The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Dear , The 2019 Postgraduate Day Program has been finalised. Many members have volunteered to be a part of the day to help make the event a great success. You can view the final program here. CongratulationsA warm congratulations is extended to David Rowe who has been named the top researcher in the field of communications in The Australian's 2019 Australian Research magazine. The same publication lists Western Sydney University as the top research institution in the field of Sociology. Employment OpportunitiesPostdoctoral Research Associate, Sociology The University of Sydney Application deadline: October 30. Read on... Visiting Professor in Australian Studies 2020-21 or 2021-22 (two terms) Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Centre for Pacific and American Studies, The University of Tokyo Application deadline: 5pm on 18 October . Read on... PhD Scholarship OpportunitiesFostering Global Digital Citizenship: Diaspora Youth in a Connected World A PhD scholarship opportunity is for a 3 year project attached to ARC Discovery. The opportunity is for a domestic student who would be able to commence in January 2020. They will be located in Sydney, and supervised by Dr Amelia Johns (UTS, School of Communication). Applications close: November 1st. Read on... Looking for work registryThe Looking for Work registry is there to help sociologists looking for work but it is also there to assist those looking to employ a sociologist. The registry of members can be accessed on TASAweb here. If you would like to add yourself to the registry, please click here. If you are currently listed on the registry and no longer need to be, please remove yourself or contact TASA Admin to be removed. Meet Digital Publications Portfolio Leader Roger WilkinsonRoger Wilkinson studied undergraduate and postgraduate Sociology at La Trobe University before moving to James Cook University in north Queensland. Roger taught many subjects and travelled between campuses until video-conferencing offered a weak alternative to face-to-face teaching. Dissatisfaction with this mode of teaching led me to consider and develop podcasting. The rise of the iPhone and a chance meeting with a student led me to search for ways of embedding video-podcasts on smart phones. I then used this method to digitally grade essays by making movies. While there was little interactivity, it solved some problems and, in consultation with students, created other possibilities. Roger decided to become a student again, completing a postgraduate qualification in Human Resource Management. His desire to keep learning, reading and developing his digital literacy was what attracted him to the Digital Publications Portfolio. ![]() For many years now, Roger has been producing TASA's Conference Proceedings and Book of Abstracts. He has also done a term of Nexus editorship. This year, he has taken on the Annual Report and will be redesigning it to give it a modern look and feel. Roger is currently working on other TASA digital projects, which will be revealed soon. If you would like to contact Roger about all things digital, including submitting something to Nexus, you can do so via If you haven't met Roger, you can meet him at TASA 2019 in November, Sydney. You can also follow him on Twitter: @rogerwilkinson3 Meet the Social Stratification Thematic Group Convener Gbenga Afolayan![]() TASA's Social Stratification thematic group aims are to foster high quality theoretical and empirical research and teaching in the field of social stratification and to encourage collegiality and discussion among sociologists interested in social stratification issues. Social stratification is understood in broad terms and is intended to incorporate sociological work on a range of topics, including classes, professions, occupations, work, education, social mobility, and inequalities in welfare. Gbenga Afolayan is a PhD candidate at Murdoch University. Gbenga's thesis title is: Non-Formal Education Programs as a tool for Empowering Adolescent Girls in a Region with High Levels of Child Marriage: The case of Northern Nigeria . He focuses on issues of sociology of development and education, public policy, gender and social justice, mobile studies and development administration. His current research explores the evolving responsibilities of government to respect the rights of marginalised and socially excluded groups (widows, persons with disabilities, girl child, etc.), various efforts to hold government accountable for alleged rights violations, and efforts to fill voids in international development. Gbenga is particularly interested in issues relating to Africa and South Asia. Gbenga is also an established musician. His music is rife with recognisable influences, from South-western Nigerian gospel (in both Yoruba and English) to Afro-hip pop (i.e. highlife, Juju, Nigerian-style hip pop). Members' PublicationsBook ChaptersBrowne, C (2019) “Two Critiques of Identity: Adorno and Castoriadis on the Capitalist Imaginary’ in A. Khandizaji (ed) Reading Adorno: The Endless Road, Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp.1-35. Browne, C (2019) ‘Luc Boltanski’ in G. Ritzer and C. Rojek (ed) Wiley Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology, 2ndEdition. Blackwell, London Book ReviewsPoynting, S. (2019). Book Review: Louise Boon-Kuo, Policing Undocumented Migrants: Law Violence and Responsibility. Journal of Sociology. Journal ArticlesBrowne, C. and Diehl, P. (2019) ‘Conceptualizing the Political Imaginary: An Introduction to the Special Issue’, Social Epistemology. Browne, C. (2019) ‘The Problem of Hierarchy and the Modern Political Imaginary’, Social Epistemology. Browne, C. (2019) ‘The Antinomies of Habermas’ Reconstruction of Historical Materialism: Towards A Dialectical Renewal Critical Social Theory’s Historical Perspective’, Inter-Legere, Volume 2, Number 24: 17-49. Sass, J. 2018. The Cryptonormative Swamp: A Response to Andrew Abbott's "Varieties of Normative Inquiry". The American Sociologist. Vol.49, No.3, pp.448-455. Informed News & AnalysisCatherine Waldby (October 4, 2019) The business of IVF: how human eggs went from simple cells to a valuable commodity. The Conversation. BlogsDeborah Lupton (October 3, 2019) New book Data Selves now out. This Sociological Life. Health Sociology Review2021 Special Issue - Call for Expressions of InterestHealth Sociology Review (HSR) is an international peer-reviewed journal, which publishes high quality conceptual and empirical research in the sociology of health, illness and medicine. We encourage sociologists to submit proposals to develop and edit special issues within their field of expertise. Note, those who have previously submitted an expression of interest are welcome to submit again for this call. Proposal submission deadline: Extended to TOMORROW October 11. Read on... 2020 Special Issue - call for papersSex, Health & Technology Special Issue The Role of Bio-medical, Bio-mechanical, and Bio-digital Technologies in Sex, Sexual Health, and Intimacy. Full papers due: January 17th 2020. Read on... Members on the MoveChanging jobs, department or location? Let us know and we will list the details here. Alex Broom has moved to The University of Sydney: Leading health sociologist joins faculty Members' Keynote InvitationsHave you been invited to give a keynote? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can list the details in the weekly newsletter here. Members' PromotionsHave you been promoted recently? If so, we'd love to hear about it so that we can share the details in the weekly newsletter here. Megan Sharp has just been promoted to Level B Research Fellow – Diversity and Inclusion in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at The University of Melbourne. Megan's very happy to engage with other Level A academics looking to apply for promotion should they want any ‘very fresh’ advice or support. Megan's best contact is Thematic GroupsTASA Health DayData, Technology and Sociology in the Age of Digital Health Keynote speaker: Professor Alan Peterson, Monash University Keynote workshop: Professor Deborah Lupton, UNSW Sydney November 29, University of Western Sydney Registration deadline: November 22. Read on... Other Events, News & Opportunities2021 Journal of Sociology - Special IssueCall for PapersImagining rural futures in times of uncertainty and possibility: Progressing a transformative research agenda for rural sociology. This Special Edition offers a critical opportunity to imagine the futures of rural societies and rural sociology at a time when, across the world, there has been an awakening of diverse publics to the reality that current and historical social and economic structures are leading to the demise of planetary health and human survival. Read on... PanelNew: Public Event: Are there some jobs robots just shouldn’t do? Join the panel as they discuss robots in the workplace from a range of industry perspectives. Chair: Sara James Speakers: Katharine McKinnon on care work, Mira Stammers on law and Lawrie Zion on journalism. Saturday, 26th October, 3 pm – 4.30 pm, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, read onThis event is part of ‘Next Fest’ (24th-27th October)– a series of public events hosted by La Trobe University’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences that engages with the key challenges and possibilities of our immediate future. TalkNew: Lost England? A Post-Brexit Sociological Travelogue Vitalities Lab Talk: Professor Roger Burrows Monday, 18 November, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm AEDT, UNSW Kensington, NSW Attendance is free but registration is essential. Read on... Affordable transcription servicesNew: In case anyone is looking for a transcriber, fellow member Christina Malatzky would like to recommend the services of Linley Adams. Linley has been Christina's transcriber for a number of years and is very experienced. She is a sole business operator so her rates are highly competitive, especially when compared to the charges of larger transcription companies, and she offers a discount to postgraduate students. Linley’s email address is for those of you who may be in need of her services. Grant Program - ReligonNew: The International Centre for the Sociology of Religion (ICSOR) Grant Program provides residence in Rome for researchers intending to carry out projects regarding the sociology of religion. Application deadline: March 30, 2020. Read on... Workshop‘AKE: A Critical Feminist Arts/Research Workshop Series’ is coming to Canberra on Thursday 21 November, 12-4pm at the Australian National University. In this workshop, brought to you by Dr Ashleigh Watson, Dr Laura Rodriguez Castro, and Samantha Trayhurn, they will explore ways of practically extending critical and feminist social research with art. The workshop will involve talks on participatory visual methods followed by a practical workshop, where participants will produce a zine to be published with Frances St Press. This workshop is suitable for Honours, Masters and PhD students, and established social researchers. Read on… Public Lecture2019 Courtenay Lecture - After the Generations Wars: Building a better future for the young people Speaker: Dan Woodman Thursday 17 October, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm AEST, James Cook University, Smithfield Registration is free but essential. Read on... ExhibitionVisualising the Future: Images and stories by the citizens of Clarence