The Australian Sociological Association: Members' Newsletter No Images? Click here Members' NewsletterDear , This week's newsletter is filled with an array of news items and resources. Enjoy! CongratulationsA warm congratulations to our 2016 award winners: 2016 Stephen Crook Memorial Prize and the 2016 Raewyn Connell PrizeJoel Windle was the winner of both book prizes this year for his book, Making Sense of School Choice: Politics, Policies, and Practice under Conditions of Cultural Diversity Sociology in Action AwardYoland Wadsworth was the 2016 winner of this award, which recognizes contributions to the practice of sociology outside of academic settings. It is conferred on a TASA member who has made an outstanding contribution to sociological practice in Australia. Journal of Sociology Best Paper AwardRoach Anleu, Sharyn and Kathy Mack (2015) ‘Performing Authority: Communicating Judicial Decisions in Lower Criminal Courts’ 51(4) Journal of Sociology 1052-1069. Early Career Researcher – Best Paper PrizeCheng, J. (2015) Islamophobia, Muslimophobia or racism? Parliamentary discourses on Islam and Muslims in debates on the minaret ban in Switzerland, 26(5) Discourse & Society Employment OpportunitiesThe University of Sydney is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Qualitative Research in Health to ensure sustainable, high quality and flexible provision of qualitative health research teaching within the Sydney School of Public Health. Visit and search by the reference number 1920/1116 for more information and to apply. Application deadline: 2 January 2017. Read on... The School of Social and Political Sciences, at The University of Melbourne, is seeking a Level B Lecturer in Sociology through the Melbourne Early Career Academic Fellowship program (MECAF). The successful applicant will complete a structured development programme provided by the University within their workload allocation. This programme provides training, supervision and appropriate career and professional development opportunities towards establishing an academic career. Application deadline: 8 January 2017. Read on... Nanyang Technological University, Singapore invite applications for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Sociology from candidates with expertise in the sociology of ageing/social gerontology. Candidates should possess a PhD in Sociology or a related social-science discipline at the time of appointment, demonstrable evidence of excellence in research and teaching, and a commitment to university service. The University emphasizes cutting-edge research and teaching and boasts strong support for each. The successful applicant is expected to teach in English at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Application deadline: 30 December 2016. Read on... Members' PublicationsBooksMcKenzie, Lara 2017. ‘A precarious passion: Gendered and age-based insecurity among aspiring academics in Australia’, in Being an early career feminist academic: Global perspectives, experiences, and challenges, Thwaites, Rachel & Pressland, Amy (eds), Studies in gender and education series, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 31-49. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-54325-7 Journal ArticlesBouma, G. (2016). The role of demographic and socio-cultural factors in Australia’s successful multicultural society: How Australia is not Europe, Journal of Sociology Fozdar, F. (2016). Asian invisibility/Asian threat: Australians talking about Asia, Journal of Sociology Cannizzo, F., & Osbaldiston, N. (2016). Academic work/life balance: A brief quantitative analysis of the Australian experience, Journal of Sociology Matthew Wade (2016). Seeker-friendly: The Hillsong megachurch as an enchanting total institution, Journal of Sociology Ting, S,. Perales, F., & Baxter, J. (2016), Gender, ethnicity and the division of household labour within heterosexual couples in Australia, Journal of Sociology Spies-Butcher, B., & Stebbing, A. (2016). Climate change and the welfare state? Exploring Australian attitudes to climate and social policy, Journal of Sociology Broom, A., Broom, J., Kirby, E., & Adams, J. (2016). The social dynamics of antibiotic use in an Australian hospital, Journal of Sociology Wendy Heywood, Anthony Lyons, Bianca Fileborn, Victor Minichiello, Catherine Barrett, Graham Brown, Sharron Hinchliff, Sue Malta and Pauline Crameri (2016). Self-reported testing and treatment histories among older Australian men and women who may be at risk of a sexually transmissible infection, Sexual Health Drabowicz, Tomasz (2017) "Social Theory of Internet Use: Corroboration or Rejection among the Digital Natives? Correspondence Analysis of Adolescents in Two Societies", Computers & Education, Vol. 105, February, pp 57–67. McKenzie, Lara 2016. ‘Love from afar: Transcending distance and difference in age-dissimilar couplings?’, Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, Special issue: ‘Peripheral cosmopolitanisms’, George, Molly, Fitzgerald, Ruth P., & Jaye, Chrystal (eds), pp. 198-221. Pienaar, K., Moore, D., Fraser, S., Kokanovic, R., Treloar, C. and Dilkes-Frayne, E. (2016). Diffracting addicting binaries: An analysis of personal accounts of alcohol and other drug 'addiction'. