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September 2012
In this newsletter, we take you on a virtual tour of two Vietnam War exhibitions staged recently in Auckland, and invite you to watch a short film produced from veteran interviews, film and photograph collections. We highlight memories and media recently added to the online archive, and announce plans for an exhibition in Australia this November to commemorate the Anzac effort in Vietnam.
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Home Fires Burning film
Produced by Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture & Heritage from interviews and images archived for the
Vietnam War Oral History Project. This short film documents the experiences three New Zealand veterans – nursing sister Daphne Shaw, rifleman Bruce Knight, and helicopter pilot Brian Senn.
Watch the film on the VietnamWar website
and YouTube
Latest Vietnam War memories
Bill Walker:
“When I looked at his wallet I saw that like me he was a corporal, and a married man with three children. In my mind that was me lying there.” Read more
Michael Shale:
“Well of course, when I joined the army I thought I was going for a holiday. I thought I was going on holiday to Malaya for two years. And come out and, you know, that would be it. I didn't realise that we'd end up in Vietnam.” Listen to the interview
Bruce Young:
“Pioneers were infantry field engineers, considered very capable around tools, using explosives, and when doing field engineering tasks. This story has all these elements but doesn't add to their reputation.” Read more
Ruka Hudson: Ruka Hudson lost his legs, one above the knee, during his service in the Vietnam War. He has gone on to become a successful artist, proud father and grandfather, korowai teacher, fluent te reo Māori speaker and keen fisherman.
Read more
New Zealand's Vietnam War stories on show in Australia
The next installation of the Home Fires Burning exhibition opens on 18 November at the Australian National Vietnam Veterans Museum, Victoria. It tells the story of New Zealand’s commitment to the US-led military coalition from 1964 to 1972, and commemorates Anzac relationships forged through allegiances on the ground and in the air over South Vietnam.
For more information see - National Vietnam Veterans Museum poster (pdf)