![]() CEO's WelcomeWelcome to the October edition of eNews. Thank you to everyone who attended our virtual AGM last week. Even with foresight I don’t think we could have imagined the year we have had, but I am confident that through our partnerships and your ongoing support we will be able to face the challenges ahead in 2020/21. This year we are excited to release our first-ever digital 2019/20 Annual Report. This year’s report gave us the opportunity to reflect and look back on our achievements throughout the year, after experiencing the biggest disruption to volunteering in our 32-year history due to COVID-19. It has been inspirational to see the generosity and kindness of Western Australians in supporting people most in need during this time. High on our priority list is advocating for the volunteering sector and we are currently developing our State Election Priorities to ensure that we support our vision ‘for every Western Australian to enjoy a valued volunteering experience that enriches our State’. I’m delighted to announce the next WA State Volunteering Conference will be held in November 2021. We look forward to delivering a successful conference to inspire and motivate volunteer managers and leaders across the State’s volunteering and community sector. We will be sure to share more details with you when they are available. At the end of last month, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released new data on the rate of volunteering in Australia. Interestingly the results showed one million people across Australia reported volunteering online or over the phone. Volunteering WA has been working with members to transform and create more virtual volunteering opportunities to meet growing community demand. This month we are pleased to announce a new online Virtual Volunteering Workshop and resource to further assist medium to large Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs). Lastly, I’d like to extend a warm invitation to the International Volunteer Day Garden Party on Thursday 3 December. This annual gathering attracts hundreds of volunteers and VIOs and is truly a magnificent afternoon. We hope you can join us. Happy Volunteering, Tina Williams | CEO Volunteering WA Our NewsVolunteering WA would like to warmly invite you to the 2020 International Volunteer Day Garden Party on Thursday 3 December from 4pm in the beautiful lower gardens of Government House. It is an afternoon for celebrating and recognising the WA volunteers who contribute to our communities. ![]() Guests will enjoy canapés, refreshments and live music, with special guests His Excellency the Honourable Kim Beazley AC Governor of Western Australia and Hon Mick Murray MLA Minister for Volunteering. Tickets are $33 plus GST and are limited, so get in fast! Have you registered for the International Volunteer Managers' Day Forum? We are excited to announce a special line up of guest speakers for Volunteering WA’s ‘What’s Next’ - International Volunteer Manager’s Day Forum. This is a great opportunity to get together, network and celebrate Volunteer Managers in WA. This affordable informative, fun-filled day will also include morning tea and lunch on Thursday 5 November 2020. Mental Health Week 2020Volunteering WA staff took part in two volunteer team days as part of Mental Health Week (10 - 17 October). Volunteers are reportedly happier and healthier people, with volunteering increasing feelings of self-worth, connectedness and providing overall better mental health. ![]() Thank you to Foodbank WA and Dismantle for having us! If you would like to book a volunteer team day and enjoy the many benefits, contact us today. Corporate VolunteeringCorporate teams available to volunteer As the year comes to a close, many corporate teams are looking for opportunities to support community organisations. Recently Native ARC hosted a team of volunteers at their wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre at Bibra Lake. The corporate team supported the work of Native ARC by cleaning enclosures and conducting renovations. If you have an activity suitable for a team of volunteers, please contact corporate@volunteeringwa.org.au. The City of Perth School Vollieday Program The City of Perth School Vollieday Program was a huge success with nearly 50 young people aged between 13 - 17 taking part across four unique volunteering experiences to make a difference in their community. The ‘volliedays’ included a backyard blitz with People Who Care, badge making with WA AIDS Council, planting at Point Fraser and a clean-up at Heirisson Island with City of Perth. Thank you to all the wonderful youth volunteers who joined us over the school holidays and to the City of Perth for their support. Regional NewsVolunteering WA is an Act-Belong-Commit associate partner and during October, Volunteer Hub coordinators actively supported mental health initiatives across their regions. This strongly aligned partnership extended out to the Pilbara this year, working closely with the WA Country Health Service to assist in the promotion and provision of information about mental health and the benefits of volunteering. If you would like to get in contact with your local Volunteer Hub or Resource Centre please visit our website here. Volunteer Managers' Network Did you know Volunteering WA runs free network meetings and mentoring for volunteer managers? The Volunteer Managers' Network (VMN) is for people who coordinate or manage volunteers. The network meets every two months to discuss issues that affect you, share