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2019 ASEE College Profiles, Deadline Reminder

Dear Colleagues,

This a quick reminder that the ASEE college profiles survey submission deadline is January 31, 2020. Thank you to everyone that has already submitted your institution information.

If you need an extension, please email data@asee.org to request one.  One of us will get back to you quickly about your request.  If you have already been granted an extension, there is no need to reach out again.

In February, we will begin the process of validating the data submitted by all institutions.  For this process, we will need your help.  After we have received your submission, a PDF will be generated of all your submitted data for this year (for both the online survey and the spreadsheets submitted).  The PDF will be sent to the survey contacts, as well as the head of engineering and/ or engineering technology, for review.  If any edits or changes are needed, we will reopen the survey for you to make edits directly into the survey system and resubmit.  We will begin sending these pdfs in late February and contact institutions over late February and March during the validation process.

Therefore, we will need you to complete and submit your data to trigger the review and validation process for your data.

If you have any questions about the Profiles survey or the validation process, please reach out to data@asee.org.



Charles M. Stuppard
Data Analyst, Institutional Research & Analytics
American Society for Engineering Education
Inspiring Innovation. Advancing Research. Enhancing Education.
c.stuppard@asee.org | 202-350-5718

If you have a new contact who we should be adding to our email list, please add their contact information here: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/y/DDCCEDCBEF464A27

Also, please use the link above if someone in your office should be receiving emails and didn't. Some email systems have started unsubscribing users from our list. We cannot re-add you if you have been unsubscribed.

The initial email we sent announcing the Profiles survey open (with general instructions): http://createsend.com/t/y-560EFE9848018455

The current survey instructions are here: https://ira.asee.org/profiles-of-engineering-and-engineering-technology-instructions/

Instructional Videos: https://ira.asee.org/profiles-of-engineering-and-engineering-technology-instructions/webinars/