In This Issue
ICAP Conference on Conformity Assessment

On 1-2 November 2012, the 2nd IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) Conference on Conformity Assessment will provide attendees with a forum for discussion and presentations that will address the importance conformity assessment plays in today's evolving marketplace as an integral part of the standards development lifecycle.
Representatives from standards development organizations, test labs, accreditation bodies, operators, utilities and manufacturers will provide presentations and insights in their respective areas of conformity assessment. Technology areas to be discussed include synchronization requirements in telecom and power (IEEE 1588™), cloud-based services (IEEE P2301™) and Smart Grid.
Gordon Gillerman, Chief of the Standards Services Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will keynote the conference on the first day.
The registration fee for the full conference is US $100. Early registration prior to 26 October will qualify for a 50% registration fee discount. The registration fee includes admittance to all sessions as well as all breaks/meals and an evening reception on 1 November.
Register for the conference today.

AQuA is new name for UTI
On 1 August 2012, the Unified Testing Initiative (UTI) announced that it changed its name to App Quality Alliance (AQuA), as part of a deeper commitment to quality in mobile app development.
AQuA, whose members include AT&T, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Oracle, Orange, Samsung and Sony Mobile, is an independent, non-profit organization funded by its members with the sole purpose of helping developers improve the quality of mobile applications.
The name change from Unified Testing Initiative to App Quality Alliance was made to reinforce the importance of quality as a whole—and not just the importance of testing—to ensure quality levels have been achieved.
Continue Reading.

Program Profile Series: Kantara Initiative

Kantara Initiative is a robust and open focal point for collaboration to address the harmonization and interoperability challenges that exist between enterprise identity systems, Web 2.0 applications and services, and Web-based initiatives. Kantara activities focus on requirement gathering for the development and operation of Trust Frameworks as well as verification of actors within Trust Framework ecosystems. Kantara Initiative accredits Assessors, approves Credential Service Providers Services and recognizes Service Components (Identity Proofing and Credential Management).
The list of organizations that have gained accreditation, service approval, and recognition continues to grow. Europoint recently joined Deloitte, eValid8, and Electrosoft as Kantara-Accredited Assessors with the ability to perform Kantara Service Assessments at Assurance Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 for European markets. Verizon
has earned an Assurance Level 3 Service Approval and Symantec is currently under review. Additionally, Experian has earned an Assurance Level 3 Service Component Recognition for their Identity Proofing Service. Each of these organizations is essentially ready to interact with US government agency services..
The work of Kantara Initiative is central to the growing momentum around Identity and Access Managment standardization and programs regarding areas including but not limited to: social media, eCommerce and access to electronic health records. This work is related to the recent President Obama Administration "National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC)" and touches a core thread for greater cyber-security at-large threats and provisions.
For more information, visit the Kantara Initiative website.


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