ideas together and occasionally have guest speakers. To register for our next face-to-face VMN meeting on Thursday 10 December 2020 click here. Don’t forget to also join the VMN Facebook group to keep up to date with all the latest news. Sector NewsDesigning a successful Virtual Volunteering ProgramVolunteering WA is excited to announce a new online Virtual Volunteering Workshop and resource for medium to large Volunteer Involving Organisations starting 30 November 2020. Join us to explore how you can utilise virtual volunteers and learn how other organisations are doing it successfully. Access to a new, exclusive virtual volunteering resource and other relevant materials is included in your registration. Volunteer Reactivation Survey FindingsThe findings from Volunteering WA’s recent member survey into reactivating volunteer programs are now available. The findings show about 80% of Volunteer Involving Organisations are confident they will be able to return to pre-COVID levels of activity. However, there appears to be the loss of some older volunteers who are choosing not to return to their roles and a number of programs that are also still not reactivated. New Checklist for Volunteer Involving OrganisationsThe Volunteering WA Research Committee has developed a checklist to support Volunteer Involving Organisations that are considering whether to contribute to a research project, or undertake research with an academic or industry research partner. Emerging Leaders in Governance Program 2021![]() Applications for the award winning Emerging Leaders in Governance Program (ELGP) 2021 open in early November, with 20 available places for aspiring Board directors. The ELGP pioneers the engagement of young leaders on the Boards and Committees in the aged care and community sector. New Passenger Transport Driver authorisationApplications are open for the new Department of Transport Passenger Transport Driver authorisation to replace the previous F and T class license extensions and will close 1 July 2021. Volunteers regularly driving for an organisation that charges customers (or a funding body) more than 68 cents / kilometre need to be authorised. The application process includes a one off application fee of $28, provision of a medical and National Police Clearance at least every five years and an annual fee of $88. Volunteering WA has been engaging with the Department on this matter. We would like to hear from you if you are concerned about the cost or administration of these changes to your volunteer organisation. Email meredith@volunteeringwa.org.au and we will be in touch. Youth Week WA 2021 Grants ProgramThe Department of Communities is currently seeking applications for the Youth Week WA 2021 Grants Program. Funding of up to $1,000 for individual events and up to $3,000 for collaborative community-wide events will be available for eligible organisations to host an event during Youth Week WA 2021 (9 – 16 April). Applications close Thursday, 12 November 2020. 16 Days in WA to Stop Violence Against Women![]() The annual ‘16 Days in WA – Stop Violence Against Women’ campaign takes place from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to 10 December, which is Human Rights Day. You are invited to create change during the campaign, to educate, motivate and advocate in your community, and stand up to stop violence against women. Training & Events ![]() We have some fantastic training coming up in the next few weeks. Please visit our website here for a full schedule of upcoming sessions however we bring to your attention a few that are very popular and filling up fast. International Volunteer Managers' Network Forum Marketing, Connecting and Matching Expectations Designing a successful Virtual Volunteering Program International Volunteer Day Garden Party Meet a Research Committee Member In this regular eNews feature we will showcase one of Volunteering WA’s hardworking and dedicated Research Committee members. View the Volunteering WA Research Committee member profiles here. Associate Professor Patrick Dunlop Announced as Chair of the Volunteering WA Research Committee in 2020, Patrick has been involved in research projects surrounding volunteer recruitment, retention and managing volunteer expectations. “To me, a good research design and data set are critical ingredients for separating what works from what feels like it ‘oughta work’, but actually doesn’t. The sorts of problems my research focuses on are those relating to recruitment and selection, whether in paid employment or volunteering settings. Honestly, the reason I love research is that I am a nerd at heart! I love the process of taking a problem, working out how to quantify it, drawing from what we know about it already to identify some creative solutions, and then testing those solutions out properly with good research designs and data.” New Members A warm welcome to our new and returning members: Regional: Comfort Quilts Against Cancer Inc Marble Bar Primary School Nullagine Primary School Yandeyarra Remote Community School Jigalong Remote Community School We look forward to working with you. Saturday Shout Out Do you need help finding volunteers to fill a position in your organisation? Our Saturday feature, only for members, advertises your position on our Facebook page, with over 7,500 followers. Email holly@volunteeringwa.org.au to promote your volunteer vacancies. Please ensure your volunteering role is on VIKTOR so that we can link the Facebook post straight through to the Volunteering WA website. ![]() |