Asian business councils to support their business efforts in Asia, including key markets such as China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore.
Expressions of Interest for round 2 of the Access Asia Business Grants close at 12 noon on 26 October 2020. More… | Related: New skills workshops to support WA businesses export to Asia | Source: WA Minister for Asian Engagement | Photo: Alex Knight / Unsplash
DPIRD hosts virtual business matching meetings
Western Australia’s horticulture, pulse and red meat industries were showcased at a recent virtual business matching presentation series for Indonesian and domestic stakeholders.
The event, hosted by DPIRD, highlighted new opportunities for WA exporters as a result of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, and how the State's production and comparative advantages place it well for supplying the growing demands of the Indonesia market.
Particular attention was given to WA citrus exports to Indonesia, and how short freight times, quality fruit production standards, and no restrictions on varieties or supply periods, give WA an advantage in supplying fresh citrus to this growing market. Other products suitable for Indonesia include table grapes, avocados, berries, plums, stone fruit, carrots, potatoes, and onions.
Further virtual business matching sessions are set for next week, with future sessions facilitating one-on-one virtual meetings between buyers and exporters. For more information, please email export@dpird.wa.gov.au. Source & Photo: DPIRD [L-R: Fiona Goss, DPIRD Principal Trade Consultant, Agribusiness Food and Trade; Josh Franceschi and Sophia Cremasco from Advance Packing and Marketing Services]
Free virtual masterclass – register now
Join this free virtual event to master the core elements needed to make your business investor-ready.
Attendees will receive expert guidance and strategic planning tools to maximise your business value including a handbook and follow up support from BDO Australia.
The virtual workshops are part of a masterclass series delivered by BDO Australia in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Date: 28 October 2020 Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm (AWST)
This is a free online event Register Now
BDO Australia is a leading accountancy and business advisory organisation that looks for innovative ways for businesses to maximise growth opportunities and improve processes.
More... Source & Graphic: DPIRD / BDO
Register now for Asia business capability workshops
The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) is hosting four Asia Business Capability Workshops in Perth to support WA small and medium enterprises (SMEs) build awareness, knowledge and skills that support strong relationships and the development of trade opportunities with priority Asian markets.
Workshop activities will include interactive presentations, in-class exercises, group exercises, role-playing, business case review, Q&A session, panel discussions and interviews with country experts.
Each workshop will equip business managers with practical market knowledge and important cultural capability in developing high-level strategies to establish foundations for communicating with, and maintaining, positive interactions with Asian stakeholders and leading overseas expansion.
The in-person workshops, hosted in the Perth CBD, will be limited to 20 people per workshop to ensure a COVID-safe environment.
• Vietnam 12 November, 1pm-5pm AWST
• Indonesia 18 November, 9am-1pm AWST
• Philippines 23 November, 9am-1pm AWST
• India 30 November, 9am-1pm AWST
More... Source: JTSI
Australian seafood given sustainability tick for seventh consecutive year
Seafood Industry Australia (SIA), the national peak body representing Australia’s commercial fishing industry, has welcomed the release of the Fishery status reports 2020, which show that for the seventh consecutive year none of Australia’s solely Commonwealth-managed fisheries have been subject to overfishing.
“This is monumental news which is unprecedented internationally and the Australian seafood industry couldn’t be any prouder,” SIA Chief Executive Officer Veronica Papacosta said.
“Australia’s commercial fishing industry is one of the most sustainable protein sources in the world, and these reports are a celebration of our country’s seafood industry and the well-managed, sustainable fisheries that supply all of our favourite seafoods.” More... Source & Photo: SIA
2020 Export & Investment Awards: Celebrating resilience, ingenuity and courage
To celebrate the remarkable resilience, ingenuity and courage shown across both the exporting community and the international companies that invest here, Austrade has decided to pause the 2020 Australian Export and Investment Awards.
