Oar fees

Oar fees for the first half of the year were sent out ahead of the CUBC regatta. Thank you to those who paid! If you did not get an oar fees bill, it means you did not clock up $50 in oar fees for the first half of the year.
Most competitive rowers can expect another oar fees bill to be paid BEFORE the Sunday of State Championships. If you didn't manage to pay your first bill, the amount will simply be added to your second bill.
Sprints and States regattas attract a $10 per seat oar fee (up from $5/$7 for normal regattas).
If you have any queries or want to know what you owe, please email peta.rule@amawa.com.au or call 0414 282 448. |
As we near the finish line... let's pick up the rate
Hi everyone.
Many of you will note (and many have emailed me about it!) that it's been a little while since I managed to put fingers to keyboard to get out a WARC newsletter. I humbly beg your forgiveness!
This, typically, does not mean there's been nothing to write about. Converseley, it' s been a mammoth six weeks for WARC since the last newsletter.
Firstly: Well done to our guys who made the WA Youth Cup team! Hannah Vermeersch, Phoebe Gorfin and Jessie O'Mahony made the team, which was rounded out by WARC with Rowan Ellis in the coxswain seat and Tom Morris as coach.
In other news... we bought a scull trailer, cleaned up at the CUBC regatta, staggered through seat racing, sourced a tent, crashed - then fixed - about half the fleet, sold freddos for fundraising, bought some oars, dressed up and got down in 80s gear, had one of our rowers named "most consistent sculler" at the schoolgirls HOR (good work!), and cheered on the other HOR girls who have now returned to the WARC fold ahead of the State Championships. It's great to have you back too, grisl!
Our rowers who are training to take on the Indian Ocean in 2009 have their website up and running and are set to appear in the Western Suburbs Weekly this week, we started a "boat damage" log through our website (more on these later), preparation is going on for the annual dinner, the AGM, the next Learn to Row course and the Lord Mayor's Cup. And we found a home for two of our coxed fours, which WARC has donated to the new Armadale rowing club on the proviso we can lend them back for the Lord Mayor's Cup each year.
Oh, and we bought two pairs and a single scull after the AIS turned over its fleet, they're due to arrive in January and are in line with WARC's boat buying strategy.
It's enough to give a anyone headspin.
Anyway, onwards and upwards, or as the Monty Python boys would say: This is abuse.
Just two more weeks... *insert deep breath here*
(ps. hope you like the banner picture. WARC came 1, 2 and 3 in the WD4+ at the CUBC regatta. It was awesome to watch).
Next committee meeting: Thursday, September 11
Sprint Champs regatta: Saturday September 13
Entries due for State Champs (both days): Sunday, September 14
State Champs (WARC day 1): Saturday and Sunday, September 20/21
State Champs after party: Sunday, September 21 at the Colby estate, Orange Grove
Annual Dinner: Saturday, October 4
Next Learn to Row course starts: About October 12.
Scaffolding set-up: Weekend of October 11/12
AGM: October 16 (nominations for positions due fter the erg, August 2
Annual Girls Row: November 9
24-hour rowing challenge: November 22
Fundraising golf day for the Indian Ocean crew: November 22

Roland and Phil on Rotto

Nel and Phoebe: our B1X gals!

Matt Hort, Nick Reid, David Winch and Janelle Austin
Stuff that has happened recently:
Racing Rotto: WARC's senior squads headed to Rotto in an effort to take a break from the backwards-and-forwards of hum-drum weekaday training. The rowers were split into teams and given a list of "Amazing Race" style clues to hurtling around the island on bikes. No one is really sure who won... (well, it was possibly Pete T's team) but what we can tell you is resident lycra geek Nic Rosen just about had kittens when his prized racer ended on the bow of the Rotto ferry, Alex's impressive skills translate to drinking choc milk and we confused the heck out of the Rotto tour guides. Something to definitely do again next year!
CUBC regatta: For the first time in ages, we got to the regatta on time. A big thanks to Tom for organising the purchase of a little sculling trailer which has made everyone's life heaps easier and to Dee and the Murdochs for towing the big trailer. We took out something in the vicinity of 15 (yes, 15!!) wins, with a big proportion going to the U18 lads who just about cleaned up everything. Arch-rivals ANA also took out 15 wins, which means nearly half the events on the day were taken out by just two clubs. For full results, click here.
Umpires strike back:
We had a few tentative days during August dealing with RWA, which was keen to detract 10 per cent of WARC's pennant points due to lack of umpire hours from the club. RWA ran one training course for umpires iin January this year, and although WARC had volunteers willing to undergo an umpire training course (thank you so much to you guys!), during the season, another day was never arranged. As a result, RWA planned to penalise WARC for lack of umpire hours. It's worth noting WARC was the only club facing penalties, despite the fact our existing umpires had actually completed 74 per cent of required hours, which was about the same as some other clubs. WARC owes a great debt of gratitutde to John Murdoch who transferred his umpiring hours from UWA to WARC, resulting in no clubs losing any pennant points. WARC has long protested this rule, suggesting a collaborative approach to an incentive
scheme aimed at attracting, training and rewarding umpires and their clubs would be a more successful venture than penalising those clubs without sufficient umpires.
Return of the (incredibly daggy) 80s prom queen: David Winch and Janelle Austin (both in the picture on the left, but we understand if you don't recognise them) were named Prom King and Queen at WARC's Hot August Night 80s prom cocktail party. Clem Jolly and Amy Walters preyed on WARCers penchant for dressing up and organised a stellar night, as the pictures loaded to Facebook will attest (as did the rather wayward rowing the following morning!) A particularly big congratulations needs to go to the organisers, who had not planned to use the event as a fundraiser but actually sold enough tickets and drinks to jag almost $900. Planning is already under way for the 2009 event.
Book launch: WARC hosted the launch of a new book on August 24 about the history of rowing in Western Australia. The book, written by WA rowing stalward Bill Cooper, is called "Home and Dry" and is available to buy through Rowing WA. As the States (and one of the nation's) oldest rowing club, WARC features throughout the book.

