Attention Illinois!Legislation is in the works in your state that, if passed, would pose a dangerous threat to your ability to serve women and families with true choice. The bill,
SB 1564
(named, ironically enough, "The Health Care Right of Conscience Act"), is currently in the hands of the Judiciary Committee of the Illinois State Senate, and
could reach the Senate floor as early as Tuesday, April 21. Our friends at Americans United for Life (AUL), along with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), are leading the charge to oppose this bill, which would trample on the freedom of conscience guaranteed by both the First Amendment and existing Illinois state law and open the floodgates to legalized intimidation by Big Abortion. [Click here to read AUL's full statement on Illinois SB 1564] Such efforts from an abortion industry clearly on the defensive - even they can tell we're winning! - have been beaten back elsewhere in Maryland, Texas and even New York City. Pregnancy help organizations in California
are also fighting similar conscience-infringing legislation, with the help of ADF and other national groups. Make your voice heard
on the Illinois Senate floor by sending the following email to your representative (look up his/her contact info here): Subject:
Please Oppose SB 1564 Dear ______________________, I urge you to oppose SB 1564, a bill that would essentially repeal conscience protections for healthcare providers in the state. In Illinois we must protect the conscience rights of doctors, pregnancy centers, and other medical professionals and not force them to participate in procedures or practices which violate their deeply held moral or religious beliefs. Freedom of conscience is a long-held American tradition and the government should not force individuals
to violate their conscience in order to hold a job or earn a living in this country. Illinois should not punish doctors and other medical professionals for their pro-life views and force them to participate in procedures such as abortion. Additionally, this legislation would force pregnancy resource centers to violate their core mission under this proposal. Please oppose SB 1564, a bill that would strip conscience protections for healthcare providers in Illinois. Sincerely,
(Letter courtesy of Americans United for Life)