The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , Please note, the submissions portal for TASA 2019 will open on February 25. It is closing earlier this year on May 27. Postgraduate Sub-Committee 2019-2020The subcommittee members for the 2019-2020 term are:
Jean Martin AwardTASA's Jean Martin Award (JMA) recognises excellence in scholarship in the field of Sociology and aims to assist with establishing the career of a recent PhD graduate. The 2019 JMA round is for theses for which a PhD has been formally awarded between the period March 1st 2017 to 28 February 2019. Nomination deadline: March 1. Read on... Looking for Work RegisterSpotlighting sociologists for hire:Na’ama Carlin![]() Dr Na’ama Carlin has a PhD in Social Sciences (Sociology) from UNSW. Presently Dr Carlin teaches, convenes, and lectures at UNSW. Dr Carlin’s teaching areas are classic and contemporary sociology and social theory, technologies, intro to sociology, sociology and human rights, social theory and policy, and culture and research. Dr Carlin’s primary research areas are sociology of religion, health and illness, embodiment and the body. Dr Carlin is also public commentator on topical and political issues. Dr Carlin’s area of expertise also includes applied sociology, bodies and embodiment, communication, culture and cultural policy, digital media, digital sociology, feminism, gender and sexuality, history of sociology, human rights and global justice, language and society, media, communication, information and public opinion, political sociology, social theory, and teaching sociology. Dr Carlin is looking for work in both teaching (tutorials, seminars, lectures) and research assistance (including consultancy). You can contact Dr Carlin by email or visit their profile. Employment OpportunitiesNew: Mission Australia are recruiting for a data analyst for Local Area Coordination in South Australia. The position would suit data analysts and experts in applied research/method, particularly those working within the disability space. Application deadline: February 3rd. Read on... Postdoctoral Fellow The University of Melbourne Application deadline: February 28. Read on... Senior Lecturer Monash University, Clayton Application deadline: March 5. Read on... Lecturer in Dementia The Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre (Wicking Centre) University of Tasmania Applications close: 18 February. Read on... Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Policy and Regulatory Aspects of Synthetic Biology. University of Queensland, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, St Lucia. The postdoctoral fellow will undertake a research program that contributes to our understanding of the national and international regulatory contexts in which synthetic biology technologies exist. Application deadline: 4 February Read on... Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Human Rights. University of Queensland, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, St Lucia. The postdoctoral fellow will undertake a research program to develop our understanding and analysis of digital human rights, in both developed and developing country contexts. Application deadline: 4 February. Read on... PhD Scholarship OpportunitiesThe Institute for Culture and Society is advertising a new HDR scholarship funded through a new interdisciplinary Centre of Research Excellence for Adolescent Health (NHMRC) working with Philippa Collin, Amanda Third and Teresa Swist. We are seeking a PhD candidate with interest in the ways in which gender, ethnicity, sexuality, time, and place inform young people’s perceptions of health, health literacy, help-seeking and access to services. Application deadline: TODAY January 31. Read on... Nottingham Trent University are offering over 50 fully-funded PhD studentships that are open to international students. Application deadline: February 25. Read on... Call for applications to the PhD program at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, Italy. They have 17 fully funded PhD grants (for 4 years). The program is entirely held in English and the call has CSIRO, in collaboration with the University of Queensland, is offering 8 PhD scholarships for social researchers in the field of ‘Responsible Innovation’ for projects starting in the first half of 2019. There are projects on diverse topics, some of which might be of specific interest to the social science/development studies community. Specific topics that might be of interest to you include: new personalised foods and impacts for health; social, legal and ethical implications of the digital revolution in agriculture; and the impact of cultural diversity on the development and use of novel biological systems. But there are many more that might also pick your interest. If you, or someone you know is looking for a post graduate research opportunity, this could be for you!. Please visit for further details of projects on offer, and for details of how to apply. Applications close TODAY 31 January with a start date scheduled for April. Please contact for more information. The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) at Western Sydney University have a scholarship opportunity on a project, 'Youth Mobilities and Digital Lives: Understanding Transnational Mobility's Impacts Through Social Media'. The PhD project will be based at ICS with the opportunity to work with the ICS-based supervisor, Dr Shanthi Robertson, on social media analysis/digital ethnography