Climate Action Toolkit E-News

Carbon Neutral Webinar.
Learn about carbon neutral reporting requirements for local governments from our Carbon Neutral Webinar. Watch now at


Environmental Guidelines for Urban and Rural Land Development in BC. This guide is written for local government planners, the development community, and other stakeholders, to promote resource stewardship. Download Develop With Care 2012 guide.

Draft 2010 CEEI reports were updated to reflect the latest estimates and address inconsistencies. 2007 CEEI estimates have been adjusted where appropriate to reflect minor refinements to the methodology. The Draft 2010 CEEI Reports, including the entire CEEI dataset in XLS format, is available on the Ministry of Environment website.

The BC Energy Map has now been officially launched. The map contains data from the initial 2007 CEEI reports. Explore this Map.

New Tools

Preparing for Climate Change - new adaptation guide

Preparing for Climate Change -
An Implementation Guide for Local Governments in British Columbia (2012) is designed to assist elected officials and staff to plan and act in ways that will make their communities more resilient to the impacts of a changing climate. 
This guide can also be found on ReTooling for Climate Change website.

Carbon Neutral Reporting – What You Need to Know and Key Dates

2012 is the first year that local governments applying for grant funding under the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) are required to report on the progress they have made towards achieving corporate carbon neutrality.

CARIP Public Reports
The CARIP Public Reporting Template now includes a carbon neutral progress reporting section. Local governments with a zero balance of emissions for the year are carbon neutral. Local governments that do not achieve carbon neutrality need to provide a description of the actions that they will be taking over 2013 to move them closer to their carbon neutral goal.

CARIP Reports must be completed, made public and submitted to the Province by March 8th, 2013. Local governments requiring additional time to complete the carbon natural progress section of the Report may submit an Interim Report.  Local governments who submit an Interim Report must make public and submit a Final Report that contains the carbon neutral progress data by June 1, 2013

Detailed information on the CARIP reporting process is provided in the CARIP Guidance 2012, available online at:

Other Reporting Requirements
In addition to the CARIP Report, local governments who have chosen to use an inventory tool other than SMARTTool or who have undertaken an option 1 or 2 project will need to undertake additional reporting.

A summary of all the carbon neutral reporting requirements, a recorded webinar, submission dates and submission details are available on the carbon neutral page of the Climate Action Toolkit.


BC Assessment Building Information Report Now Available

In collaboration with the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development (MCSCD), the Ministry of Environment (MOE) and NRCAN, BC Assessment Authority (BCA) has developed a Building Information Report to support GHG emissions reduction efforts

The Report contains standardized data (including floor area, building use), for all residential, commercial and industrial buildings across the Province at the building level and building-by-use level.

The 2012 report is now available and will continue to be available annually in late spring.

To Request the Report (and User Guide):

Please submit your feedback on the BC Assessment Building Information Report to us at no later than May 31, for us to be able to incorporate changes for the next reporting cycle.

Additional Forthcoming Products related to
the Building Information Report:

  • Floor area data - summarized by smaller Census geographic areas, as well as, by building categories and subcategories e.g. multi-family residential, office etc.  – available in 2014 as a new 2012 Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) indicator
  • Energy intensity data - summarized by smaller Census geographic areas, as well as by building categories and subcategories e.g. multi-family residential, office etc.  – available in 2014 as a new 2012 CEEI indicator
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