Immediately after Henry Skerritt defended his thesis for his PhD from the Dietrich School’s Department of History of Art and Architecture (HAA), he was on the road to the University of Virginia. There was no time to celebrate; the following day, he was scheduled to oversee the launch of an exhibit.
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In Focus
When fighting chronic disease, uncertainty can be a most formidable enemy: People who are struggling for survival usually don’t have the luxury of self-care. But Darius Bittle-Dockery hopes to change that narrative.
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Close Up
Every day since January 1, 2011, when the first U.S.-born baby boomer turned 65, 10,000 more Americans have joined her ranks. People are living decades longer now than they did a century ago. But for Kirk Erickson, the key question is: How well are they living, and what can be done to improve matters?
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Wide Angle
In the summer of 2015, Stephanie Taylor found herself in her studio at the Frick, explaining a series of screen prints she’d made to fellow students with little or no artistic experience. And her peers, who hailed from a variety of disciplines, were offering their feedback on how they interpreted her art.
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Kathleen M. Blee has been named the Bettye J. and Ralph E. Bailey Dean of the University of Pittsburgh’s Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and the dean of the College of General Studies. She currently is the Dietrich School’s Senior Associate Dean and a distinguished professor in the school’s Department of Sociology. Blee’s deanship will commence on August 15, 2017.
Of her appointment, Blee said: “The continued excellence of the Dietrich School and College of General Studies is essential to maintaining Pitt’s position as a world-class university. I’m humbled and honored by this opportunity to partner with the provost, chancellor, and our outstanding community of faculty, students, staff, and alumni to ensure that the school’s future builds on our long tradition of exemplary education, impactful research and scholarship, and significant service to the wider community.”
As part of the University’s annual Homecoming celebration, Blee will host a reception for all Dietrich School alumni on Friday, October 13, 2017, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Cathedral Views Lobby, 7th Floor, Alumni Hall. Additional details will be provided by the Pitt Alumni Association.
Learn more about Kathleen M. Blee.
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