techniques to understand the impacts of transnational mobility on young people’s social, civic and economic lives. Applications deadline: TODAY 31 January. Read on... Two fully-funded, internationally open PhD opportunities at Deakin University, to study human-animal relations as social in urban India – these are part of an ARC Discovery project ‘Animals and urban planning: Indian cities as Zoöpolises’. Application deadline: TODAY 31st January. Read on... Members' PublicationsBook ChaptersRamón Spaaij and Sarah Oxford (2018) SDP and Forced Displacement. In H. Collison, S. Darnell, R. Giulianotti and P.D. Howe (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Sport and Development and Peace. London: Routledge, pp. 385-395. Bellocchi, A., Mills, K., Olson, R., Patulny, R., and McKenzie J. (2019) ‘Emotion Work at the Frontline of STEM Teaching’, in L. Bryan and K. Tobin (eds), Critical Issues and Bold Visions for Science Education: The Road Ahead. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, p247-264. DOI: 10.1163/9789004389663_014 Book ReviewsPatrick Brownlee (2019) Book Review: Tom Barnes, Making Cars in the New India: Industry, Precarity and Informality. Journal of Sociology. Journal - ArticlesKirsty Forsdike, Anne-Maree Sawyer & Timothy Marjoribanks (2019) “I’m Not a Vet!” Marginalisation and Practices of Resistance to Ageing by Women Hockey Players, Journal of Australian Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14443058.2018.1543204 Meredith Nash, Hanne E. F. Nielsen, Justine Shaw, Matt King, Mary-Anne Lea, Narissa Bax (2019) “Antarctica just has this hero factor…”: Gendered barriers to Australian Antarctic research and remote fieldwork’, PLOS One Oxford, S. (2019). ‘You look like a machito!’: a decolonial analysis of the social in/exclusion of female participants in a Colombian sport for development and peace organization. Sport in Society, 1-26. Berents, Helen. 2019. "Apprehending the 'Telegenic Dead': Considering Images of Dead Children in Global Politics". International Political Sociology. doi: Damien Cahill & Elizabeth Humphrys (2019) Rethinking the ‘neoliberal thought collective’ thesis, Globalizations, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2018.1560182 Sarah Oxford & Ramón Spaaij (2019) Gender Relations and Sport for Development in Colombia: A Decolonial Feminist Analysis, Leisure Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2018.1539679 McKenzie, J., Olson, R., Patulny, R. Bellochi, A, Mills, K (2019). Emotion management and solidarity in the workplace: A call for a new research agenda. The Sociological Review, Online First: DOI: 10.1177/0038026118822982 Olson, R., McKenzie, J., Mills, K., Patulny, R. Bellochi, A, (2019). Gendered emotion management and teacher outcomes in secondary school teaching: A review. Teaching and Teacher Education 80,128-144. DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2019.01.010 Ramia, Gaby; Patulny, Roger; Marston, Greg; Cassells, Kyla (2018) "The Relationship between Governance Networks and Social Networks: Progress, Problems and Prospects" Political Studies Review, Online first: DOI: 10.1177/1478929917713952 Deborah Lupton & Sarah Maslen (2019) How Women Use Digital Technologies for Health: Qualitative Interview and Focus Group Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Informed News & AnalysisPeter Walters (January 31, 2019) Why outer suburbs lack inner city’s ‘third places’: a partial defence of the hipster. The Conversation. PodcastsShanthi Robertson (January 27, 2019) How are young Australians affected by gap years? 2ser 107.3 Members' Keynote InvitationsHave you been invited to give a keynote? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can list the details in the weekly newsletter here. PromotionsHave you been promoted recently? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can share the details in the weekly newsletter here. Other Events, News & OpportunitiesFunding OpportunityFunding of up to $7,000 for humanities sector women available. Women & Leadership Australia is administering an initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s humanities sector. Expression of Interest deadline: March 15. Read on... Free Journal Access - Limited TimeEnjoy free access to the Theory, Culture & Society Annual Review through to February 10. Read on... Call for ChaptersNew: Social theory, digital education and the Global South: Critical perspectives The book aims to explore the interplay between digital media practices and education (in primary, secondary, further, higher, and adult and community education, as well as informal education) in the context of the Global South. Submission deadline: June 30. Read on... Call for Papers - JournalsAesthetics of Form as Social Philosophy. Re-reading Lukács Special issue of: Zagreber Germanistische Beiträge Submission of abstracts deadline: TODAY 31st January. Read on... Nationalism’s Futures Sociology Special Issue Deadline for submission
