Hammitt Schools - Ready, Set, Learn!
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The teachers, family advocates, and specialists who care for our children and families say, “Welcome back!” We have hired the best and brightest teachers to join our expert team for our growing schools. We have new playground equipment that will meet the sensory needs of our students with autism. Our new school location on Kays Drive is buzzing with activity thanks to our middle school students. There they are learning academic and vocational skills. The junior/senior high campus is also brimming with excitement as students work hard in the classrooms and workspaces. We have achieved a balance of staff, from the Academic Director to part-time aides, to ensure that both children and teachers are well cared for. Partnership with 40 school districts in the area makes it possible for The Baby Fold to provide superior support for children and their families through our Hammitt School
programs. The yellow buses are back, and we are excited to greet each child and welcome them to a bright new year of learning!
New to The Baby Fold Community School Program - Sheridan School!
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The Baby Fold is excited to collaborate with teachers and staff at Sheridan School in District 87 to help children and families connect and thrive. Sheridan School joins Fairview Elementary and Cedar Ridge Elementary in Unit 5, embracing the services we provide. Test scores have leaped in both reading and math since the implementation of our support programs at those two schools. We are optimistic that Sheridan students will see similar results. Natasha Syed of The Baby Fold will be embedded in the school to offer support to students and families, making it possible for children to be ready for learning and meeting long-term goals. Natasha says, “I have a strong passion for helping children and families, and believe that every child has a right to a strong education. Furthermore, I know that connecting families to community resources will help to build the foundation that is crucial for
educational success.” Natasha will draw from her background in child and family counseling to meet the needs of Sheridan students and families. To support our work with children and their families, please click here.
Women to Women Provides Grant Money for Community Collaboration
Earlier this summer, The Baby Fold received two grants from the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation. The first grant will join The Baby Fold, Marcfirst, and the Music Connections Foundation. The program will enable moms and therapists to learn strategies for incorporating music, movement, and literature into their therapy sessions. Creativity and artistic expression help to relieve stress and strengthen the baby/parent bond. The second grant will also promote healthy attachment of parent and baby. The Baby Fold and the McLean County Health Department will provide support for the mental health of pregnant and post-partum women, fostering infant bonding and mitigating post-partum mood disorders. Laura Beavers, director of prevention and early intervention services at The Baby Fold, spoke to those gathered at the Women to Women celebration. She shared her passion for parents and children:
“Physical and emotional well-being begins in the womb. We are dedicated to caring for mother and baby during pregnancy and for the early years of the child’s development when intervention is most impactful.”
Prevention Services Keep Kids in Their Home School
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Ryan was nervous about going back to school. He told his mom that he didn’t think he could do it, “Last year was rough,” he said. Ryan attends a public school in a nearby community, and he struggles to control his emotions and behavior. The Baby Fold is offering some help and hope to Ryan and his family in their home. Early intervention is critical to redirect kids like 8-year-old Ryan. Meeting with the whole family to plan for the child’s success is what Baby Fold social worker Stephanie Turrentine is all about: “I love to be part of the process. Helping families build on their strengths and teaching them effective ways to cope with life’s rough patches is very rewarding. When we work together, we often see that a child can maintain his place in his home school without needing to leave the district for support.” Ryan and his family have been receiving education and guidance from
Stephanie all summer, and the early reports for the new school year are good! Mom beams proudly as she announces that Ryan is making friends and grades. When asked how he thought things were going, Ryan simply said “okay,” but you couldn’t miss the shy smile that flashed across his face.
Make a Gift That Benefits You and The Baby Fold!
Donate Stock: Eliminate capital gains tax by gifting appreciated stock to The Baby Fold. Contact us for specific information or visit our website here.
IRA Charitable Rollover Gift: Support our mission today without impacting your checking or savings account balance. If you are age 70 1/2 or older, rolling over part of your IRA’s “required minimum distribution” (RMD) to a charity such as The Baby Fold can help reduce your tax bill while supporting our work with children and families. Gifts made directly from your IRA (up to $100,000 per year) are not reportable as taxable income. Contact your IRA plan administrator to learn their procedure for making a rollover gift to charity. Contact us for details or click here.
Contact Norris Porter, Assistant VP for Major Gifts & Planned Giving at nporter@thebabyfold.org or (309) 451-7204 to learn more.