Stemming from a project by Peta Cook Opening event Wednesday October 16th at 5.30pm Forum2019 Shepparton Indigenous Women in Leadership - Leading the Change TODAY 10 October, 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Shepparton :La Trobe University, Shepparton. For the full details and to book, read on... SymposiumsCapabilities and Capitals: Implications for Students’ Persistence and Success at University November 21 - 22, University of Wollongong Fellow member Dina Bowman is one of the speakers. Registration is free but essential. Read on... ConversationsShifting paradigms: Conversations on developing a transformative agenda for future mental health research, policy and practice Join in on an afternoon of stimulating conversation on approaches to meaningful engagement with experts by experience to transform the agenda for mental health research, policy and practice. TODAY 10th October, 4 – 5.30 pm, RMIT University (City Campus) This event is free but registration is essential. Read on... Conferences2019 AASR Conference: Religion and Violence 4-6 December 2019, City campus, University of Newcastle The 2019 AASR Conference will be held from 5-6 December and include a free masterclass and workshop for postgraduates and early career researchers on 4 December. Last day to register 27 November. Read on... DEADLINE EXTENDED: Rural sustainability in the urban century XV World Congress of Rural Sociology 8-12 July 2020, Cairns, Australia Submission deadline extended to November 1. Read on... Registrations are now open for this event. As part of the IRSA 2020 XV World Congress of Rural Sociology in Cairns, Australia, RC40 (The Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food of the International Sociological Association) and the Australasian Agri-Food Research Network invite abstracts for a mini-conference on the exciting theme of transdisciplinary visual methodologies. They are also hosting a separate (post)-graduate student workshop for students exploring and using visual methods. 7 - 8 July, 2020. Submission deadline. November 1. Read on... Advancing Equality at Work and Home: Strengthening Science and Collaboration Work and Family Researchers Network Conference June 24-27, 2020, New York Midtown Manhattan Hilton Submission deadline: November 11. Read on... Transforming Contexts, Transforming Selves: Gender in New Times Gender Work and Organization conference 24-26 June 2020 Re-creating Landscape and Culture in a Time of Global Change International Association for Society and Natural Resources Cairns, Australia, June 23-26, 2020. Read on... The 28th American Men’s Studies Association Annual Conference ‘Masculinities in Transition.’ 19-22 March 2020. Greeley, Colorado, USA. Abstract submission deadline: 15 November 2019. Read on... Advancing Equality at Work and Home: Strengthening Science and Collaboration June 25-27, 2020, New York Hilton Midtown in New York City. Submission deadline: November 1. Read on... TASA Documents and PoliciesYou can access details of TASA's current Executive Committee as well as documents and policies, including the Constitution, Code of Conduct, Grievance Procedures & TASA's History, via TASAweb here. Accessing Online MaterialsFrom March last year, the list of available Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals jumped from 36 to 91 peer-reviewed journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. To access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, please click here for instructions, if needed. Gift MembershipsGift memberships are available with TASA. If you would like to purchase a gift membership, please email the following details through to the TASA Office:
Upon receiving the above details, TASA will email the recipient with full details on how they can take up the gift membership. You can view an example of that email in both Word (39kb) and Pdf (159kb) formats. You will receive an invoice, via email, after the recipient completes the online membership form. Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. To ensure your publications listed in this newsletter, & subsequently on TASAweb, are referenced correctly by third party users, it would be greatly appreciated if you could email your publications to TASA's Office in a referenced format. If you have missed a newsletter or you would like to look back on any of them, you can view them here. Links to content in this newsletter do not imply any official endorsement by The Australian Sociological Association or the opinions, ideas or information contained therein, nor guarantee the validity, completeness or utility of the information provided. Reference herein to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. The theme of the forthcoming Congress (July 2022) is Resurgent Authoritarianism: Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies. We welcome, and encourage, you to spread the word using this flyer. The International Sociological Association has undertaken the development of the Global Mapping of Sociologists for Social Inclusion (GMSSI) to create the global database of sociologists. GMSSI aims to identify, connect, and enable global collaborations in sociology, and support sociologists who encounter multiple barriers, economic and political, which impede participation in global exchanges. GMSSI aims to increase the visibility of sociologists and their knowledge production and also be an important resource for sustained interaction with the media on a range of issues. Your participation is important to the success of GMSSI in building this global sociological community. To start: Go to where ISA briefly explain what the site is about and where there is a link to sign in or sign up. You do not need to be an ISA member to be listed on the GMSSI ![]() |