Stuff that's happening soon! (except for States, that has its own story)
Annual dinner: The WARC annual dinner will be on Saturday, October 4. Tickets will be $30 each for a buffet dinner, or $80 for a family (two adults, two U18s). We're giving the buffet a go after years of sit-down talbe service for the annual dinner, just to see how it works! Either way, it will be a great night and we'll be handing out all the blue-ribbon awards including club member of the year, top rower, most improved and all that fun stuff. Please RSVP BY STATES to functions@warowingclub.org. (standby for a proper invite!)
AGM: The WARC Annual General Meeting will be held on October 16 at WARC. This is when the club's financials are presented, and members can nominate to take up a leadership role with the club for 2009. If you would like to nominate for a role, please get a nomination form from Leanne Youngs on leanne.youngs@health.wa.gov.au. We've got lots of positions up for grabs, if you'd like to talk about any of them please get in touch with current office bearers or me (I think i've done most of them!) on peta.rule@amawa.com.au or 0414 282 448.
Learn to Row: WARC has been fielding an endless stream of Learn to Row course requests. We're looking to fire up the next LTR from about October 11 (or there abouts) to run twice a week for six weeks. We're also looking for volunteers to help run the LTR course, it can be great fun to teach people the ropes of rowing and a great way to meet new people. To register interest, please email me on peta.rule@amawa.com.au.
Lord Mayor's Cup: The LMC will turn 20 next year and we're hoping to fire up a pretty big and professional event. It will take a little bit of coordinating but with Helen Stevens our function manager calling the shots, it promises to be a great event. I put it here just in case someone would like to be invovled and help sort fundraising, sponsors etc. If so, send through an email to Helen on functions@warowingclub.org.
2008 Girls Only Row: .. |

WARC at States
WARC is hosting the first day of States. The club volunteered to take on this day because it offers the biggest fundraising potential.
Fortunately (for those who know about this stuff) there are no pontoons this year, so we don't have to source pontoon holders! YAY!
However, we do have lots of other things to do, and if anyone is not already allocated a job for States and could please put their hand up, that would be excellent. The people to get in touch with are as follows:
Catering (barbecue and cafe):
Su Guy, susanne.guy@perthradclinic.com.au, or 0400 771 508
Carolyn Murdoch, murdochs@bigpond.net.au, or 0411 535 830
Boat trailers (towing)
Peter Tomic, on petert@strategicmarine.com or 0407 303 382
Speed boats (sourcing and allocating drivers)
Alex Jolly, a.jolly@aamhatch.com.au or 0427 381 411
Sarah Colby, colbycheese_123@hotmail.com or 0431 915 060
Parking attendants
Tim Murdoch, timmurdsz@bigpond.net.au, or 0403 351 037
Raffle, post-regatta clean-up, all other queries:
Peta, peta.rule@amawa.com.au, or 0414 282 448
The annual Girls Row is on again
From Deb Mason, founder of the Girls Row:
I am sending a preliminary reminder that the 2008 "Girls Row" is coming up. The date has been set for Nov 9 and this year the host is ANA Rowing Club.
For those of you new to rowing in WA every year we hold a Girls ONLY Row late in the year. It is purely social.
The cost is set by the host club - usually $5 for the row and $10 for breakfast (or there abouts). The host club supplies all boats, oars and coxswains. We row for about an hour and then have breakfast.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A CLUB MEMBER TO ROW! The only rule is that you already know how to row so pass this on to friends who perhaps used to row and don't any more for the many varied reasons women stop. We want everyone to come and have fun. Make sure you pass it on to the young women of your respective clubs as I mainly have Masters email addresses.
Crews get mixed up on the day so you could be rowing with women you've never even met before. That's part of the fun. THERE IS NO AGE LIMIT. All women and girls are welcome.
This is about building the fraternity of women within the rowing community.
Last year at Curtin Rowing club we had over 60 rowers. Let's try and beat that this year.
ANA will be sending out more details shortly but put it in your diary and let your friends know about it.
Debbie Mason
(Founders of the Girls Row)
Pennant points
Next regatta: Sprint Championships, Saturday September 13 at CANNING BRIDGE |
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