Professional Landscape Maintenance Just Makes Good Cents!
Maintaining your landscape can become something like cleaning out the garage – you
can do just the minimum to get by and get to the rest of it “later.” But unlike your
garage, the landscape keeps changing and growing. Weeds keep sprouting, shrubs
keep growing and turf and ground covers continue to creep over sidewalks and drives.
Before long, your whole landscape can start looking shaggy and overgrown. And once
problems get started they almost never disappear on their own and usually get harder
to solve.
Regular, professional clean-up, weeding and pruning will make your property and
your life a lot happier. This may include a spring clean-up, edging of beds and
application of mulch along with any needed pruning. This can be followed by a midseason
weeding and pruning and then in the fall for a final clean-up. Having a big
event this season? Arrange now for the services you may need. Most programs are
customized to some extent to meet the different challenges of various landscapes. You
can make this the year to get the landscape in shape by getting it on the schedule!