COVID-19 - Members' Notice No.3
Dear Members,
Along with all Western Australians we need every Club member to do their part to help stop the spread of COVID-19. One thing is certain—the Club is going to be affected by this virus for the near future, if not longer.
Together with my fellow Flag Officers, we have been considering all aspects of the Club including our scheduled racing calendar. Our view is, providing all sensible precautions are observed (see below), the risk to our Members and staff at the Club remains low.
Sailing is conducted in the open air and is generally a low-density, non-contact sport. Along with all safety precautions, the owner/skipper and crew of each boat are ultimately responsible for deciding to participate.
With this in mind we have taken the following steps to be effective immediately for keelboats, dinghy and junior sailing.
- All Club level sailing will continue as scheduled. This may change with short notice.
- Consistency, championship and perpetual trophy series points have been concluded as of last weekend.
- Race day presentations will not take place until further notice. Results will be posted online as normal.
- All sailing state championships, inter club and offshore events are postponed.
- Outdoor Bar will operate on race days.
- The Dinghy/Junior canteen will be closed until further notice.
The Club will remain open. We will be observing Government Guidelines limiting 100 members, guests and staff in the Members' Bar/Bowline at any one time.
All Members’ and guests are encouraged to observe the protocols below.
On the advice of the WA Department of Health we ask the following:
- Anybody who has recently travelled overseas and returned to Western Australia cannot visit the Club for 14 days.
- Similarly, anybody feeling unwell or who may have been in in close contact with a person with COVID-19 should not visit the Club.
- Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with running water and soap or alcohol based gel.
- Cover your mouth/nose when you sneeze or cough using a disposable tissue or flexed elbow.
- Avoid shaking hands, or making other unnecessary physical contact with others.
- Practice social distancing. Try to keep at least 1.5m from others.
I’d like to thank all Members and their guests for their cooperation in this unprecedented time.
Gary McNally
Contact the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 and follow the directions provided if you have any concerns.