Code Analysis Beta
We recently launched a beta of our new Code Analysis feature, which provides a compatibility report for your email's HTML/CSS within several email clients. This beta feature is now available for all subscription levels on Litmus, and can be found within the Code Analysis tab of your email preview test.
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Static Email Address + Tagging
Static email addresses provide a permanent, reusable email address to submit email tests to Litmus. Tags are an easy way to organize your tests inside your account and make them easy to search, label, sort and view. Combine the power of your static address with tagging to streamline your testing process and keep your account organized.
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Email Analytics CSV Exports
We recently added an export tab for CSV downloads for easy access to your Email Analytics campaign reports. CSVs for individual level reports, engagement, email client usage, and activity (prints/forwards) can now be found within the Export tab of your Email Analytics report.
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Unavailable Client Notification
If an email client is temporarily unavailable (caused by periodic downtime or updates for the email client) this will now be listed within the New Email Test page under "unavailable clients."
You will see the unavailable clients listed within a shaded box at the bottom of the Email Client Selection screen, and system status is always available at status.litmus.com.
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