of full papers: 10 June 2019. Read on... For any queries regarding this special issue, please contact: 2019 Special Issue Call for papers: Disability and Children's Rights. The Canadian Journal on Children’s Rights (CJCR) Submissions deadline: April 1, 2019. Read on... SummitTHE Research Excellence Summit: Asia-Pacific Research for the public good 19 - 21 February, Sydney Early bird registration deadline: TODAY January 31. Read on... SymposiumsNew: Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics British Sociological Association Early Career Event Saturday 6th April, University of Aberdeen Submission deadline: March 11. Read on... New: Global Trends in Parental Involvement The intention for this Symposium is to explore the relationship between parents/primary caregivers and their children, and the organisers are looking for papers researching this topic in a global context. September 4-5, Dubai Submission deadline: February 4. (if anyone needs extra time to submit an abstract, they would be welcome to contact for an extension). Read on... TASA Youth 2019 Symposium. Organised by TASA’s Sociology of Youth thematic group with support from TASA and the Youth Research Centre The Ethics of Engagement, Participation and Representation University of Melbourne, 21st February Registration is now open. Read on... Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium Rural Issues Symposium - The future of rural sociology in Australia, 2019 La Trobe, Bendigo, Friday 28th June, 2019. Keynote presentations from Professor Barbara Pini, Griffith University and Professor Robyn Eversole, Deputy Director of the Centre for Social Impact at Swinburne University of Technology. In recognition of the unique social experiences of rural, remote, and regional residents, the symposium aims to bring together students, researchers, applied sociologists, community and social services professionals and academics engaging with a range of issues pertinent to rural, remote and regional Australia. Abstracts and scholarship applications due: Friday 22nd March, 2019. Read on... ConferencesNew: Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 15 - 17 July, Queensland Submission deadline: March 31. Read on... New: 17th Polish Sociological Congress 11-14 September, Wrocław Me, Us, Them? Subjectivity, Identity, Belonging Registration & submission deadline: March 15. Read on... Rethinking ‘change’: New theories, new topics, new questions, new methods 5th Contemporary Drug Problems Conference 4-6 September, Prato, Italy Submission deadline: March 1. Read on... Excellence and Gender Equality: Critical Perspectives on Gender and Knowledge in the Humanities and Social Sciences Australian National University, 26-28 June Submission deadline: March 6. Read on... 2019 International Conference and Workshops on Survey Research Methodology 7-9 August,Taipei Taiwan Submission deadline: March 5. Read on... SAANZ Conference 2019 - SAVE THE DATE The Disciplinary Areas of Sociology and Criminology at the University of Auckland will host the 2019 Sociological Association of Aoteroa New Zealand conference. The conference will house a dedicated stream of the Asia-Pacific Science, Technology & Society Network. We also welcome the Gender and Sexuality Group. The conference will be held at the city campus, 3-6 December, 2019. The theme is: Sociology for Everyone. The conference will commence with a pōwhiri (welcome ceremony) at Waipapa marae. The first keynote speaker will be Linda Tuhiwai Smith. There are several more confirmed keynote speakers. Details will follow in the new year. Political Emotions Conference Sociology of Emotions and Effect Thematic Group conference 22 July 2019, Adelaide, Australia Scholars from any discipline who are thinking about politics and emotions in a social context are invited to send an abstract of 150 words, plus a short biography, to by 5pm, Monday 18 February 2019, AEST. Read on... Education in an Era of Risk - the Role of Educational Research for the Future International Conference on Survey Research Methodology 8-9 August 2019․Taipei Taiwan Submission deadline: March 5. Read on... 7th International and Interdisciplinary Emotional Geographies Conference 17-19 July 2019 Keynote speakers include fellow member, & incoming Applied Sociology Portfolio Leader, Catherine Robinson. Themed Sessions submission deadline: December 10. Abstract submission deadline: 4 March 2019. Read on... Illuminating the SOCIAL in Social Problems The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) August 9-11, 2019, at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, NY. Submission deadline: TODAY January 31. Read on... Accessing Online MaterialsFrom March last year, the list of available Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals jumped from 36 to 91 peer-reviewed journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. To access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, please click here for instructions, if needed. Gift MembershipsGift memberships are available with TASA. If you would like to purchase a gift membership, please email the following details through to the TASA Office:
Upon receiving the above details, TASA will email the recipient with full details on how they can take up the gift membership. You can view an example of that email in both Word (39kb) and Pdf (159kb) formats. You will receive an invoice, via email, after the recipient completes the online membership form. Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. To ensure your publications listed in this newsletter are referenced correctly by third party users, it would be greatly appreciated if you could email your publications to TASA's Office in a referenced format. Links to content in this newsletter do not imply any official endorsement by The Australian Sociological Association or the opinions, ideas or information contained therein, nor guarantee the validity, completeness or utility of the information provided. Reference herein to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. ![]() |