Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
WA Cold Chain Optimisation Pilot Project
Companies involved in domestic or international supply chains of perishable food and beverage products are invited to attend a brief webinar on how your business can participate in the WA Cold Chain Optimisation Pilot Project.
Delivered by the Federal Government's AusIndustry Entrepreneurs’ Programme, the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and project partners, the pilot project aims to improve cold chain practices for perishable goods within businesses.
Taking place 25 August 2021 from 11 am until 1 pm AWST, this free webinar will outline the risks disrupted supply chains pose to WA food and beverage exporters, and how improved cold chain practices within your business and upskilling of your workforce can reduce food loss and wastage, reduce insurance claims, improve food quality, shelf life, and enhance product and brand reputation.
Please register by close of business on 23 August 2021. Source: AusIndustry / DPIRD | Photo: Ian Taylor / Unsplash
Sustainable WA business set to expand with Access Asia Business Grant win
Fremantle-founded enterprise Dingo Sauce Co. is one of the newest recipients of an Access Asia Business Grant from Invest and Trade WA, as part of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation.
Dingo Sauce, founded in 2016 by Leigh Nash and Ailbhe Travers, is known internationally for its gourmet hot sauces made near-exclusively from WA ingredients. Leigh, a chef for over 25 years, and Ailbhe, who has a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Systems Engineering, emphasise the importance of supporting local producers in producing high-quality, health-conscious sauces for consumers, while remaining sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Dingo Sauce has more than 50 stockists in WA, and sells products through multiple online platforms in Australia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom. The company gained international attention in early 2020, when its Widow Maker sauce was featured on internet sensation Hot Ones. Plans to expand further into the US market have been put into place, albeit delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The grant opens up many new opportunities for Leigh and Ailbhe. Access Asia Business Grants support WA exporters to advance their entry into Asian markets and boost the WA economy, particularly by assisting businesses adapting to a ‘new normal’ of trade during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given Dingo's success both in Australia and overseas, and the potential of a market highly receptive to their artisan chilli sauces, a pathway to South-East Asia may be in the future for Dingo Sauce Co.. Source: Dingo Sauce Co. / Invest & Trade WA | Photo: Dingo Sauce Co. [L-R: Karyn Wiggins and Jamie Moore of Moore Veggies, pictured with Ailbhe, Leigh and their daughter Lily in Carnarvon last week.]
International grants for Southeast Asia engagement open for applications
The Australia-ASEAN Council’s 2021 International Relations Grants Program opened for applications this week. This Grants Round will support the continuation of people-to-people and institutional engagement between Australia and Southeast Asia, particularly during and following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Single-year funding between $20,000 and $50,000 is available for projects that enhance mutual understanding and people connections. Key priority areas include economic resilience, health, business engagement, language, arts and culture. This round focuses on opportunities for engagement that brings people together without requiring travel, such as virtual initiatives. The round also prioritises applications that directly contribute to the needs of Southeast Asian countries throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with a particular focus on women’s empowerment in the region.
Australian businesses, consortiums, charities, government bodies, Corporate Commonwealth Entities, statutory authorities and citizens or permanent residents are all eligible to apply. Applications must be submitted through SmartyGrants by 8 September 2021.
More information can be found on the Australia-ASEAN Council Grants page of the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website, or by emailing questions to aac@dfat.gov.au. Source and Photo: DFAT
Regional Roadshows showcase WA export opportunities
The Invest and Trade Western Australia Regional Roadshows have begun, starting on 4 August in the South West and Great Southern. Developed by Invest and Trade WA, a division of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI), in collaboration with the Regional Development Commissions, the Roadshows bring industry, local businesses and government together to showcase international investment opportunities in the regions.
The focus of the visits was for WA's Investment and Trade Commissioners to meet with local businesses and government and hear their views relating to trade and investment challenges and opportunities, and to better understand how the WA Government can authentically represent the region’s unique business proposition in overseas markets.
In a unique opportunity, industry, business, government and community leaders can talk with WA’s newly appointed Commissioners, who are currently based in Perth while remotely leading WA’s international offices to engage with overseas markets.
“During the Regional Roadshow, the Commissioners are enjoying the opportunity to meet with industry and community leaders from across the region”, said Simone Spencer, JTSI's Deputy Director General, Strategy and International Engagement.
The South West leg of the tour showcased WA’s mining and manufacturing technologies, premium produce – including truffles, avocados and breweries – and scenic landscapes.
While in the Great Southern, the delegation met with key regional stakeholders at the Premier Mill Hotel in Katanning and visited one of WA’s leading export meat processing facilities. The delegation then travelled to Albany where they met with local winemakers and producers, and toured Leeuwin Coast’s operations at Emu Point. The delegation also visited the world-class aquaculture facilities at the Albany Shellfish Hatchery, which has been developed with the support of the WA Government and will further work with Invest and Trade WA on exploring export opportunities.
The tour will visit the Peel region later this month, and the Kimberley in September, with further locations to be announced.
Invest and Trade WA worked with the Regional Development Commissions and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to create the regional roadshow programs. Source and Photo: Invest and Trade WA [The delegation touring Shelter Brewery in Busselton.]
Public submissions open on the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has opened submissions for a General Review of the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA).
The review aims to upgrade and modernise the agreement to better support bilateral economic partnerships, review trade and investment opportunities, review free trade agreement activities, and consider emerging developments in global trade policy.
DFAT has started preliminary discussions with Japan and key stakeholders, but also welcomes written submissions from interested parties.
More information can be found on the JAEPA webpage on the DFAT website. Submissions should be sent to japanEPA@dfat.gov.au. Submissions close 31 August 2021. Source: DFAT | Photo: JJ Ying / Unsplash
Register now for WTO Public Forum
This year's World Trade Organisation (WTO) Public Forum, entitled Trade Beyond COVID-19: Building Resilience, will look at the effects of the pandemic on trade and how the multilateral trading system can help build resilience to COVID-19 and future crises. The Public Forum will have three sub-themes:
Enhancing resilience beyond COVID-19.
Strengthening the multilateral trading system.
Collective action towards sustainable trade.
This free event – which will be available online – provides a unique platform for heads of state, parliamentarians, business people, students, academics and civil society to come together and debate a wide range of trade and development topics. Over 1,500 participants attend the Forum each year. Those interested in attending the Forum should complete the online registration form no later than 6 September 2021. Source and Graphic: WTO