Important Reminder
Booking IDs mandatory when sending ads to Fairfax Media Pyrmont & The Melbourne Age

Please note that as of 1 January 2013, advertising material delivered to Fairfax publications without the correct booking number or booking ID will not be accepted by the Adproduction team at Fairfax Media Pyrmont & The Melbourne Age.


Changes to Fairfax Adproduction in Australia mean that manual processing of material via Adstream without booking numbers will no longer be possible.


The booking ID identifies each booked advertisement, & through Fairfax's automated systems distributes the delivered ad to the ad space booked in each publication. Fairfax have advised that advertisements with invalid booking IDs will not be processed, & possibly not be published. Therefore, inputting invalid booking IDs or 'N.A.' will no longer be acceptable for Fairfax booking IDs.


How to identify a valid Fairfax booking ID -

Fairfax booking IDs are generally 10 characters long - 1 letter, then 7 numbers followed by 2 letters. Eg: G1234567AA. In most cases there are special IDs for adplan ads please check with Fairfax if you are unsure.

For Fairfax enquiries, please call 1300 666 326.


Please contact your Adstream Account Manager or Tech Support for all other enquiries -


P: 1300 768 988


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