Wootton Park School Newsletter
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Sale of Wootton Park Hall to Education Funding Agency confirmed 


We are all absolutely delighted that the sale of  part of the Wootton Hall Park site to the Education Funding Agency has gone through.  

Following this significant milestone, the Trust are working closely with the Department for  Education to finalise the Funding Agreement which we have been told we can fully expect to receive by the end of next week. 

Parents of children who have been offered a Reception or Year 7 place will be asked to confirm acceptance of their place at Wootton Park School. Any places that become available will then be allocated to those on our waiting list in accordance with our oversubscription criteria


Uniform Fitting Event – Saturday 14th May

If your child starts Reception or Year 7 in September and you haven’t yet booked your place at our Uniform Fitting Event on Saturday 14th May, please do so by visiting www.schoolinterviews.co.uk and entering code: g37qb


Please note that there is a limited number of time slots. If you are unable to attend the event on Saturday, an online ordering system will be in place in plenty of time for you to order your child's uniform before September.

A uniform collection day will be held in August, more details to follow. 


Recruitment drive continues

We will be advertising further vacancies on our website next week, including our teaching assistant, support and admin positions. Please keep an eye on our website! 


Wraparound care

We plan to offer full wraparound care and are currently exploring several options on how to best deliver this.

If we have the demand, we expect this provision to run from 7.30am - 6.00pm each day.


Primary -secondary transition research


Research published by the Nuffield Foundation looks at the potentially negative impact of primary-secondary transition on students’ wellbeing.

As an all-through school, Wootton Park exploits the inherent continuity and progression available and so helps ease the challenges often faced by children during transition periods, including school transfers (which our learners joining the Reception classes will avoid).

At Wootton Park, a careful transition programme is in place to help ease the transition for every new starter. Further details can be found on page 12 of our school prospectus. 


Get in touch

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at info@woottonparkschool.org.uk

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Kind regards

Wootton Park School Team