Instead of recognising top performers, there will be a celebration of the stories of businesses that have defied convention, gone out on a limb, adapted, and met the challenges of 2020 in unexpected and interesting ways.
The 2020 Australian Export and Investment Awards will be like no other. Help celebrate achievements big and small, with your stories that will inspire exporters and investors alike, during these difficult times. Your remarkable efforts deserve to be recognised, so please share your story today.
Submissions deadline is Sunday 25 October 2020. More... Source & Photo / Graphic: Austrade
Austrade: FTAs and $892 billion in global trade boost Australia’s resilience
The start of 2020 brought significant challenges for Australia, with natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic impacting trade and travel. But the strength and dynamism of Australia’s economy gives us increased resilience, according to Austrade.
As the Benchmark Report 2020 shows, the Australian economy is built on strong foundations. In multiple global comparisons, Australia stands out for our vigorous trade – $891.6 million in two-way trade in 2018-19 – good governance and robust institutions.
With the latest free trade agreement having entered into force in July this year – the Australia-Indonesia Closer Economic Partnership Agreement – Australia now has 14 free trade agreements in place, accounting for approximately 70 per cent of Australia’s two-way trade.
Austrade says that by global standards, we entered the COVID-19 pandemic with healthy government finances. These factors enable Australia to withstand all manner of disruptions. They enable Australia to respond effectively to current challenges. More... Source: Austrade / DFAT | Photo: Chuttersnap / Unsplash
Austrade: Japan supermarket sales up as consumers work from home
Supermarkets in Japan reported a 6.7 per cent increase in sales in August compared with the same month last year, Austrade reports in its latest North East Asia market update. All food categories except ready-to-eat/cooked meals increased their sales.
Sales of fresh fruits and vegetables increased the most, by 16.7per cent. Seafood, meats, and other foods increased by 7.9 per cent, 10.3 per cent, and 4.5 to 7.6 per cent respectively.
Austrade says consumers continued working from home as the number of COVID infections increased across Japan again in August, and this has been the key factor supporting the continued growth of sales by supermarkets.
For further assistance, please contact Austrade. More... | Related: Latest insights from Austrade | Source: Austrade | Photo: David Edelstein / Unspalsh
Rabobank: Dairy exports into ASEAN-6 nations set to boom over next decade
Demand for dairy in Southeast Asia is set to surge over the coming decade, creating future opportunities for key dairy-exporting regions, including Australia, agribusiness specialist Rabobank says in newly-released global research. In its report, Dairy export boom beckons in ASEAN-6 – with a push and a pull, the bank says the combined dairy import deficit of the ASEAN-6 nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) is one of the largest in the world, and growing.
The bank forecasts the combined annual milk deficit of the ASEAN-6 countries to reach close to 19 billion litres (liquid milk equivalent) by 2030 – up from an estimated 12.9 billion litres in 2020. This would see growth in demand for dairy imports in the region well and truly eclipsing that of China – currently the world’s single-largest dairy importer – where the annual milk deficit is forecast to reach 15 billion litres in 2030 (from an estimated 10.2 billion in 2020).
WA's dairy exports to ASEAN-6 countries was $40.3 million in 2019-20. Singapore was the State's largest destination for dairy with 44 per cent of the total value of dairy exports (all markets), while China was fourth with 10 per cent in 2019-20. More... Source: Rabobank / Kate Pritchett, DPIRD | Photo: DPIRD
WTO launches new import licensing platform
Four years of work by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) bore fruit with the launch last Friday of the new import licensing database.
The new platform gathers together import licensing information, analysis and reporting and streamlines notification procedures for WTO members.
The new database is a comprehensive information centre containing all members' legislation, procedures and product information relating to import licensing.
Offering a user-friendly interface, the platform will allow members and the business community to find import licensing information more efficiently and to make better use of the information contained in members' notifications. More... | Related: Trade has role to play in making COVID-19 response more effective | Source & Photo: WTO