The big GREEN
It's March already and DB HQ is buzzing with the jig of Irish music and preparing for the 17th March (St Patrick's Day) where everyone in the world is considered Irish.
This month's newsletter contains news from around the site so be sure to dive in and find out what is going on with us. As always hit reply and let us know what has been going on with you and we LOVE to hear from our members.
Be sure to join our Facebook Page (remember to click on like!), follow us on Twitter and be sure to join the Forums if you aren't already a member.
Regular Notification Changes
We have a number of subscribers who have opted for regular updates on content for the site. Up until last week these were sent on a daily basis.
However after feedback from you that you'd prefer to hear from us a little less (our feelings weren't hurt - don't worry!), we've changed the frequency of those notifications to weekly - sent on a Monday.
If you'd like to sign up to these notifications and don't get them already head over to our homepage and sign up in the newsletter box on the right hand side.
Looking for volunteers and contributors! is run by a group of dedicated volunteers from around the world. As volunteers the group grows and shrinks all the time and we're always in search of people who are interested in helping contribute to the site, no matter how small or large, frequent or infrequent. We'd like to ask for you to get in touch with us if you feel you could help out in any of the following areas:
Writer/Blogger on Freediving, Scuba or Spearfishing
Onsite staff at DEMA Trade Show (Las Vegas Nov 2012)
Photographer to be showcased in the Gallery
Interested? Drop us a line via our Contact form.
Are you a member of the forums? Did you know...
...that you can help support the forum directly by becoming a paying Supporter of the site?
For only $9.95 per year you get the chance to support the community directly and get the following benefits:
No Ads in the Forums
Your Private Message box will massively increase in size.
Special “Supporter” only forum.
Increased ability to upload Attachments and Images (200 Mb)
You can find out more via the FAQ on the Community Forums.
One Final Thing...
We are always aware you may not have been contacted by us in recent times so if that is the case and you really don't want to hear from us, don't worry we won't be offended - just hit the Unsubscribe link and you'll never hear from us again. If you also have a friend who might be interested the hit the Forward to a friend link.
We are one of the world's leading websites dedicated to Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing. A thriving community on the internet.
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