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine,early online DOI: 10.1177/1363459316674062 Informed News Analysis & CommentaryStewart Lockie: Why give the Green Army its marching orders? The Conversation Alexandra Gibson, Alex Broom & Zarnie Lwin: ‘It’s your fault you got cancer’: the blame game that doesn’t help anyone, The Conversation Maurizio Labbate, Alphia Possamai-Inesedy, Erica Donner & Roisin McMahon: Why the health and agriculture sectors need to work together to stop antibiotic resistance, The Conversation Petra Bueskens: Why We Grieved For Hillary Clinton And Who Defends ‘Western Values’ Anyway? New Matilda Andrew Jakubowicz :First the word, then the deed: how an ‘ethnocracy’ like Australia works, The Conversation Dina Bowman and Marcus Banks: ‘We lost the house, we lost everything’: what dealing with financial stress looks like, The Conversation Catherine Strong: ARIA there yet? Causes galore and some poop talk at the music industry awards, The Conversation Catherine Strong: Smash it up, burn it down: should Joe Corré set fire to punk history this weekend? The Conversation BlogsJames Arvanitakis : Education Blog: Graduate Attributes for 2017 and beyond PodcastsKaties Hughes: TASA2016 Presidential address Doug Ezzy: Governing Religious Diversity in Australia Theresa Petray and Nick Pendergrast: Experimental Utopias and Social Change: Examples from Australian Non-Hegemonic Activism (Power Point slides - Experimental Utopias and Social Change: Examples from Australian Non-Hegemonic Activism) Nick Pendergrast: Rescuing Dogs in a Mercedes-Benz: Animal Advocacy in China (Power Point slides - Rescuing Dogs in a Mercedes-Benz: Animal Advocacy in China) Barry Shannon: "Kids don't want to be freaks": Transgender and gender diverse young people’s views on queer-affirming teaching practices’. Deb King & Christy Newman: Work life balance in academia Gary Bouma, Marion Maddox, Bryan Turner, Lori Beaman. The John Western Memorial Plenary at the TASA 2016 Conference. Carrie Connolly: #TASA2016 "Coming out on YouTube" James Arvanitakis (joint recipient of the peoples' award), Tom Barnes. Paul James, Louise Keogh. Jo Lindsay, Ben O'Mara recipient of the judges' award), Alan Scott & Vivienne Waller (joint recipient of the peoples' award): The Inaugural TASA and CHASS Speed dating for Sociology Researchers VideosDan Woodman & Bryan Turner: TASA 2016 Open Plenary Safer Schools for LGBTIQ People and their Families: A panel organised by the Families and Relationships Thematic Group (FRG) at TASA2016 to explore Safer Schools for LGBTIQ People and their families. The four presenters include:
EventsBook LaunchTODAY 6 – 8 pm, Level 1, 66 King Street, Sydney James Arvanitakis is launching WORKS, a beautiful 336 page hardback coffee table book co-authored by Professor James Arvanitakis and Ralph Hobbs. The publication features over 300 works painted by the artist during his 30+ year career. Signed copies of the book will be available on the night. Funding for Women's Leadership DevelopmentWomen & Leadership Australia have scholarships are available across three key management levels. Applications close: December 22. Read on... SymposiumsConsumer & Consumption @ Yale Symposium March 31, 2017 Abstract submission deadline: December 15. Read on... GPN-Labour Symposium ConferencesEuropean Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) July 6- 8, 2017 Copenhagen Sub-theme 69: Organization Studies and Industrial Relations: Overlapping Concerns and New Possibilities The stream seeks to promote the dialogue between labour relations and wider scholarship in organisation studies. They are looking for a broad range of contributions and would like to have some more submissions with a sociological bent. Read on... New Economic Sociology and Sociology: Where Do They Meet? Where Do They Diverge? 8-9 May 2017 in Warsaw, Poland Submission deadline: December 10. Read on... Making alcohol and other drug realities Contemporary Drug Problems 23-25 August, 2017. Helsinki, Finland Abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2017. Read on... XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities Toronto, Canada, on July 15-21, 2018. Read on... The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) invites submissions for the 67th Annual Meeting, to be held August 11-13, 2017, at the Montreal Bonaventure Hotel in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Submission deadline: January 31, 2017. Read on... Call for Papers - JournalsBoyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Special Issue Contemporary Boys’ Literacies / Boys’ Literatures First draft submissions deadline: February 1, 2017. Read on... Future-Proofing Higher Education: towards the Citizen Scholar Active Learning in Higher Education Submission deadline: 1 February 2017. Read on... Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities Special issue on Cultural and Social Anthropology, to be published in December 2017. Abstract submission deadline: December 15. Read on... Sport, Feminism, and the Global South Sociology of Sport Journal Guest editors: Kim Toffoletti and Catherine Palmer Submission deadline: March 1, 2017. Read on... Newsletter SubmissionsWe encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced) for the next newsletter, to the TASA Office. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning. Links to external servers do not imply any official endorsement by The Australian Sociological Association or the opinions, ideas or information contained therein, nor guarantee the validity, completeness or utility of the information provided. Reference herein to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation.